Monday, December 1, 2008

Massage Chair Recliners Are an Effective Back Pain Treatment

By James Knolan

If you suffer from back pain, then you owe it to yourself to explore what treatment options are available. You want to check with your doctor or chiropractor to diagnose your condition. Some forms of lower back pain can be treated more naturally while others may need surgery. This depends on many factors that your health professional can consult you on directly. Many back pain treatments utilize massage therapy to help assist the healing process. Massage therapy is not necessarily the cure. It is a compliment to your therapeutic needs. Massage therapy can be performed by a massage therapist or in some cases with a massage chair.

There are two major causes of back pain. Either it just happens, like an accident, which is most unfortunate. Or it creeps up gradually on us as we go about our routines. A traumatic injury is usually a sharp pain which needs immediate attention. The more subtle, gradual pain build up may from our sitting, posture, pregnancy or even from stress. This more subtle pain is nonetheless painful. We need to think prevention and start to seek treatment while it is in its early stages.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. This is certainly true with back pain. If you suffer from back pain, it is not going to go away on its own. Seek professional help. Your doctor can find out what is wrong and develop a plan with you to get healthy again. Remember other than injury, back pain occurs gradually. This means that habits need to be changed to reverse the causes of the pain.

Usually one needs to takes some form of corrective action to start to correct the problem causing the back pain. In the case of minor back pain, changes in sitting position may be required. Posture may require holding your shoulders back and not slouching. Stress may require more resting and decompression time. In any event, your doctor or chiropractor can help set you on the right course for treatment. Then the healing process needs to get established.

Part of the healing process may require massage therapy. Although a professional massage therapist is the preferred method for massage therapy, massage chairs have some particular advantages. Massage chairs offer a tremendous variety of massages. You can receive shiatsu, Swedish, deep tissue, reflexology, kneading, chopping, compression, and pressing to mention a few. The premier massage chair brands provide full body massages from your head to your feet. Additionally, perhaps the most important advantage may be in home convenience and 24/7 access. Find out what is right for you.

Consult with your doctor or chiropractor and find the best course of action for your particular condition. Do not just continue to live with the pain. Find relief for your back pain. There are many options available today. You owe it to yourself and your family to get the healing process going. Relieving your discomfort can go a long way to changing your outlook on life. Do not wait find out how you can get relief today. - 16003

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