Tuesday, December 30, 2008

All About Affiliate Marketing Program

By Don Bethune

Affiliate marketing programs allows advertisers to reimburse webmasters for the space of putting up advertisements on their webpage or even within the e-mails they send. These advertisers pay for space on the internet, much as they would on a billboard or in a magazine or newspaper.

The ease with which a webmaster can participate in affiliate marketing programs has made it one of the most well known ways to earn income without leaving the comforts of home. Many people have their own websites and this allows almost anyone (housewives, homebound, etc.) to have their own 'home business' and realize monetary freedom.

From the above lines a simple question arises. How and why do advertisers pay to webmasters for just putting up their advertisements? Well the answer is more than simple. Webmasters who receive several thousands hits a day on their webpage are among the top that are posted on various search engines.

Having an add on such a page would be lucrative to any company as it can account to hundreds of new customers everyday. Therefore the price that advertisers pays to the webmasters depends on the number of hits of the webpage on which the add is going to appear on.

There are different versions of affiliate marketing program. Some of them include cost per click, cost per thousand, cost per action, cost per lead and so on. Cost per click as the name says is getting paid for every click on the advertisement of the advertiser.

Similar analogies stand for the others. For example cost per thousand means getting paid for a thousand clicks of the advertisers adds and cost per action means getting paid everytime a certain action is performed. Cost per lead is similar to cost per action.

How do you as a webmaster choose the right affiliate marketing program for your websites? Many webmasters simply search the internet! The best way to determine which program best suits your site is to search for affiliate programs, evaluate the payments schedules offered, and determine if ad placement is suitable for your site based on size and location requirements.

Income from affiliate marketing is highly dependent on the number of hits a website receives. It is important to consider that part or all of the income generated may be considered taxable income; it is best to check with your local tax office for city, state, and federal regulations. Regardless, the income potential is boundless and worth looking into. - 16003

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