Monday, December 29, 2008

Having a Pump Does Not Mean Muscle Gain

By Ricardo d Argence

Picture this scenario: you've been working in the gym for half an hour and after a really hard set of your routine on the bench your chest feels tight and engorged with blood. It feels great, healthy, powerful. "Pump", is how they call that feeling. If you have ever had the feeling, then you know great it feels. Arnold said it's like having sex (i'm not really sure if it's good in THAT level, but yes, it's an amazing feeling).

So, what's exactly a pump? It's nothing but the tight, blood-congested feeling in a muscle after it has been intensely trained. Is the feeling that you get as blood becomes trapped inside your muscle. And it's a great, great feeling. But you don't go to the gym and perform all that effort for hours just for that feeling. And that feeling does not guarantee you'll achieve your gain muscle goal.

Don't worry if you achieve a pump during your workout, it's not a bad thing. It's nothing but the natural result of intense weight training. Its blood running trough your veins, that's all. But, if you go to the gym to get that feeling instead of focus on gain muscle, well, if you think that's the right way to get the look you desire, let me tell you one thing: you are wasting your time (and money), and you are completely wrong...

On countless occasions I've heard lifters raving about the massive pumps they get in the gym as they share methods for achieving the best pump possible. "Dude, this will give you a crazy pump!" If you have already been working out for a decent amount of time then you know exactly what I'm talking about. While a pump does feel extremely satisfying, just remember that it means very little in terms of muscle stimulation and growth.

A pump is simply the result of extra blood within the muscle tissue. Think of it this way: if I took a pair of 10 pound dumbbells and performed 300 reps of a bench press movement, I would achieve an incredible pump. If muscle pumps meant muscle growth, then super light weight, ultra high rep programs would be the most effective way to grow. Any serious lifter with half a brain knows that this simply is not the case.

Take your workout records (in terms of weight and reps) from the previous week and compare it to the current week. Did you improve? Were you able to either increase the resistance slightly on each exercise, or perform an extra rep or two? If so, you had a successful workout, regardless of how much blood you were able to pump into your muscle tissue.

If you are able to consistently achieve this, your muscle size and strength will increase faster than you ever thought possible, with or without a pump. I hope this article cleared up your confusion on the issue of "muscle pumps". - 16003

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