Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Reduce Excess Stomach Fat

By Jose Loni

Excess stomach fat is fat that is excessively accumulated in the stomach region. Food that we consume, either gets used up as energy or is converted and stored as fat in our stomach area. This happens when we overeat, lack exercise as well as have high stress in our lives.

Our diet plays a major role in excess stomach fat. When we overeat, our bodies cannot consume the carbohydrates to be utilized as fuel. As a result, it converts the excess carbohydrates into fat and accumulates it in the stomach.

Monitoring the quality and quantity of our diet can keep our energy and blood sugar levels more stable. By eating 5-6 meals per day and decreasing the size of each meal, we are able to keep our energy stable.

Physical activity is a key factor in reducing excess stomach fat. By exercising more and burning more calories and at the same time decreasing the amount of food we eat, we can allow our bodies to increase its metabolic activity and reduce excess stomach fat.

By increasing our exercise activity and decreasing our food intake, we allow our bodies to utilize the fuel from our diet as well as the excess fat that is stored in the stomach area.

Studies have shown that increased stress causes the release of a hormone called Cortisol, which has been linked to fat storage in the stomach region of the body.

When the body is under stress, it reacts by storing away fat to be able to use it as a fuel in case of emergency. It is the body's way of protecting itself and preparing for an emergency situation.

By controlling the quality and quantity of the food we eat, as well as increasing our exercise activity, we can really reduce the excess body fat that is stored in the stomach. Managing our stress helps us to keep our bodies balanced and reduce the hormones that promote the storage of fat in the stomach. Controlling these factors are some simple ways of decreasing excess stomach fat. - 16003

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