Monday, December 29, 2008

A Bunk Bed is a space-saving, cost-cutting method to accommodate.

By Todd Martin

You can double your kids' fun with a custom-made bedroom design that's twice the comfort; twice the pleasure, and twice the easiness of any other - custom kids bunk beds. Whether you decorate a kids room meant to be common between siblings or a bedroom for just a lone kid who happens to have regular overnight guests, a bunk bed is a space-saving, cost-cutting way to accommodate. Also since, siblings don't always get along, but when they do it's a strong bond like no other. Giving your siblings a bunk bed to share is one way to help encourage that kind of proximity you wish for them. Sleeping above or below one's brother or sister is a valuable shared life experience the two of them will enjoy for the rest of their lives?

These two beds in bunk beds are as poles apart as the two people sleeping there. The top bunk offers a bird's vision on world, a far-reaching vantage point that's open and expansive. The lower bunk offers a tent style shelter effect that provides a sense of privacy and safety, like sleeping in a nest. Odds are, if you have two kids, one will resonate more with the former and the other with the latter. If not, if they both like both experiences, then both the children can take turns, switching off top and lower bunks as frequently as they wish.

Also, size is a very important factor. Most bunk beds come in twin over twin size but twin over twin bunk beds and full over full are available. There are several advantages to having one or the other but it really comes down to the comfort of your children. A twin size may be too small for older children while a full size can take up a bit of room as they are quite hefty. Determine what size your children need and you've narrowed down your choices a bit!

Bunk beds help even the laziest children to get at least a moment of exercise. Climbing up and down the ladder of a bunk bed helps build power in the arms and legs; it also gives a brief cardiovascular boost, and helps kids grow better muscular coordination. Once you have decided to buy twin over twin bunk beds for your kids, the big question is to find one at a right price. Nowadays your best bet is to buy online; These online shopping sites are cheap as they have no warehousing cost and cater to large customer base there by saving by purchasing more from the manufacturer, Benefits of which are passed on to the customer. They have wide variety of good quality cheap bunk beds. Also for all your efforts you will save your time and your money. - 16003

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