Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Legitimate Business Opportunities: 3 Lessons Learned

By Asem Eltaher

Are you not interested to make serious money online working just few minutes per day from the comfort of your home? It would be really great if you can spend your free time playing around with your family and children. This way you can enjoy your life without having to obey your boss who is always looking for the next chance to give you the next task. Never mind, I am here to teach you an easy step by step plan to fire your boss in 30 days and to make $5,000 in your first day.

It is really amazing how many beginners looking for an online business opportunity are being scammed by internet frauds. Traditionally, internet scammers start by showing you that you know your pain and all the suffering stuff you have to face for your 9-5 job to trigger your emotions and increase your motivation. Then, they show you that they came up with the magic and perfect solution for you so that you have no chance to say no.

Unfortunately, I lost few thousands of dollars in the last whole year trying to finally find legit work at home jobs and now I can tell you that most of these get rich quick programs are nothing but scams who promise you the moon and finally leave you again disappointed.

Lesson (1): Internet Scams do Succeed. Why?

The first reason is most of the get rich schemes devote reasonable time and energy to let you think that it is one of the top serious legitimate business opportunities that finally achieve your dream to make easy and fast money on the internet. A wise idea is to check their credibility using other popular internet marketing forums to see how serious and honest they are.

Secondly, internet frauds work on pushing your buttons to produce the automatic response they want. It is nothing to do with you personally; it is to do with the way individuals in society are wired up emotionally and socially. To stop internet scammers manipulating you into their traps, it can be useful to know how to prevent the automatic response they expect. A wise idea is never to buy the first business opportunity you find even if you believe it can make you millions of $$$.

Lesson (2): Legitimate Business Opportunities: Find it Out?

In the very beginning of my online business trip, I contacted as many people behind these websites that promise you the moon and unfortunately I ordered their programs in order to find out what they were really about. Here is my advice for you that 90% of these scams have:

Scam websites do not stand alone but they usually link to other websites asking for more money.

Scam websites are not periodically updated and usually have some broken links in their websites.

Play the role of a new coming skeptic customer and they would probably ignore your email. They simply need just your money.

No refunds: Play the role of an unsatisfied customer asking for his money back and see!

Search well known affiliate networks like commission junction, or clickbank and you would never find an affiliate program for them.

Lesson (3): Legitimate Business Opportunities Hard Facts.

You will not get rich online the week or even the month you start your legit work at home business. It takes time to build your credibility and spread your words to gain new customers to your business.

Nobody is going to flood your PayPal account with money, if you do nothing. Legitimate business opportunities involve hard work, setting plans, and before everything you must take an action.

Real and serious part time home jobs does not need only few minutes work per day as non serious opportunities promise you.

Legitimate business opportunities would not help you to quit your job in 30 days or to make a full time income in the coming few days.

Do not worry! You can still quit your hard 9-5 job and it is of course possible to achieve a full time income by having an online business opportunity in case it is a serious one. To find it out, check the following points:

1. Contact them as a new coming customer asking few questions to see how serious and fast they are.

2. Money back guarantee is a key factor to decide. Mail them asking to know their procedure about how to get your money back in case you are not satisfied.

3. Never forget to check others feedback about this program using popular online business forums and blogs. - 16003

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