Wednesday, December 31, 2008

How to Start up an Employment Agency

By Alice Sy

An employment agency can be a prospective business. Since the demand for workers is high, with more businesses being established that prefer getting their workers from an agency, it can promise a good income. If you have any interest in putting up a business like this, here are some pieces of advice for you:

Take a look at your budget. No business can be established without a capital. There will be a need to buy some equipment and materials, and employ people who will make up your staff.

Observe the movements of your business rivals. Try to do your best in coming up with a competitive business. Draw out information on how much they charge and based on that, set up your own rating system.

Find out what legal documents you need to process. One of the obligations that will be required by the law from you is to obtain all the necessary permits and licenses. You'll have to know where to get these documents, how and what you should present for the processing.

The business site is an important factor. It should be accessible to your applicants. If your home is located in a good area, you can opt to place your office there. It will be more convenient for you and it will make you save a huge amount of money because you won't have to pay for transportation and monthly rental fees.

Apply for a dedicated phone line. As much as possible, this phone should only be used for business purposes. Keep it open for your clients and applicants. You can also choose to divert the calls to your residential phone after working hours. Hiring an answering service is also a good idea or you can simply install a voice mail or an answering machine to resolve this.

Establish your marketing strategy. You can hire marketers or post announcements on different classified ads offline and online to get clients. You can also tell your employees that they will be given a reward for each referral that they make.

No matter what, it's quite important for your business to keep on finding jobs to give to your applicants. There may be many applicants but what's the use if they will have no employer to go to? - 16003

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