Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Domestic Helper Hong Kong: Tips on Managing Your Domestic Helper

By Alice Sy

In order to effectively manage a domestic helper, Hong Kong employers need to understand what it takes to have a trusted helper in the house. The most important thing to consider is that choosing a particular domestic helper is only the beginning of a relationship. If you plan on having a fruitful working relationship with your maid, management skills are crucial.

Guidelines in management need to be taken up by employers, especially those who are first-time employers to domestic helpers. This will help retain harmonious co-existence and mutual respect. Here are a few tips in the management of home helpers.

Effective management of your helper starts on the first day. From day one, any rules within the household must be made clear to the domestic helper. After all, the helper will already be an important part of the household from this day on. The assignments need to be given as early as possible in order to avoid any confusion.

A domestic helper Hong Kong has the privilege of having a one-day break during the week. This is often referred to as the day-off. As an employer you need to respect the need of the helper to take a break once every week. If the helper feels that her rights are respected, she will be able to commit to the job even more.

Moreover, salary days need to be determined early on by the employer. This is the day during the week when the domestic helper Hong Kong can expect her pay for a week's worth of labor. If you want to successfully manage your helper, you should be able to compensate her fairly and promptly.

In order to nurture such a working relationship, open communication is important. If you think that the domestic helper is not doing her job well, you need to point it out in a clear manner. In the same way, the helper should be able to put forth her concerns as openly as possible.

Finally, if you wish to manage your domestic helper Hong Kong in the best manner, having a complete understanding of the signed contract is very essential. Following the stipulated contract will ensure peaceful interaction at all times.

With the important roles of domestic helpers for families based in Hong Kong, employers need to be able to treat their helpers as professionally and humanely as possible. Managing a helper successfully need not be difficult. As long as you know the best guidelines, hiring and managing your domestic helper will be easy. - 16003

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