Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Awesome Kitchen Gadgets

By Nick Frykas

These days, there is a bewildering number of kitchen gadgets and utensils out there. While a lot of them may be unnecessary and take up extra space, quite a few of them can make life a lot easier and help prepare food faster. Here are my favorite seven kitchen tools and why I like them.

Bread Makers: Whoever invented this wonderful device should get a trophy or an award. We use our bread maker all the time to get fresh, homemade bread without all of the hard work. If you love fresh bread at home, consider a bread maker.

Automatic Coffee Maker: This goes well with the bread maker. Add coffee grounds and water, set the clock and have coffee waiting for you when you stumble out of bed in the morning. Rise and shine!

Kitchen Knives with Block: For safe storage of your knives, you need a knife block. This way you won't reach into a drawer and stab yourself, and they are easier to get at too. A high quality set will last a lot longer and stay sharper.

Plastic Food Containers: With a set of containers for food storage, saving leftovers is much easier. Many have lids with vents, for use in microwaves. Another way to use them is to freeze food for future use. They look better than old margarine and yogurt containers, too.

Hand Held Immersion Blender: Just like the name says, you hold these in your hand and put the business end into pots, mixing bowls or even drink glasses. For small blending jobs, a hand held blender is fast and easy to clean.

Toaster Oven: A quick way to toast sandwiches and smaller items, these little ovens don't replace a regular kitchen oven. They make great garlic bread and work well for mini pizzas.

Sandwich Grill: I love the way my grilled cheese sandwich comes out with the edge sealed when I use on of these. That way I can use more cheese!

And that gives you a rundown of my favorite kitchen gadgets. I hope you got some ideas of what you would like in your own kitchen. I have never regretted buying any of these, and we use most of them on a daily basis, especially the coffee maker! - 16003

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