Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Ultimate Wedding Photography Tips

By Amanda Maseko

The bride and groom are usually so busy on their wedding day that without photos to remind them, many of the days events would be forgotten. Because of this, the vast majority of couple arrange for a digital wedding photographer to be there for the most important part of the day.

This isn't easy; creating that perfect shot if you are taking photographs without help as there is only so much you can do on your own without help. This article highlights a few basic techniques and styles for anyone who wants to capture a friend or family members wedding using a digital camera.

Unless you know how to compensate or have taken the shot purposely for effect; remember the background is very important. Often when there is a good background there are just too many people in the shot, so if this is the situation, just try and capture a nice head and shoulders shot of the couple.

Spectacled guests can be a problem as glare from their glasses obscures their eyes and reflects back at the camera. If there is someone in the group that you particularly want to take a photograph of but they are in a crowd then try using the zoom, it will give a good close-up that you wouldn't achieve any other way.

Some of the best pictures you will take will be those where the subject(s) do not know the shot is being taken and the best way to do this is by using a zoom lens. You should be alert at all times when shooting digital wedding photography since you can seldom ask people to keep posing for you and the day is also about spontaneity.

The last thing you want to happen is for your digital camera to have half charged batteries and a memory card that is already half full as it will restrict how many shots you can take. A one gigabyte card should be the bare minimum you have if your camera is a six mega pixel model, a larger capacity if the camera has a higher mega pixel rating.

The higher the resolution you set the better the images will be and the larger they can be printed out. To ensure your pictures are safe and ready to print, save them as soon as possible to your computer's hard drive and create a CD you can present to the couple.

If you have a passion for photography and a good relationship with the two people getting married then your digital wedding photography images should come out just fine. - 16003

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