Saturday, November 29, 2008

Telecommuting - The High-Tech way to Earn a Living

By Jordan Dempsey

The information superhighway has certainly helped us in a lot of ways. It has made a milestone in the field of the business industry. Because of the internet, there are millions of people nowadays who prefer to work at home rather than going to a regular office day after day.

This is a great opportunity for people now to work in the familiar surroundings of their own homes, with all the comforts they are used to without having to brave the elements especially on these winter mornings. As a result, telecommuting, or working from home, is becoming ever more popular.

Think again if you believe that telecommuting is not as stressful or as hard as doing your job from the office. Even though it has become really popular in recent times, telecommuting is also becoming more and more challenging. So, if you are thinking of a life of telecommuting, consider these ideas.

Act professional - The world of telecommuting also requires everyone to have the professionalism expected from those who really work in physical business establishments. Deadlines, reports and estimates still have to be on time and presented in a professional manner.

Show enthusiasm An important point. Your employer will sometimes assume that because that they are not able to watch you at work, that you will not be 'pulling your weight' at home. They need to be reassured that you are as committed at work as you are at home.

Downplay telecommuting aspect - Don't give the impression that telecommuting is the primary example that you applied for the job. Your focus should be on the tasks you are been asked to perform at work, not the telecommuting part.

Be flexible Be prepared to be more flexible when telecommuting epically when it comes to schedules. Whereas at work, you have a certain set of tasks to complete at by the end of the day, at home you may have to schedule work outside of office hours.

If this is the case, you have to show your employer that you are very flexible and willing to tale on the irregular nature of telecommuting. I may not be the case that you have to work many irregular hours in practise, but it is good practice to show you are willing when needed.

Bear in mind that telecommuting is not an easy task. It will require you to give the same amount of effort that you show once you attend work in regular day jobs. In fact, telecommuting requires everyone to have a great deal of perseverance and dedication in their jobs, perhaps even more than what a day job requires. - 16003

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