Saturday, November 29, 2008

Work At Home

By Julie Roze

Let's face it. Most of us want to work from the comfort of our own home. But how do we get from a J O B to a business that we run ourselves. Well, it really depends on our risk factor. Some people believe that if we jump in with both feet that we can come out and be successful. Others like to put one foot in, and still, there are some with simple a toe dipping in from now until then.

Well, what kind of home business do you think you can run? I guess it all depends on what your interested in. If you open an online business, you are now working with a global market. Surely, you can find customers out there. There are over 6 billion people on the planet. You can make money on any subject.

Do you know what blogging is? If not, your out of the loop. It's a place where you go and post your thoughts and comments on any topic. Others can come on and post their own thoughts. People from around to the world will be able to see your site and talk with you.

How do they make money you say, well, there are many ways. Perhaps they have some sort of pay per click advertisements, or maybe even affiliate programs. More and more people are spending money online. If you like in a rural community and don't have shops that offer what you need, simply order it. Or if you live in urban areas and are just too busy, you can shop during your break or at night before bed.

Information is now becoming an important factor on the internet. Yes, there are many free resources, however, there are many people willing to pay for membership sites that give them more information than they can get for free. You can create a site on almost anything and make money from it. All you need is a dream and direction.

I was walking in the same shoes you are in now. Learning about this amazing thing they call the internet. I though I understood the internet until I started doing research. I didn't realize I was costing one website owner money and making another one money at the same's amazing the way it works.

I was on information overload trying to understand the inner workings of this virtual world. But eventually I got it and was able to implement what I had learned. And here I am....I am making money...ha, who would have thought. Now, it's kind of fun poking fun at those 9-5ers... and I can finally say...I told you so.

All you need to setup a Home Based Business is a computer, the internet, time and knowledge. The first three you must provide, the last, I can. Nobody said it was going to be easy, but nobody said it would be difficult either. It is what you make it. - 16003

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