Sunday, November 30, 2008

Simple Secrets yo Achieve Fast Weight Loss

By Ricardo d Argence

Before you start your weight loss marathon, take time to consider how long it took to put the weight on. It would be amazing to push a button and have the weight melt off in a matter of weeks, but that is not only, not practical, it is not safe. Be that as it may, there are some practical things that you can do to start shedding the pounds more quickly than you may have thought.

What I am saying and suggesting might sound odd, but if you listen for a minute, I think I can make myself understood. Reduce as much stress as possible by meditating, resting, reading, taking time for yourself, or whatever works to help reduce your sensation of stress. Our bodies naturally decrease metabolism when we are suffering from stress because stress-related things typically occur when food is scarce.

You should be eating constantly throughout the day, but no junk food please! You should eat a minimum of six regularly spaced small meals every day. This will trigger your body into a faster metabolism because it will get in the pattern of expecting another meal very soon, so it will feel comfortable metabolizing the last meal rather than storing it up, not quite sure when the next meal will be coming.

Digestion of your meals is more difficult when your stomach and intestines are full of unhealthy things. There are many ways to go about loosing weight, and you might want to consider doing a complete body cleanse. Many find that by doing this they find that they are more energetic and their physical appearance becomes more healthy.

I am certain that you are not drinking enough water. Do you know how much you should be drinking? Using this calculation, if you weigh approximatey 180 pounds then you would want to consume at least 90 ounces of water each day. According to the formula, the correct number of ounces of water you should drink each day can be calculated by taking your weight (in pounds) and dividing by two. Note: tap water is not an option. You are best off switching between drinking water filtered with reverse osmosis and water that has been distilled. If you can't stand the taste of water, then add fresh squeezed lemons, but no sugar or sugar substitutes.

Even a thirty minute brisk walk will do wonders for your weight, with forty-five minutes to an hour of aerobic exercise being ideal for overall health.

Most of us do not get balanced nutrition in our diets. It would be hard to eat enough food to give us what we need, so add supplements to your diet. Be careful to not be tempted to get them from Wal-Mart or a chain vitamin outlet like GNC. If you want results, go to a natural health food store and ask a knowledgeable clerk for recommendations.

One of the best ways to promote a diet is to tell everyone the success that you are having. Don't wait until you have results. Just say it. Never talk talk to yourself about any negative self image you may have, or even your fear of failure, but talk about the success you are experiencing and/or hope to find. Bottom line: If you can BELIEVE IT, you can ACHIEVE IT!

You should determine how much weight you need to loose in order to be in optimal health. Then with a child of proportionate weight in your arms, walk for five minues. If you can't find a child, fill up a gym bag with books until it weighs the same amount that you want to lose. When you finally put it down, it will be a great relief, so just imagine how amazing it will feel to lose that much of yourself!

Being overweight is bad for you in so many areas of your life. The biggie is health areas, but your weight can also cause social, psychological, and relational problems. Don't you deserve better than that? - 16003

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