Saturday, November 29, 2008

Do MLM Mailing Lists Fit to Your Business? 3 Factors to Consider

By Asem Eltaher

MLM mailing lists may be the cause of more heartbreaks than any other single factor in mlm business. A poorly chosen opt in mlm leads, a weak mailing, and the high cost of mailing to a list can shadow your mlm success very quickly. That is why it is really a good idea to think deeply if the mlm mailing list is the proper advertising technique for your home based business.

Is a Mailing List the Proper Advertising Method for You? It Depends on:

Are your affiliate products too complicated to be properly described in no more than 30-words ad? If your answer is yes, then a mailing list is not for you. No prospective would be happy to read a long Email to discover how good your products are.

It is not strange to have an opt-in list of 200 to 1,000 customers and finally get only few orders. So, if you can not afford such a situation, then think once more before you use an mlm list.

Does your affiliate product make you a reasonable profit, if you achieve only few sales to a 1,000 piece mailing list? If yes, then a mailing list would work for you with high probability.

Before You Start, Here are 3 Tips to Succeed:

1. It should not bother you at all to achieve only few sales from a list of 1,000 customers. This is definitely Ok and normal and few sales should not frustrate you, instead, you should be further motivated to apply what you learned to achieve another few sales in another niche, an so on.

2. Follow up and keep a consistent contact with your list as you want to win a life-time member. Many experts in the field of mlm mailing list reported that they achieved a success and got more people in their down line after contacting them 3-5 times.

3. Stick to the facts and only to the facts. Never ever promise your down line mailing list with something that you can not really achieve and on time. This would make your down line mailing list very hesitating, if you promise them something again and they will never believe you.

Are Mailing Lists the right decision to achieve an mlm success?

On the one side, Opt in mlm leads offered by many mlm marketing companies, is truly a good idea to test the response of the consumers to a business offer. Specialized product-buyers' lists can work beautifully if the offering is unique enough and worth a try for merchandise marketing.

On the other side and whatever your online business is, be careful when choosing your mlm company as it is usual that some companies sell the same list to multiple customers. This would make your offer to this list a non-unique offer that would not probably lead to any increase in your down line.

Here is my Last Remark for You:

A good rule of thumb would be to choose the mailing lists where the involved people have bought something before on the internet, or joined an online business through reading offers sent in the email. This would make a good short cut for you in the time and effort needed to convince the people that they can join a business through an online offer sent vial Email. - 16003

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