Saturday, November 29, 2008

Get Paid For Surveys Right From Your Living Room!

By Steve Halladay

Every business relies to some extent on market research to assist them in new product development. Customer opinions can be crucial in guiding many aspects of business. You've probably field out at least one survey in the past which was intended to help a company do this. The question remains - is it possible to make money by filling out surveys?

There are companies who are willing to pay people for their time spent filling out surveys - you've probably heard at least a little about this at some point. The data they are able to gather is worth their while to pay for, so they will offer cash to those who share their opinions with them.

We get asked a lot here if there is really money to be made by filling out these surveys and of course, others ask if these opportunities are legitimate.

We were skeptical about paid surveys ourselves - at least at first. It turns out that you really can make money filing out surveys. In fact, if you do things the right way, you can really make a pretty decent income this way. Let's take a closer look at how it's done.

The first step is to find an online survey network where you can access these surveys. You have two choices:

Option #1 - Free Survey Networks

These networks allow you to join free of charge and send you notifications about surveys via email from time to time. However, the downside is that most of these free survey networks will just enter you into a drawing rather than paying you hard currency for you time.

The free survey networks are largely used by smaller companies who do not have the necessary budget to pay consumers for their input. While people like being asked what they think and like the chance of winning something, you're not going to make much if any money this way - even if the drawing is for a cash prize, your odds of winning are vanishingly small.

Option #2 - Membership Based Survey Networks

People who want to make real money filling out surveys opt for these networks.

These networks charge you a onetime membership fee for access to their lists of survey opportunities.

The businesses that use these networks are larger and can afford to pay people for their time and input.

The membership based networks keep their survey opportunity listings frequently updated and can give you the latest opportunities. You can invest as much or as little time as you like in filling out surveys; the more time you spend on it, the more money you'll make.

It's a good idea to go with a membership based survey network which provides a money back guarantee. You can test drive the network and if you're not satisfied, you can simply get back your membership fee. The best networks are those which are so confident in their services that they are comfortable offering this kind of guarantee.

If you want to find a way to make a little extra money, these paid survey opportunities are a great way to do so - and you don't even have to leave your chair! If you have any questions feel free to get in touch. All the best! - 16003

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