Saturday, November 29, 2008

Weight Loss, How to Get Rid of Teenage Obesity

By Ricardo d Argence

In the last twenty years plus, the number of obese teenagers has tripled to almost nine million. The rise in teen-age obesity is staggering. Being overweight is difficult for anyone, but for teenagers the effects can be worse and include health problems and being entirely left out social scene.

Obesity is increasing as is the amount of kids with diabetes. In the past, this more severe form of diabetes was only seen in adults over 40, but current research shows the increasing obesity rate to be the real culprit. Type 2 diabetes can cause renal failure, blindness, and even death.

Sleep apnea is a disorder in which the sufferer quits breathing for short periods while sleeping. When a person is obese, there is little muscle tone around the airway and this can lead to sleep apnea. The resulting oxygen deficiencies can cause major medical problems, like brain damage, heart problems, and death.

Reasearch has recetnly shown that asthma could be related to obesity. In people who are severely overweight, the airways become narrowed due to the under-expansion of their lungs. It has been found that the obese have common low-quality general swelling, this irritations can cause restraints of the air passages when soft muscle tissue are affected.

Unfortunately teenagers have more to worry about than their physical health. School time can be a nightmare for the overweight teenager. Other kids are cruel and say nasty things to them. Often time's teenagers who are overweight will become withdrawn and depressed, adding another ailment to the growing list of concerns.

A major contributor to obesity in teens is their eating habits. Teens are known for their preference for junk food. Many school districts are doing their part to combat this by taking out vending machines that contain candy, chips, and sodas. They have replaced them with juice, water, and healthy snacks.

In order for the teenager to go one-step further, they must begin to change their diet at home. Healthy home cooked meals need to replace the high caloric fast foods they so love.

To slowly introduce healthier choices in your diet, is the best plan. Three regular meals per day and two snacks. Throw away packaged foods in favor of home made. Beginning any meal with a small amount of food on your plate -remember they do not have to clean the plate!- and eating it in a slow, deliberate manner is the basis of "portion control." Eating several servings of fruits and vegetables will help you balance your diet. Sometimes the feeling of thirst can make us think we're hungry, drinking plenty of water and staying well hydrated is important and allows your body to function better.

Today, teenagers get much less exercise. Most teenagers today lead sedentary lives due to increases in electronic forms of entertainment such as television, internet and video games. Be firm with limits on TV time, and remove it from the bedroom. Instead of goining for a walk is a family, or brought bikes to every one.

You could even do your housework in a way that you could get some exercise while doing them. Providing movement is your aim no matter what is necessary. - 16003

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