Saturday, November 29, 2008

Interesting Facts About Diamond Jewelry

By Don Pedro

If you have ever seen a diamond before, will have a good idea why it is so expensive as a jewel. If you have touched one before, you never again want to let it go. If you have the money to afford a diamond ring, I know you'll want one on your finger.

Diamonds are unique, to say the least. Which makes them perfectly befitting for jewels. You couldn't find any other substance more beautiful and alluring, hard and flawless, unique and and perfect. Diamonds just do it the way no other substance can. So you know they will be expensive, don't you? Buying diamond jewelry for a loved one is a sure sign of how much you love and value that special someone.

With a diamond, you know where you stand. I mean, you can't duplicate the thing, so you know that when you hold it, it is the true thing. No other stone can boast of such perpetuity. So diamond costs the most. How do you like that?

It is not easy, looking at any diamond, to imagine them as being typically billions of years old. But that exactly is what they are. They have been buried in the earth forever, but now they are free, more beautiful than you could imagine. Picture one against the warmth of your flesh; now don't you just feel like royalty?

Economically, there are diamond jewelries that cost more than it would take you to build a home for yourself. However, you still want it, so bad you would forfeit your house for it. And why not? The jewel is that beautiful, and more.

When you see a person wear a diamond, the person is always so beautiful. Yet, it is not the person that is so; it is the diamond that they wear. That is the thing about diamonds; you might not be so beautiful yourself, but the diamond beautifies you. How awesome!

Kimberlitic diamonds are the ones that are born where diamonds belong: at the crust, in the soul of the earth. They are the pure ones that make priceless jewels that sell for millions of dollars. The other types - ones made in less deep parts, and brought to the surface by tectonic activity - instead consist of microdiamonds that are less than 1 mm in diameter. Not your ideal jewel material.

Sometimes when meteorites strike the earth, they generate so much heat and pressure that some diamonds can be formed. Diamonds so formed are often small and not transparent. They are believed to have materialized upon impact out of graphite that is contained in the meteorite. Not very good samples for a jeweler.

Diamonds can be found in certain sedimentary rocks aside from the regular volcanic matter in which they are normally found. However, the best places to hunt for the diamond are in the roughs of a craton. That is where they are most deposited. - 16003

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