Friday, November 28, 2008

What Separates The Top Earners From Online Losers - The Pre-Sell

By Kylon Trower

The art of persuading your customers is what they want is called pre-selling. The subtle thought that they may lose out if they don't buy your stuff. Whatever your
stuff happens to be.

One aspect of pre-selling is actually selling yourself before you sell your product. By doing this, you help your customer feel good about you and become emotionally bonded with you on some level.

You can also build anticipation and frenzied excitement through pre-selling as well. Imagine if someone told you they just received a check in the mail simply for living in the town that you live in and left it at that. Instinctively you would want to know all the details of how to get your check and would eagerly anticipate the rest of the story.

Mention any benefit that gets your prospects attention without revealing the solution is a great way to control your prospects next action. Once you roll out the solution they will grab it without hesitation.

This process is not just about revealing you product a little bit at a time. You can reveal an entire e-book or video series to gain loyalty and trust between your prospects as well.

You can pre-sell by including a snippet or two from your e-book and mentioning it as a viable solution to driving massive targeted traffic to your website. If people get good advice from your newsletter, they will perceive you as an expert and naturally be more curious.

The bottom line, it's about building up the value of your product or service before you ask for the sale. When you do ask for the sale, make sure you're helping people solve their problems and you'll be in business for many years to come. - 16003

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