Friday, November 28, 2008

Trying to Decide If Your Company Needs a Website?

By Craig Calvin

Most business owners ask themselves whether or not they need a website. They want to know the positives nad negatives to having one. The following facts should help a business owner make the soundest decision.

1. The internet is the top place people turn to when they want information. It doens't matter what kind of information it is, they will look here first. If you do not have your own place on the internet, you will be missing many opportunities. Your competitors will probably have a website, and that is where your potential customers will end up.

2. Having a web presence establishes a business as a serious player in their market. People associate having a web site with being legitimate. Just like being listed in the phone book and having an office in an established area, having a website tells people that you are there and open for business. If this is the impression you want to present, a website may be the right choice for your business.

3.Visability is a key factor in having a website. A web site is a cost effective means of advertising. You will reach many markets you might not with traditional advertising.

4. Customer service 24/7 is a great feature to having a website. You don't need to pay people to do this for you, your website will tell anything someone needs or wants to know immediately. This is a great way to screen customers and only have direct contact with serious clients.

5. A website extends your reach. Is your business currently limited to your local area? Could your services and goods be sold on a global scale? Having a website gives you global exposure that can turn your small business into a regional or even international giant.

Are there drawbacks to having a business website? It's hard to think of any. Starting a business website can take just a few hours and cost almost nothing. If you are willing to educate yourself about the basics of html, there is no reason to hire an outside professional. Even if you don't want to do it yourself, professional freelance web designers are very affordable and can put up a high quality website in just hours. - 16003

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