Friday, November 28, 2008

Real Estate Marketing is a must!

By Jesse Davis

Is everything working right in your real estate investing? Are you doing the amount of deals that you want to be doing? If not, then I know what your problem is.

Even without knowing the details, I can say that every problem you may have in your real estate business can be traced back to marketing. If you don't have enough leads, it is a marketing problem. If you can't sell your house, it is a marketing problem. If the leads you are getting are not panning out, it is also a marketing problem.

I don't want to bore you - the bottom line is: Marketing is key to any business. The right marketing can expand your business so fast you will be shocked. So if you are having problems review the basics of your marketing and see what you have to change.

Eventually, all the time and money you spend on marketing is worth it. Even if the marketing strategy fails, it is still worth it because you found out what doesn't work. So, keep trying and keep learning, but 50% of your effort in your business needs to be focusing on marketing.

If you are not marketing online, then you are missing out. In my opinion, 99% of your marketing should be online. You will not find a better ROI on your marketing than the marketing on the Internet.

Market or Die! It is a must. But you need to learn from the right source to know what will work and what will not. - 16003

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