Thursday, November 27, 2008

Give Your People The Tools To Succeed

By Mike Schwartz

In order for you to be successful at your home business you should give your team members the tools they will need. One of the most important things to some one that is new to your team is knowing you will be there to help them when they need it. They may call you with a Problem as small as where a certain key is on their keyboard.

You will give them a lot of confidence if they know they can call you with such a small problem. Many people that are starting a home business today are doing it for the first time. Some of these newbie's don't know the first thing about marketing a home business.

Some of your new people will barely know how to use their computers. If you spend some extra time with them it will pay off big in the long run. You should spend all the time you can with your team but some will need more time than others.

Don't let your newbie's get the sense that they are becoming a pain because their questions might seem too simple. That new person could be the most motivated person you have and just needs some direction. In doing these things you will build a reputation with your team as someone that is willing to help and is someone that can be counted on.

Your people are also going to pass this on to their people too. They will tell them about the great team leader they have and how he is willing to help them no matter what the issue is.

They are going to tell their prospects that if I can't help you our team leader will. People will be drawn to your business when they find out that they will have that kind of support. Even with an online business the human touch is very important.

Especially with your brand new people. Think back when you first started only knowing you wanted to start a business. Not having the first idea how you would accomplish it.

For those of you that had a great team leader you were very lucky. For the rest of you that had to learn it on your own my hat is off to you. You had the drive to succeed even with know help or direction.

So give your team members all the help they need. They will do better and be less likely to get frustrated! - 16003

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