The beginning of a diet is often the time when we make promises to ourselves and others about how we will eat and exercise to cause the weight loss we have always dreamed of. We assure everyone that this time will be different and this time we will commit to just what it takes to lose weight. But do we keep that commitment going with a calories loss diet and exercise or do we resume the wrong eating habits and lifestyle and fail to lose any weight or worse still gain it instead?
The reality is that dieting is not like an indefinite honeymoon, it is more like a marriage where we should expect difficult times and some hurdles along the way. To reshape your body on a permanent basis and to get healthier and fitter you need to find or devise a weight loss program that is balanced as well as something that you can enjoy across the long term. Spend time selecting foods on your calories loss menu that you really like to eat then find exercise that can become a welcome part of your life and when you have done that make a public commitment to continuing this.
Do not just tell yourself it is time to get healthy; instead make a physical gesture to show that you are committed to staying on that calories loss diet and making healthy other important changes to your lifestyle. If that sounds silly to you, it should not because people of all kinds even those in political office like Senator McCain and Senator Obama use all kinds of physical symbols to show their commitment to important matters. Rings, tattoos, ceremonies, even certificates and trophies are signs of commitment so you need a physical sign of commitment to mark the start of your diet.
There are some fun ways to make a commitment to become healthier, happier, and fit by losing weight so begin positively and write it down, making a weight loss contract and committing to stay on your diet for at least six months. Include in the contract, rewards for staying committed and penalties for breaking the contract. Then sign it, have a friend witness it then keep it on the refrigerator to remind you of your commitment.
Paying for a fitness trainer and joining a gym is action that reflects a very clear commitment to reaching your weight loss goal. Both require your money up front without refund if you fail to show up or drop the program for any reason. Payment for these reasons to help you become fit and healthy can be an effective way to make a long term commitment to weight loss.
Start a weight loss club by getting some friends together who want to lose weight as well and agree to meet once a week for a weigh in. Your friends will keep you honest about sticking to your calories loss diet. This is the underlying principle upon which some of the most successful weight loss companies are based so if they can be successful at gathering people together to celebrate their weight loss, you can too.
Tell people about your diet especially your friends, your family, the people at work, or anyone that you see on a regular basis, explaining your plans to lose weight, eat better, and exercise more. Once you have told people you are committing to a calories loss diet, they will ask you about the diet and how you are doing and you will have to answer them. Embarrassment about telling people that you fell off your diet can be good motivation to keep going in those moments when you want to quit.
Visualize just how you want to look at your healthiest and happiest and have fun selecting magazine pictures that reflect this or your own photos taken at an earlier and healthier time. Make sure that these are on display in your office and at home as such images say 'This is who I will be' and 'This is where my weight loss will take me'. They will be daily reminders of the importance of committing to a calories loss diet that will bring these results. - 16003
The reality is that dieting is not like an indefinite honeymoon, it is more like a marriage where we should expect difficult times and some hurdles along the way. To reshape your body on a permanent basis and to get healthier and fitter you need to find or devise a weight loss program that is balanced as well as something that you can enjoy across the long term. Spend time selecting foods on your calories loss menu that you really like to eat then find exercise that can become a welcome part of your life and when you have done that make a public commitment to continuing this.
Do not just tell yourself it is time to get healthy; instead make a physical gesture to show that you are committed to staying on that calories loss diet and making healthy other important changes to your lifestyle. If that sounds silly to you, it should not because people of all kinds even those in political office like Senator McCain and Senator Obama use all kinds of physical symbols to show their commitment to important matters. Rings, tattoos, ceremonies, even certificates and trophies are signs of commitment so you need a physical sign of commitment to mark the start of your diet.
There are some fun ways to make a commitment to become healthier, happier, and fit by losing weight so begin positively and write it down, making a weight loss contract and committing to stay on your diet for at least six months. Include in the contract, rewards for staying committed and penalties for breaking the contract. Then sign it, have a friend witness it then keep it on the refrigerator to remind you of your commitment.
Paying for a fitness trainer and joining a gym is action that reflects a very clear commitment to reaching your weight loss goal. Both require your money up front without refund if you fail to show up or drop the program for any reason. Payment for these reasons to help you become fit and healthy can be an effective way to make a long term commitment to weight loss.
Start a weight loss club by getting some friends together who want to lose weight as well and agree to meet once a week for a weigh in. Your friends will keep you honest about sticking to your calories loss diet. This is the underlying principle upon which some of the most successful weight loss companies are based so if they can be successful at gathering people together to celebrate their weight loss, you can too.
Tell people about your diet especially your friends, your family, the people at work, or anyone that you see on a regular basis, explaining your plans to lose weight, eat better, and exercise more. Once you have told people you are committing to a calories loss diet, they will ask you about the diet and how you are doing and you will have to answer them. Embarrassment about telling people that you fell off your diet can be good motivation to keep going in those moments when you want to quit.
Visualize just how you want to look at your healthiest and happiest and have fun selecting magazine pictures that reflect this or your own photos taken at an earlier and healthier time. Make sure that these are on display in your office and at home as such images say 'This is who I will be' and 'This is where my weight loss will take me'. They will be daily reminders of the importance of committing to a calories loss diet that will bring these results. - 16003
About the Author:
Rowena French commits to healthy living by controlling her body weight. Tired of complex diets with no success? Serious about lasting weight loss? My free tips show you how calories loss is the simple answer. Read my guide, listen to my audio book!