Saturday, November 1, 2008

The 5 Habits to Ditch to Lose Pregnancy Weight Fast

By Teresa Brown

A new mom stranded on an island with no food would naturally lose the pregnancy weight fast because of the lack of food. Although there are many factors that affect and contribute to being overweight, the one factor that stands apart from the rest is FOOD. Food by itself is not the problem. The real problem is our unhealthy relationship with food and lack of knowledge about the food we buy and fuel our bodies with.

1. Eating too much of the Unhealthy Processed Foods

What's the quality of food in your kitchen? Check your cupboards, freezer and fridge. If you have a lot of canned goods, boxed meals or sugary cereals, white pastas or breads, frozen dinners, or any processed meats like hot dogs, your diet is too high fat, sugar and salt. Processed foods like these are convenient but they can put a huge damper on your health and ability to lose your pregnancy weight fast.

There are some processed frozen foods that retain their nutrients such as fruits and vegetables. Also pasteurized milk and juices that are fortified with extra omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals are good for you. Fresh foods are better for your health and for managing your calories.

2. Super Size Me

Do you frequent your favorite fast food restaurant for a quick and easy lunch or family dinner? Fast food tastes good and is convenient, but is it worth sacrificing your health for the sake of convenience? Eliminating fast food from your diet will significantly decrease your daily caloric intake and this will help lose pregnancy weight fast.

Pre-planning your weekly meals and grocery lists is one way to get organized to start cooking and eating healthier meals. There are thousands of delicious healthy recipes available that are quick and easy to prepare. So plan ahead and recruit the rest of the family to get on board with eating healthy and make the next meal at McDonald's a special family treat and not the family meal norm.

3. Skipping Meals

Do you eat during the wrong times of the day? Some moms are so preoccupied with looking after the baby, running errands, and so on that they forget to eat until the end of their day. Not fueling your body properly and frequently will affect your metabolism's normal rate of activity and prevent you from losing your pregnancy weight fast. Skipping meals such as breakfast or eating just one big meal for the day only serves to make your body conserve energy instead of burning it.

Missing breakfast and not eating until several hours later will hinder your metabolism from doing what it's supposed to do and that is, burning fat to provide your body with energy. Consuming six small portioned meals during your day will keep your metabolism working as it should to lose pregnancy weight fast and keep your energy levels up.

4. Eating Food to feel Better

Do you eat and drink empty calories while watching your favorite TV show? We all have foods that soothe us when we are depressed, stressed or bored. Unfortunately, these comfort foods and are high in fats, salt, sugar and often times cholesterol.

One surefire way to help lose pregnancy weight fast is to stop buying or replacing these foods with healthier choices. Also finding other non-food outlets to deal with your emotional eating such as joining a yoga or meditation class can help wean you off of eating for comfort.

5. Lack of Exercise

A busy mom's life maybe fast paced, but if she's not losing the pregnancy weight fast, it's because she's not getting enough exercise. Driving around town doing errands, picking up after your toddler and looking after a household can keep you busy but not burning the baby fat.

An obvious way to lose pregnancy weight fast is to exercise. Whether you walk your dog more often or climb a set of stairs at the shopping mall, being active doesn't mean you have to join a fitness club or get a personal trainer. Signing up for a yoga or water aerobics class, buying a fitness DVD or playing tag with your children are a few of the many ways you can make physical activity a way of life.

Take responsibility for your health by being an informed consumer. Eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean meats. Exercise daily with and without your family. Life is what you make it, so take charge to live healthy and make it fun. - 16003

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