Saturday, January 3, 2009

What Is Your Purpose?

By Rob Walcher

What sets People Apart?

There are always people that at the first signs of stress or pressure cave in to the circumstances around them. They immediately throw in the towel and give up. There are also people that when the going gets tough, keep going and get better. What is it that sets these types of people apart?

The answer is simple. The people who give up, throw in the towel and decide it is okay to fail didn't have the motivation they needed to begin with. The reasons why they do what they do weren't or aren't compelling enough for them to rise to the occasion and make a winning situation no matter what. They allow their circumstances to control them, rather than control their circumstances.

The players in the game of life who come to bat expecting the home run, even when they are down and out are dramatically able to visualize their "why" or their reason for doing things in every circumstance. They are committed to their purpose and whether that purpose is to win a baseball game or make a million dollars.nothing is worth giving it up!

Have a Compelling Reason

As you begin a business endeavor you must make it a priority that has your commitment and devotion. This means that every minute of every day you need to be thinking and moving towards your goal. When you figure out your reason for succeeding that has to remain the one thought that keeps you moving and allows you to keep trying when things get rough.

If you are moving in a new direction and are all excited about the possibilities then you are probably dissatisfied with your current state of affair. If money and vacations are what you covet and you are determined to make things happen to do so your efforts may eventually stall out.

Many people retire early, around age 55 and then experience sudden illness or death. The reason for this is because these people have lost their purpose. The same is true for people who make it big then have no idea what they want or what their reason for continuing is. They lose their purpose.

Consider the phenomena regarding those who retire and suddenly experience progressive illness and early death? Research has shown that employees who retire at age 55 have almost double the mortality risk of those who continued working into their 60s. It's because they lost their sense of purpose for living.

Roller Coaster Actions

You may be reading this article because you have started a few online businesses, but when they didn't take off like you thought they should, you quit.

The ups and downs eventually wore you down and you quit trying. Remaining consistently aware of your thoughts and motivation or your 'why' for continuing will help keep you focused and bring your goals to fruition.

If your why isn't big enough to drive you to do something significant with your life, then you probably won't! You may start, but you seldom finish.

Watch for the Signs

Below is a list of possible signs that your why may not be strong enough:

Putting things off Lack of confidence self doubt embarrassment Inability to make decisions Easily confused or taken off track Fear of failing or making an error Lack of motivation Lots of plans, but no ability to implement them UP & down attitude and efforts

Motivational speaker, philosopher and author, Jim Rohn says it best:

"When you know what you want, and want it bad enough you will find a way to get it"

That is quite possibly the best way to understand the importance of your 'why' or reason for wanting to be successful, and wealthy.

Excuses Fade Away

Take time today to write down your driving motivation for the changes you want to see happen in your life. Don't put it off. Once you are directly connected to your why, all your excuses will lose their power over you and one by one they will fade away.

Making excuses is another way of not taking responsibility for your actions and thoughts. Starting today keep a journal of all the meaningful changes you want to see in your life. Include the small and the large changes and use this self written guide as motivation. As you connect to your reasons you will no longer be able to make excuses for yourself and your actions and will take the responsibility to making your dreams come true. - 16003

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