Thursday, January 29, 2009

Massage Benefits

By Ann Chester

Is it a waste of money to have a massage? Are you just paying to have your back rubbed? Massage is far more than that and although the benefits are varied, whichever type of massage you opt for the results are similar. Sports and muscle injuries may benefit from a specific types of massage, such as a Swedish massage.

Well, what are these benefits? and is a massage worth the money? Although massage therapy was used for thousands of years by the Greeks, Egyptians, Romans and Chinese as part of their healing tradition, in the Western world it is fairly new. This therapy has only been used for a couple of hundred years in Europe, and for the majority of that time was only available to wealthy people.

Massage therapy was often prescribed as part of a treatment in traditional medicine. It would have been given with advice on diet, exercise and maybe even medicines that were to be taken internally.

Although the west accepted the traditional methods of massage, over the last century massage in the west has evolved into a blend of traditional and modern techniques. Massage has been incorporated into main stream medicine as the scientists have proved that there are real benefits to having a massage.

Does massage just relax you, or are there greater benefits? Most people will tell you how relaxed they feel after having a massage but the benefits can be far more wide spread throughout the body than that. Each type of massage is unique in its technique the benefits can be very similar although each type brings its own individual way of bringing healing to the body.

Each person is different, so one type of massage may suit one person but not another. If you have tried massage before but didn't think you got any benefit from it, try a different type of massage which may suit you better. At different times you may benefit from a different type of massage, you should try to get into the habit of listening to your body's needs.

One of the primary benefits of massage is relaxation, which can be very difficult to achieve, that is unless you happen to be into meditation. You live in a very stressful world and you were never designed to live your life as you do, rushing around and never finding time to relax. Yes of course your ancestors had stressful lives, but their stress came in short bursts, not continuous all day every day like yours is.

The hectic pace of life that you probably live, where you may feel you must be doing something all the time, will take its toll on you if you do not learn to relax. Mentally and physically feeling exhausted is not how you are meant to lead your life.

Pollution in the air, chemicals in your food and water puts a variety of toxins into your body. Add to that stress, muscle tension and a little exercise, there is no wonder you do not feel 100%. A good massage will address some of these problems, tension will ease, toxins will be excreted out of the body easily and best of all you will be able to relax.

On the physical level a good massage will leave you feeling invigorated, when you have finished your massage you may feel as if you are walking on air.

When there is a build of of toxins in the body the excess is placed into cells to stop the toxins from harming the body. Problems arise when the cells themselves cannot function properly due to an overload of toxins, health problems then start to develop. When you have a massage there is an increase in your blood and lymphatic circulation, this in turn helps the body to excrete any toxins so the cells do not get to the point of overload.

When you have a massage there is a lot of physical manipulation of the muscles, this can reduce stiffness, release tension and increase mobility. Due to the nature of this physical manipulation, massage is very good as part of your regular exercise regimine, as it can help in the prevention of muscle injury.

Many scientific studies confirm that massage therapy can:

Reduce heart rate.

Lower blood pressure (if high).

Increase blood circulation and lymphatic flow.

Stimulates weak and inactive muscles to compensate for lack of movement due to an illness or an injury, stiffened and tense muscles are also relaxed.

Increases endorphins.

Anxiety and tension is reduced.

This list is very impressive, but I am sure over the next few years the scientists will find even more benefits of massage.

The type of treatment offered by skilled masseur combines healing techniques which will work with the natural healing powers of your body to bring about wholeness to your mind, body and spirit.

Of course, it is recommended that anyone with any severe condition or chronic pain should consult with a licensed medical professional before embarking on a massage. Also any well trained massage therapist will be able to tell you if it is wise for you to have a massage or not. - 16003

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