Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Nikon D90 - A Camera for all Regardless of Skill Level

By Matt Ryan

Professional or amateur, the Nikon D90 is a great fit for either. Nikon has taken flaws, from all other cameras, and improved on these features throughout the years. This has brought them to the D90, which offers numerous features, for consumers, in addition to brand new technology never been seen in a camera. The D90 is not as compact as a point-and-shoot camera, nor is it as robust as a professional camera, but it gets the job done with surprising results.

The ergonomic design provides a comfort fit, to nearly any hand, along with extremely easy access to all of the functions offered in the D90. Even though this model is a bit larger, dimensionally, than other cameras, it only weighs 22-ounces. Therefore, it is not as bulky as it appears, yet it does will not fit in your pocket.

Nikon has dramatically improved the user interface, from previous models. Navigation and additional features are easy to find and maneuver. Image re-touching can be done directly in the camera, and is easy enough for an amateur to master. Re-touching features include RAW development and straightening.

Imagine a 3.0-inch VGA screen with 920,000 colors - the D90 has this. Re-touching, instant viewing, and maneuvering through a camera have never been easier. Sharing images, with friends, via the display, can now be done without the frustrations of angle blockage.

The display also offers 170-degree wide-angle functionality for your viewing pleasure. Viewing and reviewing both video playbacks, and still images has never been more clear. Navigation, through media files, is nearly effortless with a 72-image calendar display. (Calendar display lays images and videos out in chronological order.)

Live View mode offers 11 different auto-focus modes for perfect picture. These modes include, but are not limited to, 3D tracking, single, dynamic, and face. In addition, the D90 incorporates sensor cleaning. This functionality automatically removes dust particles, from within the camera, to provide the most crisp and clean images possible.

Like many other cameras, users can manually adjust ISO settings to fit any type of lighting. ISO settings can be set as low as 200 or as high as 3200. Automatic focus, white balance, and exposure are available using 3-D Color Matrix Metering II. This technology analyzes a scene and adjusts these settings to the perfect combinations for flawless images.

The combination of Nikons Expeed image processing and 12.9-megapixel CMOS sensor gives consumers the ability to produce high quality images with every click. The perfection, that these technologies produce, allow users to manipulate images (larger and smaller) without distorting the beauty.

A first, in the world of cameras, is the integration of digital SLR. This technology produces HDTV (720p) quality and allows for the capture of up to 23 frames per second. For the first time ever consumers can capture personal events and share them, with family, in the highest quality possible.

For around $1,000, consumers can get their hands on this professional quality Nikon D90. This digital camera has a great combination of user-friendliness and professional functionality. Anyone who likes to take pictures will enjoy the experience of the D90 along with the vibrant images it produces. - 16003

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