Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Digital Camera Accessories: Select Them Like A Pro

By Sylvia Howard

Capturing a moment is best done with a digital camera in this time and age, but besides the apparatus you also need to know if you need any accessories, and how to choose them. You may be a digital photography fan or just an occasional user, but in both cases you will be able to tell the story of a moment that cannot be brought back.

And if you are a beginner with a strong interest in photography, you should look even more into the various extras, accessories and tools that are available. Using them will improve your technique, maybe to the point where you will be able to turn your hobby into a new occupation.

Regardless of whether photography is a profession or a pastime for you, you will find that digital camera accessories are not only for the experts, but that there are extras available even for the most basic compact camera. Even some cell phones with cameras have dedicated accessory lines!

Some accessories are better suited for experienced photo-takers, but several kinds are of great help for beginners too. Here are some of the accessories that even beginning users should not be without.

A camera bag is one of the most ubiquitous camera accessories, and few people will walk out of an electronics shop with their new digital camera without also having purchased a corresponding bag. The bag allows you to carry your equipment around as well as to store any extras that you may need on your photo-taking adventures.

Camera bags are available in several specifications, from the simple hold-all to the specialized compartmented SLR backpack. You can of course carry your camera in any kind of bag, but a padded, purpose-made item is a wise buy.

After the bag, the next most common (and just as handy) camera accessory is undoubtedly the tripod. This triple stick will hold your camera steady, allowing you to take nighttime pictures, to achieve unusual effects and to avoid unwanted blurry photos. A lot of tripods are small or foldable, and easy to carry around.

Don't forget to check if your camera screws onto the tripod when acquiring a new one, or you will have to buy another!

The next most useful kind of digital camera accessories are probably those who prolong your picture-taking. Both extra batteries and storage cards fall into these categories. Batteries allow you to take pictures for longer without recharging the camera and are fundamental in faraway locales, while extra storage cards are great for sports photography, when you will need to take a whole lot of pictures. - 16003

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