Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Do You Know The Exercises To Stop Snoring?

By Christian Goodman

If you and your spouse suffer from horrible snoring, You are not alone. 23% of couples suffer seriously from this terrible condition. The problem isn't just the irritation of staying awake the whole night or waking up from a souse's elbow over and over again. Not getting enough rest is simply life threatening.

If you happen to lose focus when driving your vehicle your life could be jeopardized. Losing focus for just seconds can lead to a life threatening accident. Lack of sleep also affects your physical and emotional well being. This can lead to stroke, heart attack or nervous breakdown.

Don't go blaming your partner or yourself. I'm sure you've tried many things to reduce the snoring but nothing was totally effective. Many people have had dangerous, expensive surgery with no positive result. Some were even worse off after the surgery.

Knowing the cause of snoring is necessary before you can expect to cure it. Some type of blockage in your breathing passageways is the cause. Blockage of the airways causes irregular airflow which prevents your breathing from being smooth like normal. When the airflow is restricted it slams the soft tissues around like a screen door in a windstorm. Your throat and mouth act like speakers hooked to a powerful amplifier keeping the whole house awake while you sleep.

The noise becomes really bad when the soft palate (a flexible part of the back of the roof of the mouth) also begins to vibrate. Sometimes, if the soft palate is weak, then the tip of it will bang down on the tongue (which may be dropping into the throat at the same time) like a bongo drum.

Curing snoring can be very difficult regardless of the fact that there is only one cause. This is because the blockages vary so widely and to top it all off, many people have more than one type of block causing their snoring.

Some examples of what can cause snoring:

1) Tongue is weak and falls into the throat blocking it. Very common to those who sleep on their back but may also happen if you sleep on your side.

2) Pressure on the air passageways caused by tense jaw muscles. Dentists try to alleviate this with dental implants. It is much easier to loosen up and relax the jaw muscles to avoid this cause.

3) As has already been mentioned, the soft palate is another source of blockage. When weak, it will flap around and make the snoring sound more easily. In most cases, the soft palate is not too big, it is too weak.

4) Additionally the soft palate may be too weak and will lay too close to the tongue. This makes it very easy for it to flap around and make those horrendous snoring sounds.

5) Things that build up in the throat can work as a dam in your breathing passages. Some common dams are allergy in the sinuses, or fat or cigarette tars in the throat.

Now you ask how you can get rid of these blocks to relieve your snoring?

It appears to be common sense. It is possible to train this part of your body much like you do any other part. Kind of like taking the breathing passages to the gym. With a few simple exercises focused on the area in and around the throat, you can relieve any block you may have. It doesn't matter what is causing your snoring the beautiful part is that a few simple exercises can solve all your problems.

A stronger, well trained tongue will not drop into your throat when you sleep.

Using the jaw exercises to loosen it up removes tension from it. Don't be surprised at how much easier you breath after a few sessions of the jaw exercises.

The throat exercises open up the throat preventing it from closing when you sleep. Theyll also strengthen and lift up your soft palate, so it wont flap any more.

Working smart is better than working hard. You determine how many minutes you want to train each day. The least you should do is three minutes but it is entirely up to you. You can start with as little as three minutes but if you want quick, long term results, you should choose a program that requires a commitment of ten minutes a day.

It varies a lot between people how quickly the exercises work. It is recommended that you be ready to work the program for two months. The program will most likely stop your snoring quicker than that. But if youre ready to give it full blast for two months, youre guaranteed to cure your self. And you should be ready to commit for about two months to permanently cure your snoring. Although most likely you will have quiet nights long before those two months are up.

I hope Ill soon receive your success story. I love nothing more than opening my email in the morning and reading the stories on how my clients healed themselves using my exercises.

Snoring is putting such a strain on many relationships. Many people have been forced to sleep separately. Other have learned to live with it but there is always a hidden resentment. I hope you give the exercises a try. I hope you give me the benefit of the doubt and commit to working the exercises for few weeks. And I promise you, there will be nothing but quiet, restful nights in your future. - 16003

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