Friday, January 30, 2009

Simple Copywriting Trick

By John Anghelache

Gary Halbert was both a great copywriter and a great teacher of the art. He had a knack for making the process of creating great ads simple.

One of the things I learned from Gary is the importance of making things easy on yourself. For example, let's say you want to write an ebook on losing weight.

What should you do?

Should you study weight loss science? Should you spend years doing clinical trials? Should you roam the world looking for the perfect diet plan or diet pill? Well not really. Because there is a much easier way to access the most cutting edge weight loss science, clinical trials and new diet breakthroughs. Without doing all the work yourself. Curious? Then listen to this.

Rather than doing things the old school way, Gary might tell you to go out and get the best sellers on health and fitness. Take all these books and start reading them. As you do so, write down notes in a notebook. Make sure to extract all the really juicy stuff readers would be hot read about.

Then you take all that information and write your own dieting book including only the unique and exclusive stuff from each book. The stuff that does not overlap. What you are left with is a compact book on dieting with all the filler taken out.

Easy does it best.

Gary also taught that you should do the same thing when writing ads. Especially if you're in a hurry and need to bang out an ad... website letter... or whatever fast.

The formal name for this strategy is... swiping ads. And it really does make it easier. Back in 1996, Gary taught a little bit about swiping during a seminar in Florida. The main focus of the seminar was on swiping great ads for your own promotions.

Look, if you don't want to become a top notch copywriter and don't have time to learn all the formulas, etc. then swiping is the way to go. All you have do is learn how to do it right.

When you do, here's what'll happen as a result...

** Writer's block will no longer exist. You'll know where to start and ad. You'll no longer be figuring out what to say. Because the swipe ads give you all that information.

** Ad writing will be much faster. All you do is model your ad after the swipe. Therefore, the guessing element is taken out of the equation. It's like using a proven template to write your ads.

** The effectiveness of your ad will increase. By using a proven template you boost your chances of writing a winning promotion. That's why using swipes is such a powerful concept.

So the idea is to build a swipe file and use it when creating ads. - 16003

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