Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Have you got a Hardware Problem on Your Xbox 360?

By Howie Ja

Has the 3 red light Ring of Death Brought Your Gaming Time to a grinding Halt?

I will tell you that your not alone, as it has happened to me a good Three times in 2 very short years. The first console lasted only 2 months from the date i bought it.

But it was somewhat of a relief because the very nice people at the Game store Replaced the console without the need to send it back. Due to the fact that it was covered by the warranty.

But when the Guarantee time expires, It can be quite costly.

Microsoft Charge over $100 for the repair. and you will be without your beloved Xbox 360 for 2 weeks or so.

Worse still is that I have heard a few reports that when the Xbox 360 consoles came back from Microsoft, the notorious 3 red lights of doom came back shortly afterwards.

What is the Exact cause of the Dreaded Three Red light problem?

The core cause of the console's Hardware failure lies in the Heat sink design, Primarily in the GPU (Graphics Processing Unit).

The GPU heat sink is just below the CD drive of the Xbox 360, and as such the heat sink is too small for the heat generated, Its only 10mm (3/8) High, Whereas the CPU (Central Processing Unit), is about 50mm (2) High and comes with a Liquid cooler!

In the Xbox 360 Elite, Microsoft altered the design of the cooling system so that the Liquid cooling Extend's beyond the CPU to the GPU. This makes the console dissipate the Heat better and therefore does not overheat to the same extent.

So the effect of the heat generated is the warping of the motherboard, which cracks the lead free solder joints, causing the red ring of death.

I searched far and wide for a 'free' solution (towel trick) but ended up creating irreparable damage to my 360 and I had to live with a permanent 3 red lights, or as i like to call it, the Devil's Halo!

I was looking for Valuable information. But if you want that, there has to be a Value on it. (i.e. you gotta pay for it), but if it saves your beloved Xbox, its going to save you a lot of money.

I stumbled upon countless guides out there. Some claiming to fix the Xbox 360 in 30 minutes and some up to 2 hours.

Some guides were very good and offered good explanations, but some were shortened versions of the real good guides.

So being a lover of computer games and having an Electronic Engineering degree, I decided to take action and review the top 6 selling guides out there and I narrowed them down to a Top 3.

Visit the link below to reveal the top three available on the Web. - 16003

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