Friday, January 2, 2009

Teach Creativity by Making a Kids Halloween Costume

By Susan West

The air gets crisp and the leaves turn color. Its fall! And every little kid anxiously anticipates the eve of the greatest candy haul of the year, Halloween! Yes, actually "Trick or Treating" is fun. But, the preparation is just as, if not more enjoyable. This is the time of year where kids are really allowed to be kids. Let your little one choose their kid's Halloween costume. It's the one night of the year where they can feel grown-up while acting very much like a kid.

Let's face it; life could get a bit hairy if Jr. or little Suzy was allowed to dress themselves every day. It takes practice to understand that "pants ARE important," or "one-armed monsters are not allowed at the dinner table." But on Halloween . . . a kid can truly be a kid. This does not mean that a kids Halloween costumes need to be obscene. There are many children's Halloween costumes that are "just scary enough." Just the option of choosing their very own costume will be exciting to Johnny or Suzy.

The festive holiday, though scrutinized for its misinterpreted meanings, gives kids a chance to celebrate the firm and strong notion that things in this world are not always as they appear. By strapping your child into a classic vampire costume of the 1920s you are helping them to make peace with the monsters they think might be under their bed and simultaneously permitting them to stand out as an exceptional vampire.

I saw a ghoulish princess last year, all dapper and primped in her little dress and her tiara. From the back she looked like just another princess in the sea of little girl dreams. When she turned around, her hallowed out eyes and the fake blood that ran from her lips was quite convincing. The stuffed animal she carried with her had its guts sewn to the outside, to make it look like the little princess had a snack before her treats. Creepy? Yes. Imaginative? Absolutely. Harmful? Not a chance.

With Star Wars and Pirates of the Caribbean running as some of the most popular costumes, it can be difficult to come up with new and improved creepy costumes for kids. Using siblings, parents, and very kindly and gently using pets, as additives for a costume get up can make a simple theme go much farther. There's nothing wrong with one child dressing up as a pirate while the other one dresses up as a complimentary parrot. A willing parent can dress up as a prisoner about to walk the plank in tow. All of this make pretend is healthy, and the more the family gets into together the more the kids are going to get out of it.

Of course you can decide to stay at home this Halloween. What ever you decide is entirely up to you. But, on the other hand, you can use this day to nurture and grow your child's creativity. Designing a child's Halloween costume is a fun thing for parents and children to do together. Of course you don't want to forget to carve the pumpkin!

If you do happen to buy your child's costume, start looking at least a month before Halloween makes its appearance. And even though children tend to change their minds a lot, you can impress upon your child the importance that this is a decision he or she will have to make for good once the costume is bought. Regardless, the perfect costume will make for the perfect day and make you a hero to your children, even after they have taken off their own superhero costumes. Edited by Glinda Zuladra - 16003

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