Friday, January 2, 2009


By Rob Kosberg

If you know that you are what is called a "credit risk," you probably are feeling that as a derogatory connotation. That can be the motivating factor for you to explore the return to good credit.

For many folks, it will be possible for them to manage their path back to "good credit." through their own determination and willingness to confront the problem.

The "credit risk" label is based on your "credit report" and "credit score." Therefore, you need to know what those are all about. The credit score is a very important 3 digit number that a "credit risk" will need to raise. A score of 700 or more is "good." If the score is under 700, this might be problematic. This information is essential to the repair process.

Credit Bureaus will be the source of this information. There are 3 credit bureaus: Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax. One can get a free credit report from each every year. There is a fee for the credit score. See for details.

A business does not always report to the same credit bureau. Therefore, you want to see all 3 reports for comparison. It is possible that they may differ.

When you finish comparing them, review each report for errors. You will need to DISPUTE ANY ERRORS. There is no quick fix, but repairing your credit is a work in progress.

Contact the credit bureaus in writing with a copy of the report, the errors and reason why you need to have it rectified. Remember to keep copies of everything you send. There's an old saying: "If it's not documented, it didn't happen."

This is the first information you need to have. Be prepared, there may be some surprises on those reports. Be persistent. - 16003

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