Saturday, January 3, 2009

3 Of the Biggest Home Business Scams

By Kimberly Aita

When starting a home business, you need to be aware of the scams being sold with the promise of lots of money for just a small investment.

Honestly, you need to learn to recognize that 99% of these home business offers are just great big scams.

If there were a way to make money doing nothing but spending a few bucks and then just watching t.v. wouldn't everyone be doing it.

Here are some of the most effective home business scams out there and how you can learn to avoid them at all costs.

You will first want to take a look at where is the offer coming from. Second, do they tell you that with just a small investment and nothing else you will rake in $1000's? Most offers you see on street signs or posters are something you should be wary of since the majority of these are not legitimate offers.

Most of the offers you see in magazines or newspapers will be legitimate offers but you will still want proof of this. You want to be certain these offers are not scams.


Of all home business scams, stuffing envelopes if probably one of the most common.

You will most likely get these offers coming to you in you mailbox on a postcard that states you can make a few thousand dollars for sending out just a few hundred mailings.

What happens is this, you sign up for the program, pay a small fee to offset the cost of printing etc. you are sent the envelopes along with some sales ads to put into them.

Most companies even have you place ads asking for self addressed stamped envelopes and maybe $1 after which you will send them information on making money from home.

You will be encouraged to collect s.a.s.e.'s by placing an ad tellling people you will send them information on how to make money from home after they send you their envelope plus $1-2. This is actually how you are going to get paid.


Product assembers needed to work from home. Unfortunately, I tried this too and I tell you now... run don't walk away from this one. You will pay good money for junk material that you will probably never be able to put together.

Chances are even if you finish the product and send it in you will be told it isn't good enough so they can't possibly accept it as they won't be able to sell it.

Of course, since it doesn't meet their high quality standards, they will refuse to pay you. You are now out time and money thanks to this scam. Another one you should definitey stay away from.


One more is the type from home offer. You've seen them, they claim to have more work than they can handle so their problem is a benefit for you. You are going to get paid big bucks to help them with the workload.

With this one all you have to do is have a computer and be able to type documents or enter billing information into forms that are easy to follow because they are all set up for you. You just follow the instructions and walah, you make money. The only other thing you will need is the special software from another unrelated company they recommend. All you need to do is pay a small fee for the software and this of course will make your job so much more simple. With the software you will be able to do the work several times faster, making you so much more money.

Understand this, the fact is they own the software and that is really what they are selling you, not a home business opportunity.

If you really want to make money from home with a home business, make it your home business. You will never make as much money working from home for another company. - 16003

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