Sunday, November 30, 2008

Static Stretching And Why You Need To Stretch

By Gina Gardi

Many or today's society have muscular imbalances due to repetitive daily movements leading to pain and injury. Repetitive movements such as sitting for long periods, standing, driving, or anything else that you do all day repetitively places undue stress on the body. Muscular imbalances result in poor joint movement, inappropriate muscle functioning and decreased neuromuscular control. Start with static stretching to improve these imbalances.

No matter what your fitness lever or your age, you can benefit from static stretching. Stretching will improve neuromuscular efficiency, improve joint range of motion, and improve the overall function of muscles. This helps to prevent injury and relieve pain.

You can perform static stretching exercises during a warm up or cool down or both. During a warm up, stretching prepares your muscles for the activity and prevents injury. Stretching after a workout increases flexibility, improves joint range of motion, and aids in muscle recovery after a workout. It also prevents and reduces muscle soreness after intense workouts.

If you lead a sedentary lifestyle or you don't exercise, it is even more important that you perform static stretching and flexibility exercises. Only stretch to a point of slight tension and hold the stretch for at least 30 seconds.

Static, Active, Dynamic, and SMR with a foam roll are a few different forms of flexibility training. The most common is static stretching. Static stretches require that you hold a stretch for a minimum of 20 to 30 seconds. It helps to improve flexibility by lengthening the muscles being stretched. Static stretches are best for correcting muscular imbalances and is the best place to start.

SMR or self myofacial release is also a great form of corrective stretching to address muscular imbalances and can be combined with static stretching. This technique uses a foam roll to place pressure on "knots" or sensitive areas of a muscle. The pressure increases blood flow to the area and straightens bundled muscle fibers, which leads to lengthening of the muscles. This can be done by rolling on a foam roll and holding on a sensitive area until the sensitivity is reduced.

Active stretching and dynamic stretching are another form of stretching. They should be performed only as a warm up prior to exercise and stretches are held for very short durations with several repetitions. Perform static stretching as part of your cool down.

Improving your flexibility and performing some static stretching exercises will not only feel great but will improve your posture, reduce your risk of injury, relieve pain, counteract aging, improve muscle recovery after workouts and reduce stress. - 16003

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Discovering How To Bid On Keywords

By Brian Basch

Always create your Google Adwords campaign ads around the correct keywords. This is the sensible thing to do and many marketers have been able to do this well. It is just a question of doing the right research to find productive keywords.

There is another important factor in your pay per click advertising campaigns that does not revolve around keywords. This is to do with the searchers themselves. They rarely look beyond the first 5-10 pages of their search results.

This means your ad must be placed among these pages in order to be seen. How do you manage to do this? Well it all boils down to the almighty dollar.

If you have figured out Google Adwords this section may be repetitive. However if you are new to this method of marketing this is important to know. Adwords can be thought of as a large auction. There are many people bidding on frequently searched keywords, but few on little known ones.

So be aware that you are not the only person utilizing a certain keyword. How can these search engines determine where to place an ad? Because Adwords works by pay per click the highest bidder on a key word will earn the rights to a top position. These high paid keywords are welcomed by the search engines and will always gain top positions.

All this keyword research takes time. It will necessitate some experimentation and you may suffer some losses as you try to find the ideal keyword. Bear in mind the average click to sales ratio is often around 10%. This means that there will be a fair amount of wasted clicks. Your budget and the actual cost of your product should be assessed, before you start to bid on keywords.

Nobody can deny the importance of keyword research but it is good to know that bidding is also significant. If you do not make sure your ad is in a good position you will not attract enough traffic to your ad, let alone sales. So make sure you fully comprehend the bidding process so that you can build a profitable campaign.

Remember these points when you are creating an Adwords campaign. After all what is the point of diligently creating a winning ad that is not even being seen? It will just be a wasted campaign. - 16003

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Mike Filsaime's Traffic Crusher produces results.

By Rob Franta

I recently had a chance to review Traffic Crusher by my friend and colleague Mike Filsaime. As most of you know I have been in this industry for over 9 years now and have seen a lot of different training series and information on how to market on the internet.

I actually have my own marketing and training website at So I know what to look for, I know what works and why it works. This is why reason I always enjoy looking at someone else's product and seeing what they are up to, what they know and if it actually has any value.

During my review of Traffic Crusher I must say I was impressed. There was some very good information on generating traffic. Things I personally teach on so I know these things work. In addition, I found some very interesting and new methods as well.

Filsaime has provided some great info in Traffic Crusher. Great information on resources I have never even thought about. Traffic generating techniques that are much overlooked and almost unknown but yet produce amazing results at very low cost.

One of the most exciting things was the information provided on PPV (Pay Per View), this is a very under utilized method of delivering targeted traffic to your website. PPV is like PPC on steroids. Here is how it works. When someone enters a search term into any search engine your webpage will pop up on top of the search results.

It's that simple you pick a list of keywords, you can have as many or as few as you like. This is very targeted and unlike PPC they do not have a choice of which site to choose. There is a bunch of great traffic generating techniques just like this in Traffic Crusher. - 16003

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Loans Continue To Be Take Out by Hispanics

By Jaime Cervantes

Today all over America, Hispanics are using loans to make big purchases.

The reason for this behavior is simple, they do not have the money to pay for the full prices of merchandise that they want.

Some Hispanics however would never take out loans. They carry cash and pay with cash whenever they make purchases.

But when it comes to making big purchases for some reason Hispanics are paying by taking out loans.

The weekend is the time with Hispanics go out and make purchases. Some weekends Hispanics buy furniture on credit or else their vehicles.

For Hispanics big purchases is a huge event. Whole families will get into a vehicle and go to the store and make a purchase.

Hispanics will stay together and travel together often to make the purchases. Because of this they often co-sign for each other. In doing so they all buy into making payments on purchases.

Hispanics continue to go deeper into debt by taking out loans to make purchases. They just need to be educated on how to properly use money.

Until people educate Hispanics about not taking out loans they will continue to do so. - 16003

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Resources - Get a Hobby Kit and Learn Something New

By Arcol Mertin

If you are tired of the ho-hum of life and wants to spread a bit, maybe you should get a hobby kit. Much leisure is different kits that can help a beginner learn more about the hobby quickly and easily. It is not easy to teach you some hobby, but with a hobby kit, you can learn from the kit.

For example, if you are willing to learn how to needlecraft, such as sewing or the cross crewel embroidery, there is no better way to start than with a kit. In a hobby kit, you will receive a piece of cloth with the design already stamped on, the sons of floss or the right colour, and perhaps already cut to the proper length, and a needle. You can even obtain an embroidery hoop in the kit. When you buy a kit hobby, be sure to read on the package to see if any other materials or tools will be needed to do the hobby.

A hobby kit is also the best way to learn a hobby like building model cars. In a model car kit, you will get all the pieces you need and detailed instructions. In some kits, you might also receive paint, a brush, and glue, but read the label. You might have to provide these things separately.

In the fall, the stores are full of kits that could start a kid on a hobby that would last throughout his life. You can find small weaving loom kits, glycerine soap making kits, bead craft kits, wood-burning kits, and art kits. There is a line of colourful books put out by the Klutz Company that each gives instruction in a hobby and has a packet of materials for learning the hobby. Some of the topics Klutz books cover is polymer clay modelling, hair styling, and pompon creations. They are all cleverly written and lots of fun.

Another hobby that can be learned from a kit is starting garden seedlings, especially herbs. A seed starting kit typically contains a pot, a small trowel, seeds, fertilizer, and a greenhouse dome or cover. Potting soil may need to be purchased separately.

When choosing a hobby kit, be careful to get one that is appropriate for the recipient. Sometimes a hobby kit is quite difficult. If a kit is a gift for a child, and it is too hard, they wind up gathering dust on a shelf. In fact, it might gather dust, even if you buy it for yourself! Consider making a small project that you can finish within a short period of time so that you can get an idea of the passion. The next hobby kit you buy can be difficult if you find that you enjoy the hobby and have a real desire to learn more about it. - 16003

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The Art of Wine Tasting and the Knowledge to Do It Right

By KC Kudra

It is a common misconception amongst non wine connoisseurs that wine tasting amounts to merely sipping, swishing, and swallowing wine; this could not be further from the truth for the avid connoisseur. There is a definite art to wine tasting that takes years of studied practice to master.

Wine tasting notes abound and can get your started. However, the only true way to begin to distinguish a fine wine amidst a variety of fine wines is a skill. Picking them reliably requires a trained palate, which takes years to develop. Wine tasting involves ascertaining whether the wine has been stored properly in a wine cellar designed to produce a beverage that is both pleasing to the eye and an exquisite experience for the palette.

The foundation of wine tasting is actually rooted in our sense of smell. In fact, over 75% of our taste is actually due to our sense of smell and has a major impact on the taste of the food and drink we consume. Moreover, this is also why when we have a cold our sense of taste is so distorted. Most wine experts will agree that wine has more to do with smell than taste, but that is often where the agreement stops and personal preference takes center stage.

Napa Valley wine tasting is one of the places that was at the forefront of initiating proper wine tasting. Wine growers realized that with the all too familiar swishing came with a purpose. Its purpose is to circulate the taste of the wine by moving it from the front of the mouth to the rear in order to hit all of the taste buds on the tongue.

Taste buds are not necessarily the main factor, but they do identify food, beverages and as being sweet, salty or bitter. The swishing method, therefore, gives the senses a chance to extract the aromatic flavors in the wine testing process.

When you attain a basic understanding of the swishing technique and its purpose with a true wine connoisseur, there are three more elementary techniques that need to be taken into consideration when judging the quality of a fine wine - observation, smell, and taste.

Wine should ideally be served in a crystal clear glass so that the delicate color and hue are not distorted by the color of the glass. This allows the first step, observation, to be fully realized. With the sample, a wine connoisseur can take a leisurely approach to examining the wine. This is part of the process, taking a deliberately slow look to see if any imperfections in color and hue can be seen. For instance, White wines actually are not white. They range in color from a golden, pale brown to a shade of light green. Red wine is, by contrast, darker with a pink hue and can run the gamut between a dark pinkish color to a darker brown color.

After observation, the next step involves the olfactory senses or smell. This is a two-step process with a purpose. The first step is to take a quick sniff to get the general aroma of the wine. This is followed by a deep, extended inhalation that allows the wine taster to experience the full aroma at length.

Experts will generally pause at this point to take in and process what they have learned so far about the wine. They will want to reflect on the total experience with the wine.

Finally, the connoisseur is ready to engage in the actual tasting of the wine and this is accomplished by first taking a sip, swishing to bring out the bold or subtle flavors of the sampling. Only after this step will you then fully savor the overall flavor once you swallow the sip you have taken.

As it is with any skill, practice is part of the overall wine tasting methodology. While wine tasting is considered a skill that can be learned, wine experts will tell you that it is really more of an art. - 16003

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Muscle Building Supplements and Vitamin C

By Ricardo d Argence

Staying healthy requires a balanced diet and proper exercise. Good nutrition is crucial for healthy living. People who practice good eating patterns develop habits that help to keep them healthy for many years.

The modern day lifestyle, which leaves little time for healthy meals, often leads to poor health due to improper nutrition. Fortunately this may be overcome by taking supplements that compensate for what our diet may lack.

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a vital component of healthy living. Oxidative stress caused by hard training whilst body building and workout sessions can be deoxidized by taking Vitamin C regularly. Many animals produce their own vitamin C but unfortunately, primates and humans are unable to manufacture it. Vitamin C is necessary for humans to maintain a healthy diet, therefore making food choices that are high in vitamin C content is an easy way to ensure that you get the required amount daily.

Among its many other benefits, Vitamin C can protect cells and help the body absorb iron from food. Vitamin C is also considered capable of fighting common cold. The formation of collagen is an important factor in nearly everything, such as muscles, cartilage, bones, teeth, capillaries and veins by doing this you will aid in the formation of collagen.

In simple terms, you must have Vitamin C to maintain your body and keep it in excellent working condition. Healthy bones, a strong body and well-maintained musculature are the things you can accomplish by taking a natural bodybuilding supplement, Vitamin C.

Vitamin C occurs naturally in fruits and vegetables such as grapefruits and oranges. Food items like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, peppers, kiwi fruit, sweet potatoes etc. are good sources of Vitamin C as well. In order to ensure enough Vitamin C is in your diet, it is important to include these foods in your diet.

Vitamin C can also improve your exercise routine. Taking the right amount of Vitamin C will give you a stronger immune system and a faster recovery time during illness. The hormone cortisol, which encourages fat buildup and inhibits muscle development, can be suppressed with vitamin C. Vitamin C is a water-soluable vitamin and will not build up in your body, making it safe to use on a regular basis as part of your health improvement routine.

To realize the most benefit, it is suggested that you take 1000mg of Vitamin C an hour ahead of exercising. By doing this at the end of every workout your body will recover quicker and you will reduce your muscle soreness.

No other vitamin has such benefits on the body as Vitamin C. While there are many different types and kinds of Vitamin C available to you they all are efficient. If you are a bodybuilder or just work out regularly, youo will find that Vitamin C supplements will help you be healthier and more fit. - 16003

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Use Article Marketing To Expand

By Rob Metras

As the internet continues to get more technologically advanced, people have become familiar with the internet lingo. For example, aSearch Engine Optimizationa and aArticle Marketinga have exploded onto the web. It is assumed that most people know about aSEOa but aArticle Marketinga maybe still unclear to many people.

Article marketing has been talked about and put down in recent years, making it less widely used by current marketing and developing contractors. In contrast to newspapers, article marketing allows you to get your work published with being an expert in the field.

What are the various steps involved in Article Marketing? Who does Article marketing? The first step involved in Article Marketing is the creation of an article. There are a few rules to be followed while writing an article. For example, there should not be grammatical errors and the right keyword density must be maintained.

Many sites on the world wide web allow articles to be published as long as they are not plagiarized. If you write an article in a popular category and have provided a high quality article, then you can make a decent income.

Now you may be wondering who does article marketing? Just about everyone,, directly or indirectly, in the electronic commerce field uses article marketing. Some of these people include writers, business owners, web developers, and search engine optimizers. Besides people in these professions, search engines even use article marketing.

Article marketing benefits its affiliates as well. Most of the time, affiliate marketing is greatly dependent on the use of article marketing within their site or company. As more people make money off of this type of business, people have been hearing more and more success stories.

These people greatly increase their income due to applying the tricks of article marketing. Affiliate marketing can prove to be a great business producing a lot of success. If you are looking to find an article of internet marketing then just look on search engines.

The use of search engines is essential to finding what you need on the internet. In a matter of seconds, depending on your internet connection, you can find what youare looking for based on the keywords you provided. Free videos about article marketing can be found this way on the internet. - 16003

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How Does Train Horns Really Work - Types & Sounds

By Martin Stein

They scare me, I don't know about you! We have all heard these loud blasts before, not good when you are trying to sleep. That penetrating sound and steady long lasting tone, its hard to mistake thats for sure.

It it designed as a warning sign for pedestrian and motorists a like. It's a good warning sign at that! They can also be used to signal other trains as well. Even to the railway station and station masters.

In vehicles and and in trucks, air horns are used, but nothing quite as exciting as that train whistle. It really does stir the imagination like no other sound I know of. Trains in general evoke a feeling of nostalgia, but the sound of a train whistle always reminds me of the train trips I took as a kid. I grew up near a railway station, my grandfather was a station master for 40 odd years.

Just like with anything, there are people or hobbyists who collect all the different types of train whistles from all the different types of trains that have been around. There is actually quite a big market for this sort of item. There are clubs as well.

Air horns for all intensive purposes all work the same sort of way. The best way to explain how they work is like this. Picture a megaphone in your head. You know what they are. They work by way of magnets, a voice coil and a diaphragm. Once it is turned on, the diaphragm starts to vibrate and that causes the loud sound waves.

The air horn is a type of speaker as well, but it pushes air out instead. The air pressure causes the diaphragm (it has one as well) to open quickly and shut quickly. This happens many many times a second. This is then heard by our ears as the steady tone we all know.

Many fanatics can even tell the difference between different models of train horns just by listening to its particular tone. The train horn pitch is changed by many variables.

Such things as the diameter of the air inlet can determine the pitch and loudness of the horn. Also the internal components and the different bell horn material can also change the tone. It could be mellow or sharp and it could also be somewhere in between. Also and this is a big one, the size and shape of the bell horn can change the tone dramatically.

Air tanks are what supply the air horns with their power. These tanks cannot hold an infinite amount of air so they do need to be refilled by a pump. A good diesel air horn will need plenty of compressed air to work, so if you are thinking about buying one of these, you will need a good 25 gallon tank.

One of the biggest markets for train horns are those who drive pickups and of course those who drive SUV's as well. There are scaled down versions that can be purchased for personal use on vehicles. These are very chrome in appearance and are extremely loud. Do not honk these in quiet streets.

These horns are also great for boating. You will need to check with your local authorities before installing this sort of horn on any vehicle as it may be illegal to use this sort of horn. Train horns can produce sounds up to 175 decibels. - 16003

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American Eagle Gold Bullion Coin Sets: 6 Reasons Invest In Proof

By Christina Goldman

Are you wondering whether you should invest in gold proof sets versus the plain vanilla bullion version? You're not alone. Many gold bullion investors often wonder which version of the two they should purchase. Proof? Or bullion? The answer depends upon your reason for wanting to purchase the coins in the first place.

Are You An Investor Or A Collector?

Typically, gold is purchased as a hedge against inflation, a declining dollar or as an insurance policy against financial catastrophe. Let's use the American Eagle gold bullion coin as an example. Both the American Gold Eagle proof and bullion coin are the same size, and contain the same quantity and guaranteed quality of gold. Let's look at the differences between the two types of coin sets:

American Eagle Gold Proof Coin Sets

1. Are special collector's edition coins

2. Are produced in limited quantities

3. Struck at a higher quality standard

4. Comes pre-packaged in a protective blue velvet, satin lined case

5. Are shipped with a certificate of authenticity

6. Are available for sale directly from the U.S. Mint

If love to collect beautiful coins that have the potential to increase in value not only for its gold content but for its collectibility, go with the proof version!

American Eagle Gold Eagle Bullion Coin Sets

1. Value is determined soley by the current market price of gold at the time the coin is purchased or sold.

2. Are not purchased for their age or rarity

3. Are not available for sale from the U.S. Mint

4. Must be purchased from an authorized dealer

If your main goal is to purchase the American Gold Eagle coin in order to capitalize on the rising price of gold, with the hope of selling and making a profit down the road, go with the bullion version!

eBay can be a great place to find some of the rare, earlier dated gold proof sets. However, before buying any American Eagle Gold Proof Set online, please be sure the seller is reputable and has a high, positive feedback number! - 16003

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College Financial Aid

By Jimmy Johnson

Deciding whether to go to college, to continue in education for 4 more years, is one of those really big crossroads decisions that people face in life. It is an emotional, social, spiritual, intellectual and fundamentally a financial decision. It is an investment decision, because you are putting money into your brain asset now in order to earn far greater (hopefully) returns throughout the rest of your working life. The risk with this investment is of course debt. Some fortunate folks start out with enough money, from parents or whoever, to finance their intellectual investment without borrowing. Most folks however will have to take on some debt. Private colleges can mean up to $100,000 or more. It is always best to have an investment repayment plan worked out ahead of enrolment and college financial aid offices can help.

One of the best college financial aid strategies, especially if attending a private college, is to get as many scholarships as possible. Scholarships are a lot more attractive than loans since scholarships represent free money; it never, ever has to be paid back. Most colleges offer both need-based and merit-based financial aid. Need-based aid is usually based on how much money your parents make and how many siblings you have, since your parents are expected to help pay for your education and the education of your siblings. Even if your parents aren't helping to pay for your education at all, the system still stipulates that they do.

Merit-based financial aid is based on your grades and your activities from high school. Private colleges are much more likely to give out large merit-based scholarships than public colleges since the private schools usually have more donors who set up scholarships in their names or contribute to a certain scholarship fund. These institutional scholarships can cover up to half of your tuition, or more, every year.

Like any intelligent investor you need to investigate all possible sources of finance. So get on the Internet and search the local charitable organizations such as the Knights of Columbus and the Humane Society. Every little helps as they say and free money will save you a lot in debt repayments over the years in college and after.

The last resort for you if you come up short is a student loan. The Federal Application for Student Aid (FAFSA) will give you information about the sort of loans which you can apply for. There will be a financial aid office at your college and they will have a lot of experience with these issues and will be able to help you to go for the right loans. They will also give tell you about repayment schedules and timescales. Thinking of all the money involved in paying for college may be daunting but its money well spent and a real investment in your future. - 16003

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Determine How Much You Will Give

By Tom O

When you purchase something for every day of life is an essential part of what the amount will decide. Typically, the initial price we always try to lower. When you lower the price of IE bargain shopping in a word is said will decide what amount.

In order to reduce the price, shopping is a way of life in many parts of the world. Many people were disturbed to find that other people have bought less similar projects. Although it is becoming less common, it is still something that no one will have to deal with, if you want a reasonable price for most things you buy.

Prices in some places, department stores, supermarket, like the other conditions of a deal are very late in the design and is expected to get a good price necessary. If you like the jewelry department store are buying high ticket price discounts and other circumstances, the dialogue also can be used.

If you buy several items, we should request a discount. It's always easier to get a lower price if we buy several items, just like anywhere in the world. We are in the strongest position if we know what the going rate for an item is.

In addition to most of the tourist areas are very rare, for the first time offer is more than a few hundred per cent rate will be. Understanding of the market. Community to check the prices of goods and called in several stores (minimum three), for the sense of the market in front of room for bargaining.

The more expensive items can generally be bargained down more. You will help your chances at getting a good price by being patient, friendly, smiling a lot and not raising your voice. Always be polite, only then will you achieve your goal.

All in all when you can not always bargain to get one item. If the price is fixed and there are a lot of stores offering the similar product, there is only on solution. Go and check the prices of the Goods.

In the review of the three lowest prices in shops and a shopping decision, the products will fit your needs, it may be suitable to the pockets. If you are basically in accordance with the rules of thees you will pay less. - 16003

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Yo, Ho, Ho: The Pirates of the Caribbean

By Steve Collins

Whether it is Johnny Depp's astounding rendering of Captain Jack Sparrow, or Orlando Bloom's stalwart Will Turner, the PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN has swiftly become an audience favorite. A story of love, family ties, and curses, the film deftly balances humor with edge-of-your-seat thrills. Entering the murky world of pirates will transport your and your family to faraway places lost to time and memory. The series of films has managed to win over audiences and critics alike.

The first in the series is THE CURSE OF THE BLACK PEARL, which is a black ship rumored to be crewed by the dead. Throughout the film, Captain Jack Sparrow is bent on getting control of the vessel. Along the way, he is joined (reluctantly) by Will Turner and Elizabeth Swan, played by Keira Knightley. Love is in the air even as the cannonballs fly. What follows is a hilarious, well-scripted story that leaves your wanting to sail way on the Black Pearl.

The sequel, DEAD MAN'S CHEST, finds Jack Sparrow indebted to the horrific pirate king, Davey Jones. Meanwhile, on the Black Pearl, Elizabeth and Will are in the midst of saying their vows when they are accosted for aiding Jack's escape. The race is soon on to see who can get a hold of the eerie compass in Sparrow's possession. This compass leads the holder to his or her heart's desire. For Lord Beckett that desire is to find Davy Jones's locker, for Will it is to find his father and for Captain Norrington, it is to excel his career. As you can imagine, the competition is fierce and the laughs non-stop.

The last installment of the trilogy, AT WORLD'S END, takes you to the place where Jack Sparrow has been captured. Captain Barbossa has reemerged to lead the dejected friends of Sparrow on a rescue mission to the end of the world. The zenith of myth and legend come together in outstanding fashion. This film ties up all the loose ends of family, betrayal, and lost love in the usual, breathtaking way.

The idea for the film is based on the popular theme-park ride at Disney World and though the characters are indeed fictional, some of them are based on actual people and places. The Isla De Muerto or Island of Death is an actual island off the coast of Ecuador. Around 1680, the Santa Cruz sunk just off the coast taking with it tremendous sums of Spanish silver. The pirate Bartholomew Sharpe pushed the ship onto the reef off Santa Clara Island, which was later nicknamed Isla De Muerto. Before he could take the ship's treasure, her crew set her ablaze and sunk the ship where it lay until it was recovered in 1997. It is easy to see the writers of this series knew their pirate lore. To get your copy of any or all of the PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN movies visit Disney Movie Club online. - 16003

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Simple Secrets yo Achieve Fast Weight Loss

By Ricardo d Argence

Before you start your weight loss marathon, take time to consider how long it took to put the weight on. It would be amazing to push a button and have the weight melt off in a matter of weeks, but that is not only, not practical, it is not safe. Be that as it may, there are some practical things that you can do to start shedding the pounds more quickly than you may have thought.

What I am saying and suggesting might sound odd, but if you listen for a minute, I think I can make myself understood. Reduce as much stress as possible by meditating, resting, reading, taking time for yourself, or whatever works to help reduce your sensation of stress. Our bodies naturally decrease metabolism when we are suffering from stress because stress-related things typically occur when food is scarce.

You should be eating constantly throughout the day, but no junk food please! You should eat a minimum of six regularly spaced small meals every day. This will trigger your body into a faster metabolism because it will get in the pattern of expecting another meal very soon, so it will feel comfortable metabolizing the last meal rather than storing it up, not quite sure when the next meal will be coming.

Digestion of your meals is more difficult when your stomach and intestines are full of unhealthy things. There are many ways to go about loosing weight, and you might want to consider doing a complete body cleanse. Many find that by doing this they find that they are more energetic and their physical appearance becomes more healthy.

I am certain that you are not drinking enough water. Do you know how much you should be drinking? Using this calculation, if you weigh approximatey 180 pounds then you would want to consume at least 90 ounces of water each day. According to the formula, the correct number of ounces of water you should drink each day can be calculated by taking your weight (in pounds) and dividing by two. Note: tap water is not an option. You are best off switching between drinking water filtered with reverse osmosis and water that has been distilled. If you can't stand the taste of water, then add fresh squeezed lemons, but no sugar or sugar substitutes.

Even a thirty minute brisk walk will do wonders for your weight, with forty-five minutes to an hour of aerobic exercise being ideal for overall health.

Most of us do not get balanced nutrition in our diets. It would be hard to eat enough food to give us what we need, so add supplements to your diet. Be careful to not be tempted to get them from Wal-Mart or a chain vitamin outlet like GNC. If you want results, go to a natural health food store and ask a knowledgeable clerk for recommendations.

One of the best ways to promote a diet is to tell everyone the success that you are having. Don't wait until you have results. Just say it. Never talk talk to yourself about any negative self image you may have, or even your fear of failure, but talk about the success you are experiencing and/or hope to find. Bottom line: If you can BELIEVE IT, you can ACHIEVE IT!

You should determine how much weight you need to loose in order to be in optimal health. Then with a child of proportionate weight in your arms, walk for five minues. If you can't find a child, fill up a gym bag with books until it weighs the same amount that you want to lose. When you finally put it down, it will be a great relief, so just imagine how amazing it will feel to lose that much of yourself!

Being overweight is bad for you in so many areas of your life. The biggie is health areas, but your weight can also cause social, psychological, and relational problems. Don't you deserve better than that? - 16003

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Getting the Best On-Page Optimization

By Kenya Rios

If you are trying to perfect your on page optimisation for your website, you're probably realizing that it's not so easily done. In fact, getting your website optimised is going to be really difficult. Here are some tips on what you need to do to get your SEO down perfect for your website.

The first step is to make sure that everything is easy for your customers to read. You may not believe it, but it is totally possible to get readable content that is optimized for the search engines. Of course, it isn't going to be simple to do this, but with some work (and a bit of trial and error of having the right keyword densities and placements), it can be done. Despite what people say, it won't help your business to have a website that is at the top of the rankings because of great on-page optimization, but is totally unreadable.

After you have worried about the content, you are going to have to worry about how the page is set up. If you don't know anything about meta tags and page descriptions, now is a good time to review all of this and make sure that the pages on your website are all properly tagged. For example, when looking at your title tag, you want to make sure that you have one for each individual page of your website. Don't just have a generic one for the entire website and think that is good enough. Your page is going to get to the top of the search engine rankings faster if you have a different title tag for each page. When you are thinking of your title tags, make sure that it's not too long. It should be around 10 words long and be easy to read. A title tag is what readers are going to see at the top of their page when they open it, so it has to make sense. Just stuffing it with keywords is not the best way to do it.

Now that you know what your page descriptions are going to say, you are going to want to work on your meta tags. A meta tag gives people information about your website, including who wrote the page, when it was last updated and some of the keywords that you have selected. Meta tags are becoming less and less important, because a lot of web owners just loaded them up with keywords and the search engines didn't know how to rank a page with so many different keywords. Like page descriptions, you really want a different meta tag for each different web page. Meta tags can be up to 30 words each, which is a bit longer than page descriptions.

The final tip for getting perfect on page optimisation is that you are going to want to keep everything up to date. Search engine bots love fresh information, and updating your page often is going to get your webpage up higher because it is going to be reviewed more often.

When trying to determine how to get your website to the top of the search engine results page, you are going to want to remember to keep on-page optimization in mind. This is a really difficult thing to do by yourself. So, if you aren't certain of what you are doing, hire an SEO firm to work on your website to get stellar results. - 16003

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MXI Corp - Scam or Legit - MXI Corp Review

By C R Bolden

Marketing Xocolate International, MXI Corp was established by Co-founders Jeanette Brooks, Vice President Andrew Brooks and the Founders of Pure De-lite Products, Inc. Pure De-lite was recognized as one of the leading distributors of low-carb, sugarfree chocolate in the United States. Pure De-Lite specialty is the dark chocolate bar which is the best selling today. I am sure that a lot of people like dark chocolate and I would assume that President-Elect Barack Obama might like dark chocolate bars but we will review this company even more.

The Products Healthy Dark Chocolate - Chocolate made from the seeds of the Cacao beans. Cacao beans contained over 300 chemically identifiable compounds making one of the most complex food substance on earth. Studied extensively, researchers have found that flavonoids found in cacao powder contain diverse beneficial phytonutrients and antioxidants. When it comes to cocoa, many tests have shown it to be one of nature's highest-scoring ORAC foods in its natural form.

Xocai Decadent Dark Chocolate - Xocai Dark Chocolate has an extremely high cocoa content chocolate (70% Cocoa) which combine the exotic flavors of deep dark chocolate with Aa and Blueberries. Xoai chocolate is produced with rich Belgian unprocessed, nonalkalized, non-lecithinized cocoa powder that is high in antioxidants due to a closely monitored fermentation, drying, and cold-press process.

Acai Berry - Aa is a high-energy super antioxidant berry harvested on co-op farms from a special Amazon palm tree. Aai berries contain amino acids, essential fatty acids (Omega 6 and 9), and higher amounts of antioxidants than any other fruit. The Aa berry has over 14 times more antioxidants than raw spinach, and 10 to 30 times more anthocyanins than red wine.

The Compensation Plan - Everytime you personally refer someone to MXI Corp who purchases a qualifying Xocai chocolate order you will immediately make what is called a Quick Check Bonus ranging from $50 to $150. Every time someone you personally enroll also enrolls 2 other members with qualifying purchases, you will receive an additional $40 bonus on top of any other commissions that result from those sales.

The Infinity Bonus is based on a Binary Compensation model. Binary means "two," and as such you will be placed in one of two sides in your sponsor's organization. This bonus is why we can literally place people one on top of each other to infinite levels. This means TRUE TEAMWORK and it gives everyone the best chance to be successful! Infinity Bonuses are earned on your leg with the lesser volume. When a minimum of $500 of Group Volume is reached in the lesser leg, the Associate will be paid a 10% Infinity Bonus on the Total Group Volume up to a maximum of $100,000 per week, or a $10,000 Infinity Bonus per Business Center per week. You may have up to 3 business centers when you join, if you upgrade within your first 60 days.

Now this is where things really start to get exciting! Once qualified, you will earn a Matching Bonus Check down 7 generations. What does this mean? It means not only do you get a matching bonus on EVERYONE you personally enroll, but also on everyone they personally enroll, and on EVERYONE They Personally Enroll.etc, etc. Down 7 Generations!!! You will earn a percentage on ALL Xocai Healthy Chocolate sold worldwide through these powerful Leadership Bonus Pools. This way, we are all working together as a TEAM and sharing in everyone's success!

Business Opportunity - The business opportunity within MXI Corp is similar to that of any MLM today. To create success within the MLM industry you will need to recruit friends and family, attend and promote hotel meetings, attend and promote product parties, attend and promote home presentations and attend company sponsored seminars. After analyzing the compensation structure the conclusion is the average person will not achieve any substantial success within MXI Corp. While the products are good and can effect your life in a positive way, the business model is out dated and not set up for the average person. The amount of people needed to create a solid six figure income would enter the thousands. - 16003

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Tips for Finding Stylish Ladies Clothing Online

By Amy Nutt

When was the last time you battled your way through department store crowds just to find a nice outfit? The noise, the unhelpful staff, searching through racks and racks of clothing to find the right color and size can be a bit overwhelming. And then you have the change rooms, tiny cubicles with doors that rarely stay shut, where you struggle to turn around without knocking your outfits from the dinky hooks on the wall. Store change rooms are often badly lit, as well, so what looks decent in the store might look hideous in the light of day.

It`s a pain to go shopping in a store, which is why more and more women are opting for the online method, instead.

Online shopping makes it very easy to choose what you like. You can search by color, so only your favorites come up, select the style and choose your size from a drop down menu. It`s a far sight easier than searching fruitlessly through racks and racks of dresses only to discover they don`t have your size.

If looking for ladies clothing online seems a bit intimidating, don`t worry. It`s not difficult if you know how and there are some techniques that can actually help you find the right clothing faster.

- Know your style. Do you look better with fitted jeans or flared? Halter top dresses or A-line? Having a clear idea of what you look best in will help you find the right outfit. To help you out, some websites even offer a virtual model that you can customize to your body shape and size and even put your own face on. This can be helpful to see which styles look best on your body type.

- Search specifically for your size range. If you`re petite, look for dresses that are smaller and for plus sizes, be sure to add this to your search. It will eliminate the frustration of finding the perfect blouse, only to discover that it`s only available in sizes that wouldn`t fit you.

- Consider color matching. If you are on a budget or just don`t want the hassle of searching your closet for something to go with your plaid shirt, try choosing a handful of complimentary colors and a couple of accents and base your clothing searches and purchases on those.

- Look for coupon codes. When you find ladies clothing that you like, take a moment to do a coupon code search for that store. You can often save 10-15% simply by inputting a special code when you`re checking out.

- Opt for stores that let you return clothing. This way, you can receive the outfit, try it on in the comfort of your own home, get the opinions of friends and family, if you like and should things not work out . . . just send it back. It`s a hassle free way to check out your clothing and allows you to take your time trying on the clothing. There isn`t any line outside the door and you have plenty of space to change.

Online shopping for ladies clothing is easier these days than ever before. Nearly every store that you would normally shop at in the real world is available online and you`ll be able to take your time browsing, no commute to worry about! With all the advantages, it`s definitely worth doing your shopping online at home, any time of day or night and without all the crowds. - 16003

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6 Best Ways to Get a Christian Finance

By Ada Denis

Christian Finance is a concept which is based on the Biblical perceptions to help teach believers their stewardship duties and to be a responsible Christian investor with their money. There are many Christian Finance principles based on Biblical affiliation such as goals, budgeting, debt elimination, saving, financial management, tithing, and giving.

There is a ministry such as Crown Financial Concepts who offers numerous books and small group studies on stewardship financial management. There are also many Christian Finance scholars available who conducts stewardship seminars and workshops based on timeless truths about how to manage their money with Christians at local churches.

Along with the teaching ministry, there are many financial institutions which are fee only financial planners that combine their Christian faith along with traditional financial services standards. They also use Christian Finance concepts to administer investment accounts for Christian values and always try to avoid investments that conflict with their client's Christian beliefs.

Best ways to get a Christian Finance

Identify your needs

Simply contacting a Christian Finance planner is not enough. Prior to that you need to identify what you need from your consultant. This would include the type of home you would like to own, the savings that you can invest, the monthly repayments that you can afford and the value that you want out of the deal. All your transactions can then be managed with the biblically based investment advice.

Get the best Christian Finance planning firm

The best Christian Financial Planning firm will help you to organize and manage the money with investment advice which are steeped in traditional values and traditional financial planning techniques. A Christian Finance planning firm is needed to help the fellow believing clients in two areas. (1. So that they are able to offer advice with solid moral Biblically based advice. 2, they can use their education and experience to provide the best advice available)

Be aware

It pays to be aware. Do your research on the local real estate options as well as history so that you are familiar with the area and the projects that are on the platter. It is important to ask your Christian Finance advisor to walk you through the various properties and neighborhoods so that you can study their pros and cons yourself.

Be up to date regarding the Christian financial services

Before you invest, you should be thoroughly up to date with the latest trends in the Christian Finance offers. This will help you decide what is best for you and your situation and assist in your long term finance plan.

Choose the best option

Your advisor will give you several options to choose from. Make sure you evaluate them all against your finance situation and your property needs. You should opt for the program which is most comfortable even if it runs into a longer tenure. It is better to pay smaller amounts for a longer duration than hurry with repayments only to default on the mortgage which will result in the loss of your home.

Get the best lawyer

Though based on the Christian belief, you should also keep in mind that this is primarily a financial investment. So it is always advisable to get the best lawyer who is not only be well equipped to handle Christian Finance but will also advise and guide you through the intricate maze of real estate investment in general. - 16003

Crafts and Trade California: Sharing the Joy of Homemade Things

By Kristin Ross

Wouldn't it be a wonderful idea to share your crafts with others aside from just your friends and family? There are many things people do that they share with others in crafts and trade fairs and festivals: they could make knitwear to keep people warm, intricate needlework and crochet to decorate people's homes, delicious homemade dishes and pastries that people will love to eat and skillfully done woodworks that people enjoy looking at. But these are only some of the few things that people could share with others at a crafts and trade fair or festival. Why not take part in an endeavor like this, too, if you have the talent?

But how do you to begin participating in such an event? You would have to know what's going on in and around the state first. California may not as be as large as Texas, but it would be rather hard to get to know all the events that you could probably participate in given its size. It might be even a little more harder to find out what events are the closest to where you are.

So, how would you go about finding reliable information on these events around the country? You could try finding people and networking efficiently to know what fairs and festivals you could participate in. But it would be difficult to do that. You'll need to spend some extra time and energy to find contacts.

But there are databases of all crafts and trade fairs and festivals all over the country, for every state. You could use that to your advantage. A handy calendar for events happening in California is also available for your convenience.

People appreciate the talent that goes into crafts that are put to show in fairs and festivals. Surely enough, by participating in these events, you'll be able to share your talent with more people. You would also be able to have a little bit of business with it, too. And maybe you could be known for your skills in your craft there in California.

You would be making your life more convenient by joining a service that keeps you updated on all these fairs and festivals happening in the state. You would have an easier time selecting which fairs are most accessible to you. And you could have an easier time getting ready for any new events you would plan to showcase your works in, too. Making a little extra from your hobbies is all good, anyway. You would be sharing your works with people who appreciate them and getting a bit of income in return. - 16003

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How to Invest in International Mutual Funds

By Ada Denis

International mutual funds invest in markets outside of the United States and across the globe. These funds can be good for diversifying and adding balance to a portfolio. Generally, international funds are more volatile than their domestic counterparts. However, the rewards of investing in foreign markets can be many, allowing investors to fatten their wallets with more than just local opportunities.

1. Understand the difference between international funds and global funds. International funds typically focus on investing outside the United States; global funds invest both inside and outside of the United States.

2. Recognize that investing in international mutual funds provides a way of breaking into foreign markets without the risks brought on by investing with little applicable knowledge. Professional mutual fund managers bring experience and in-depth research to the table, boosting your chances of profiting from your investment.

3. Carefully evaluate the level of risk you can take and your investment time horizon.

4. Determine the portion of your assets you can afford to invest in international mutual funds.

5. Understand that international mutual funds may invest in stocks and/or bonds from markets around the world. An international fund may focus on a particular market or a combination of markets.

6. Recognize that you may need to sit out some rough times in order to realize an international fund's full potential.

7. Consider the fact that international funds may help you to lower your overall investment risk. As the world's markets do not move exactly in tune with each other, you could capitalize on a thriving market in one region, even while trouble brews in another country.

8. Research and compare international mutual funds online, using

9. Visit the websites of the funds that interest you and request or download prospectuses.

10. Contact a financial adviser to discuss the portion of your portfolio best allocated to international mutual funds. With the adviser's help, invest in the mutual funds best suited to your goals, risk tolerance and time horizon. - 16003

stumblehere suprised me

By Lilly Mendez

I was wrong to think I could not sell my car on stumblehere. It sold quickly and painlessly.

It all started when I posted on craigslist an ad for my 2000 van. Not long after I posted my ad I received a call from a gentleman who had used I am sure that he was used to people not being happy about his phone call to them and I was along with that train of thought.

I did not want to listen to some sales speach about how stumblehere was a place to sell my stuff. The last thing I wanted to do was post more ads.

I had not heard of before. Something about the name made me want to try it. I decided that the ad syndication they were promoting sounded like something I wanted to try.

I decided to let the stumblehere ad syndication process drive my ad to many sites. Ad syndication sounded like the way to go. So I gave in and gave it a whirl.

Well I will only use Stumblehere from here on. I found the most success that I have ever had posting with Stumblehere than ever before. My representative said it would take from 24 to 48 hours for all the added postings to places on other sites. Well I had so many calls on my van I was able to sell it for the amount I wanted and needed. Stumblehere and their option Betterpost have a customer for life. - 16003

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Mountain Bikes - Taking Them on Holiday

By Alison Addy

Mountain bike holidays are ideal for the people who love to explore the outdoors.

Mountain biking is good for not only exercising, but also for seeing the world. Allowing you to explore parts of the world that would otherwise be inaccessible, the sport really can be relaxing and enjoyable. That is why many people consider taking mountain bike holidays.

What Are Mountain Bike Holidays?

Mountain bike holidays are generally holidays you take that involve cycling around different places. They are designed for those who love the outdoors and who like to explore different parts of the world. People of all ages go on such holidays and they can even be a good activity for all of the family. There are also a number of companies set up which allow you to take mountain bike tours with others. These allow you to meet new people and to enjoy cycling in a group environment.

The type of mountain bike holiday that you choose will depend upon a number of factors. You will be spoil for choice when you look around at the different options open to you and there is a large amount of companies out there for you to choose from too. One of the best companies available today is ?Sacred Rides?. They have been offering mountain bike rides since 1996 and they were actually the first ever company in British Columbia to offer downhill week long mountain trips.

When you look into Sacred Rides you will see that the staff there is really friendly. They know the area well, which routes are the best to take and they are knowledgeable in everything to do with mountain biking. They also mainly deal with local suppliers and local services in order to boost the tourism within the area.

One of the best things about taking a mountain bike ride with Sacred Rides is that the scenery you are presented with is absolutely beautiful. British Columbia is one of the best places to take a mountain bike ride and with the knowledge of the staff you will get to explore places you never knew existed.

Overall mountain bike holidays can be the ideal way to relax and unwind. Helping you to see beautiful, picturesque places, it truly is an experience that you will never forget. So if you have recently started mountain biking and you are enjoying it, why not consider taking a mountain bike holiday? Whether you choose to go it alone or whether you opt to go as part of a group, mountain bike rides are designed for everyone. It could even be a really romantic activity to do as you could ride up to the top of a mountain and have a romantic picnic once you get there, enjoying the magnificent view at the same time.

Read more articles about mountain bike ratings and mountain bikes reviews available at his web. - 16003

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Kansas State: Turn Your Hobby Into Hard Cash!

By Nate Weaver

Knitting, crochet, baking, and pottery might just seem like things to while the hours and make trinkets for your family, but it doesn't need to be that way. The little things that you make for your own enjoyment can be earning you extra money-money that you may be missing out on this very moment!

You don't need much to start, because you already enjoy the part that matters: your hobby! What you do need is a way to work Kansas art and craft festivals into your life. A little organization goes a long way in making sure that your new business doesn't let you miss other important times with your family. Fortunately, the Kansas trade show and festival database is right at your fingertips.

For budding entrepreneur moms to crafts enthusiasts finding a way to get recognition and profit from their work, Kansas festivals offer a place for everyone's talents and a chance to make money and enjoy doing it. Start joining and pretty soon, you will be getting orders and getting so many friends who fully appreciate the love and hard work you pour into your arts and crafts. And there's no need to worry about your schedule being too filled-up by the time you'll be spending on your adventure.

That's where the Kansas events database comes in to save the day. Nothing can't be solved with a little planning, and a calendar of when the trade shows and crafts meets is exactly what you need to integrate your budding business into your day-to-day life. Organizing your calendar to mesh with the Kansas festival database is the key to balancing your journey into your fun business with your life with your family and friends.

The Kansas trade and crafts calendar not only informs you of when and where the events happen, but also how much you need to register. This feature allows you to manage even the budget you'll need to set aside for the event, along with any other information that you need, including the events' websites and application deadlines, down to whatever bands or performances that you can expect to see.

There you have it. Everything you need to start marketing your talents in a fun and engaging manner is right here. The only thing you need is the spirit of adventure to go forth, showcase your talent to the world, meet a whole lot of friends, and even make money all the while with the Kansas festival and crafts calendar, and you can go about this journey and still have enough time for family and friends. Besides, the best business partners are those closest to you. - 16003

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How To Sell Your Vintage Antique Lionel Train

By Philip Stein

It's human nature to want to know what something you have or have created would be worth if you wanted to sell it. Not that you would ever want to sell something that was dear to you of course, but it's still nice to know what you have is worth something to somebody and if god forbid that day came, at least you know you won't get ripped off because you will have all the knowledge you need to make an informed selling decision on the day.

Also, its good to know the value of these things for insurance purposes. I highly suggest that you insure your model trains against theft an fire and any sort of damage possible.

There are three major factors to appraising the worth of your model train collection. Of course the first thing, like any collectible is the rarity of the object in question. Production numbers can be used to do this quite well, but it's not the only way and probably not always the best way either.

A train is rare if only a few were ever produced, but the price also goes up on supply and demand. If there is no demand for this type of train, then it won't sell or fetch a high price. So you see, production numbers can be used, but it's not alway the best way to value you model train or model train collection.

Simple business principles apply here. If there is a high demand for a model train and there are only a few of them around and it's hard for people to find and buy one that they actually want, then this is where top dollar will be paid to you. It's only human to want something you can't have and want, and knowing someone else has that you want and cannot have!

The next factor to look at is the condition the model train is in. Bad condition trains rarely sell for a high price. This is probably not something you will be able to determine yourself especially if you are attached to the train. Try and get an objective opinion from someone you trust and get them to grade the train. - 16003

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Canon Camera Basic Guide Flash metering - E-TTL system

By Tim Harris

Otherwise known as the Evaluative Through the Lens System, the E-TTL system was introduced in 1995 with the debut of the Canon Elan II/50 Camera. Even if the metering process is still done through the lens of the Camera, the E-TTL system is a more advanced system and operates on dissimilar system to that of the TTL system. In addition, the E-TTL system is not backward compatible. The E-TTL system functions by firing a pre-flash, whose brightness is known, from the flash unit to ascertain the exact level of flash exposure. This is achieved by measuring the pre-flash light which is reflected off from the scene. The camera then calculate the correct flash pulse to get a mid tone level on the subject.

The E-TTL is more advanced than the TTL or A-TTL system because the algorithm of the E-TTL system is able to fill flash daylight photos better. It is also connected to the auto focus point and as such the exposure result is better and finer grained than the multiple zoned TTL flash system. Currently the system is supported by all late model Canon EOS film cameras and the digital range after the introduction of the Canon D30. The progression of the operation of the E-TTL system is as follows:

Once the shutter button is depressed halfway the ambient light metering process runs it normal course of operation. Aperture size and Shutter speed are programmed by the user or camera depending on which mode the camera is operating under. After the shutter button is press down all the way, the camera fires a pre-flash from the flash unit. The light which is reflected of the scene is then measured by the metering system to ascertain the right power output for the actual flash pulse to get the correct exposure level.

Auto filled reduction is applied if the photo taking operations occurs under bright lighting conditions. With the auto filled reduction process, flashlight output can be reduced by 0.5 to 2 stops. The mirror then flips up and while at the same time the shutter opens exposing the film or sensor element if it is a digital camera. The shutter then remains open during the entire time of the shutter speed. After this, the shutter will close and the mirror will down back to its original position. If the camera has a LED light confirming the flash exposure, then it will light up if the metering process is successful.

The problem with the E-TTL system is that, the pre-flash will result in those who blink quickly to be snapped while in mid blink resulting in "droopy eyes" looks. The situation gets more problematic when you use a slow shutter speed and the second curtain sync together. To overcome this problem, just wait a short while before firing off the main flash burst. Remember to forewarn the subjects as they might think the actual photo has been taken after you fired the pre-flash. - 16003

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Strengthen Your Body And Mind With Pilates

By Judy Smith

Not only is Pilates good for the body but it is also beneficial for the mind and soul. By putting the focus on breathing and concentrating on muscle groups you are able to reduce stress. Many people with chronic illness have high levels of stress and get very little exercise. Pilates can help you with both.

The Pilates exercise regimen unites your body and mind and also gives you discipline. All these will have positive benefits to your health and well being. Stress brings many chemical changes to your body. It increases blood flow to the larger muscles and slows digestion as it prepares the body for "fight or flight" mode. Your blood vessels restrict and sugar rises. Many hormones are switched into off position. If this were primitive times and there was real danger than this would be a good thing. However much of todays stress has more to do with day to day living such as problems at work or debt piling up.

Stress is responsible for many diseases. Estimates of seventy-five to ninety percent of all visits are stress related. Being well is not the opposite of illness. It is more than just the lack of sickness; it is an overall well-being that affects both the mental and the physical aspects of life. Many adverse habits develop because of stress and lack of wellness.

Doing Pilates can actually help break the cycle of worry and anxiety. Much like any mental exercise that allows the individual more control of thought patterns, Pilates offers a way to change your focus and relieve the stress.

The exercise from Pilates releases the body from the flight or fight mode by mimicking the activity of both. Exercise is a proven method of stress control, when combined with the activity of mental control and focus on breathing, the quick return of stress is unlikely and the cycle is broken for that period.

Studies link a reduction of disease with exercise. A study at the University of Calgary and the University of Ottowa showed a decrease in blood sugar when type two diabetics exercised. The decrease translated into a reduction of heart attack and diabetic kidney and eye disease. Other studies show a reduction of 40 percent in mortality rate for diabetics. Lack of activity is one of the biggest risk factors in heart disease. Overweight is another. Pilates reduces both risks and is a heart healthy activity. Stress is also linked to tumor growth in cancer victims. While there is no study that shows psychological stress creates cancer, there are many that shows it impairs the immune system and creates an environment conducive to cancer.

It may seem simple. Take a Pilates course, work out three times a week, live longer and be happier. The activity is good for the body, the training is good for the soul and the results on appearance are fantastic for the spirit. Set aside time to exercise and regain hours in healthy stress-free living. You'll find that the day's stresses melt away and you feel better than you ever felt before, after just a few months of training. - 16003

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iBuzz Pro - Can Voice Blasting Software Triple Your Business?

By Matthew Loop

Are you are an entrepreneur? A multi-level marketer (MLM)? A small business owner? Then here?s something we are sure would interest you. Running a business is an unenviable job, as you know.

Email marketing is on its death bed, thanks to Spam filters, Promotion through postcards/ magazines or Compact discs has become exorbitant, 2 to 5 dollars you have to pay for hot telephone surveyed leads is not a very economical proposition, cold calling can generate hot leads but the percentage is abysmally low.

Running a business is an unenviable job. To run and sustain a business it takes experience, caution, perseverance during the worst of times, and undying hope that your product or service will certainly make it big. But running a business is not good enough running the business successfully is.

Spam filters have signed the death warrant of email marketing; Exorbitant expenses you would have to incur for promotion through postcards/ magazines or Compact discs; for hot telephone surveyed leads @ 2 to 5 dollars per lead the abysmally low percentage of hot leads which cold calling can generate

iBuzzPro is a voice broadcasting and blasting software that lets you deliver voice message to thousands of contacts for only pennies per call. You leave a short 40 second message and you'll be flooded with calls asking about your product thus helping you in generation of potential clients who are really interested in your product and would like to know more about your product with a view to buy your product. Mind you, these are not just any clients but clients who are income qualified, money motivated, and ready to get started calling you.

It is as simple as recording a message through a toll free number about your company or products, uploading as many leads as you want and click a button to send them out. We can tell you, it can?t get simpler than this.

It is as simple as recording a message through a toll free number about your company or products, uploading as many leads as you want and click a button to send them out. We can tell you, it can't get simpler than this.

Sounds too good to be true? Believe us. Until recently, this technology was affordable only by big time players like Fortune 500 companies such as Disney or Dish Network or those companies with large marketing budgets. Now this voice broadcasting technology has been brought within the reach of the small business owner, an entrepreneur or the multi-level marketer (MLM) at an affordable price.

iBuzzPro! can also enable you to earn $500 or more daily by sharing the technology with others apart from helping you get interested prospects calling you who need this technology as much as you do. For more details, we are just a call away. - 16003

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7 Tips To Help When Playing Lead Guitar

By Joss Schuyler

It takes more than a natural talent to play a lead guitar it also takes time dedicated to learning the theory and techniques of playing the instrument. Many people have learnt how to play a lead guitar and are now looking to improve their skills, but some find it easier than others. In this article we provide some tips which you make find useful in the future to help improve your playing lead guitar.

Tip 1 - For you to learn how to become a great lead guitarist you have to learn the basics of playing it first. Although the basics of guitar playing may seem boring and not worth bothering about, then you need to rethink what you consider is important. If you don't learn the basics then when it comes to playing lead guitar well you find it is very difficult indeed.

Tip 2 - Although you would like to start playing the lead guitar stood up or jumping around, this really isn't the best way to learn. You will find it a lot easier if you practice your playing when sat in a comfortable chair. This way you will find that you are more and so can retain things much more easily and also you won't become so tired so quickly when you are practicing.

Tip 3 - It is important that you discipline yourself to keep up with your practice. So if you make the decision that each day you will spend 45 minutes practicing playing lead guitar you should and not slope off early just because you feel like it.

Tip 4 - Although economy picking is easier it is far better if you also learn alternate picking. If you do not learn this technique then you are going to find it more difficult to learn more complex techniques or faster pieces of music. With alternate picking you are learning how to alternate between the down and up strokes as you pick the guitar strings. It takes time but you will soon be playing these picks in an automatic way and the speed at which you pick the strings will increase.

Tip 5 - You have to dedicate time to learning the various different techniques for playing lead guitar. So you need to spend time learning how to play bends, slides, vibratos, pull offs, hammer ons as well as the kinds of tricks that other lead guitarists use. Through learning these techniques you can make your lead guitar playing more colorful and so make it more expressive.

Tip 6 - To play guitar solos of any kind you need to learn the scales and learn how to play them repeatedly. The scales that are most commonly used by guitarists these days are the E Blues and Pentatonic scales. If you can learn these you can then use them as a framework for your playing and also can help you to create your own music.

Tip 7 - This last tip when it comes to playing lead guitar is the most important of them all. It is the one where you get told that practice makes perfect. The more time you dedicate to practicing a piece the more you will find that you remember it and so it then becomes easier to play. When you first start off learning a new piece for the lead guitar do so very slowly and then gradually build up the tempo at which it should be played using a metronome. - 16003

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Investment in the life insurance polices is a necessity for all.

By Todd Martin

Dear friends, we need to look for the new opportunities and use our intuition to get a sense of what we need and desire to accomplish in the coming days. We have to be patient and learn to go with the flow. We should take our own time in making decisions and we do not have to be impulsive or hurry things up while we are investing in any of the life insurance policies like term life insurance. We have to gain knowledge about all the life insurance policies beforehand if we are keen in investing in any one of them and only then we would we able to make up our mind in whatever we take up.

If we are passionate of whatever we are doing, then it is equally important that we take out some time to get or to buy some good policy for the safety of our family and their future. Whenever we are deciding to invest in any of the life insurance policy, then we can meet any agent of the same and he will guide us towards the right purchase of the policy which will actually fit into our budget. But while discussing with him/her we have to have freedom of thought and we should ask him all the questions which arise in our mind before investing in the particular policy. We can even express our ideas to them and then take the decision.

So whatever may the reasons be but the motive is one and that is investing in the life insurance policy and securing our selves. We were very young when we lost both our parents together in an accident. I was hardly 16 years old and my sister was younger to me and she was 13 years old. We were not financially protected because our father never had invested in any of the life insurance policy from where we could get benefit. Till I could reach the age of maturity or rather till I completed my 21 years I had to depend on my uncle who was the legal care taker and guardian of our property.

Though my father had made a legal will which I could get 50% of his property and the other 50% was my sister's. But we could make use of this money only when I could complete my 21 years and my sister 18 years. But unfortunately we had to struggle for money for nearly 6-7 years and we literally had to depend on my uncle for all our needs. This was really an embarrassing situation that we had to complete our education depending on our uncle.

Had my father invested in any of the life insurance policy like variable universal life insurance than to keep some amount of property on our name until we could not use till the matured period of time then we would not have to depend upon anyone for our education? If he had invested in any of the life insurance policies, then our education expenses could be easily covered by them. At that time both of us decided that once we settle in our lives, then we will not repeat the mistake and we will invest in any of the life insurance policies so that our children will not have to go through all which we had to go through in our life. - 16003

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Learn How To Drink Alcohol While Building Muscle and Losing Fat

By Caleb Lee

You probably already know drinking more than 1-2 drinks of alcohol (in any form) per day is NOT good for you. Here's why:

* Body treats it like estrogen, which is your enemy

* Slows fat loss.

* Filled with empty calories.

* Spoils the quality of sleep.

* It does not quench thirst, it makes thirst worst

* Real bad for your liver.

My expert advice: Don't drink at all if you want to lose a lot of fat as possible and attain extreme muscle gains.

Then again, let's admit it. This is the real world, and you probably like to drink as much as the next guy (the younger you are the more you probably like to drink). Therefore here's some tips to keep your muscle building and fat loss on progress when you decide to "indulge":

Drink Plenty of Water

Many of the bad stuff that come from drinking can be controlled with water consumption. Alcohol dehydrates you, thus drink a lot of water beforehand, during (if possible) and without doubt before going to sleep. In addition, alcohol helps your body get rid of huge amount of toxins you just doused it with in the form of alcohol.

Avoid Sugary mixers

Stay away from sugary mixers in your hard alcohol. Eating sugar while drinking alcohol is about the worse thing you can do for fat gain.

Do away with carbs

If you're drinking alcohol don't eat carbs beforehand, during or after. To sum up: The carbs get turned to fat much easier because your body is trying to process the alcohol. And Protein will stay with you longer so you won't eat as much and the higher thermic rate makes it less likely to promote fat gain.

Stick to the 1-2 drinks a day during weekdays

There's already enough evidence to suggest that 1-3 drinks a day is good for you. If you love drinking a beer or two a day or glasses of wine or whatsoever, don't worry about it. Try not to splurge EVERY night. If you're going to binge

Drink hard only a couple days a week.

Like Friday and Saturday, or something like that. Here's what to do: Don't eat a lot during the day if you're going to get down that night. And make sure you get some good protein into your system to help support your stomach. What's more, some foods high in fiber like beans is good too. It will latch onto you and help you feel fuller, possibly absorb some toxins-definitely help flush them out the next day when you "eliminate".

Workout 2-3 hours before you get down

Because your muscles get exhausted of glycogen after you workout doing this might make it easier for your body to turn even more of the empty calories you consume later on that night into muscle, rather than fat.

Don't stuff yourself as soon as you get drunk

Nearly all drink up to they're really drunk, then get hungry and choose to eat a bunch of crap food. This is NOT going to help. Go along with the protein tip above, and drink more water to help you feel full.

Have fun playing beer pong or other games

You might actually burn 20-30 calories in a "Vigorous" game of beer pong. You'll probably drink more though as a result. My advice: Drink less to make your aim better - so you drink less during the game (because you're winning) which overall leads to less drinking! Play "strip" versions of these games for even more fun.

Be disciplined if you just want to get drunk

It's not good for you (emotionally, mentally OR physically) to drink to "get drunk" but I realize this is why most people do it. They drink since they think it makes them more cool, more gutsy, or more admired. That's all bullsh*t, you really need to get your confidence issues handled, then again I realize most people still do it.

Therefore if you're drinking for "effect" then remember: be disciplined. Get a high alcohol spirit like Everclear or 151, cut it with ice and water, or do a couple shots, you'll get drunk faster. And you won't have to drink as much. (at least it's better than drinking 36 beers right?)

I can't believe I'm giving this advice, but I know people will still do it, so just be "efficient" about it and perhaps it will help you not to go too much next time.

Choose low calorie beers and wines

Low-calorie beers are the lowest. Dark stouts such as Guinness are next. Followed by the rest. Red wines are lesser in calories (and contain added resveratrol), followed by the rest.

Hangover relief:

In the morning, you might be hungover here's some tips:

* Keep away from NSAID's such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and all that because blended with the alcohol it is extremely bad for your liver and stomach, and so on...

* Drink water and Gatorade to replenish electrolytes, etc...

* Take a multivitamin/multi-mineral to further replenish

* Proteins are great to comfort you such as eggs, bacon, and all that...

* Exercise moderately to sweat some toxins out (make sure you keep drinking water)

* Get some shuteye...

You know you shouldn't but then if you do

Decide to "over indulge" you should at least follow the guidelines I've set out here. The real issue you should address is:

"Why do I feel the need to drink a lot?"

You'll most likely realize that it's an issue with your self confidence not being able to say "no" to your group of friends or trying to "Fit in" or some other such nonsense. Or you don't like reality and you're just trying to escape from it by getting trashed. None of these things are good for your health and you need to get these issues handled before you do some damage. - 16003

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