Friday, October 31, 2008

What Are The Most Popular Diet Plans? CLICK HERE & Find Out!

By Jessica A. Andersen

It is hard to turn on the television today and not see an added some sort or one weight-loss plan or another. It begs the question, if they work, why are there so many different kinds? Knowing your body and how it works will let you pick from many diet to market the best one for you. Below I've described some of the more popular weight-loss programs and and provided links to some new promising ones.

1. Jenny Craig. This diet needs no introduction its spokespeople Kirstie Alley and Valerie Bertinelli are all over the media. We've seen Kirstie Alley shrink from a behemoth to merely a very large woman. And Valerie Bertinelli has made a remarkable transformation. This plan has one big drawback. It is extremely expensive. The mAonthly fee while only $20 does not hint at or reveal that the actual cost is much more. The food is great but expensive. On the plus side the plan matches you with counselor with whom you can speak about your progress or lack thereof when you go in for weigh ins.

2. Weight Watchers. This diet by far has been a very successful. Almost no food is off limits. The points system, developed by Weight Watchers, lets you eat anything you want as long as you do not eat more than a daily point value assigned to your weight group. this fun as great literature and informative meetings that instruct members how to eat benefits as they can eat more, not be hungry and not gain weight. Exercise is not a large part of this diet even though it's encouraged. My advice, however, is to always exercise. Even if it's just a little. Everyday, each little bit helps more than you know it's a vital part of your day and will improve your life.

3. South Beach. This diet has attracted a lot of people mostly because of the idea that they can lose up to thirteen pounds in the first two weeks. The first two weeks are the most restrictive of the entire program. The idea is to reprogram the body to metabolize food. Slowly, the foods that were restricted are added back in to balance out the diet. It also helps that South Beach has gone mainstream with products like frozen meals, bars, and cereals on grocery store shelves.

4. Nutrisystem. This diet focuses on the glycemic index. This is a rating system that describes the nature of carbohydrates. A carbohydrate that scored highly on this index is one it releases its energy extremely quickly. When you eat these foods causes a rush of sugar into the blood. You get a burst of energy than you crash quickly and you are hungry again almost immediately. the diet provides you with prepackaged food that contains exactly the correct amount of low glycemic index carbohydrates in order to provide you with a stable energy burn. You will not experience a sugar rush, you'll feel more satisfied, and you will not be hungry when you eat these low glycemic index prepackaged meals.

So how you you choose the right diet for you? All of them are promising and will work. Let me help you. Visit my site now, learn more about these diets and I'll show you how to choose the correct one for you. Visit my site today. When you visit today and sign up for my newsletter you'll receive free diet software. Click on the links below now! - 16003

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