Friday, October 31, 2008

No Federal Bailout Plan for You? Your Plan - Make Money Online!

By Tranque Fuller

Everywhere you turn - newspapers, television, the Internet or . . . your neighbor over the fence - the talk is nothing but "Our Failing Economy!" "Times are Tough!" "Billion Dollar Bail-out Plans!" Blah . . . blah . . . blah. . . .

It can be a real downer - unless you decide now not to buy into it!

The American economy (and as the U. S. economy goes, so goes the World to a certain degree) is suffering right now; but does that mean that your "Personal Economy" has to suffer too? It won't if you're a successful Online Marketer making your money online.

Are you suffering from a "victim mentality"? One of the most fundamental concepts you'll need to embrace to experience true, long-term success and making a high income on the Internet - or off of the Internet for that matter - is the understanding that YOU are in the driver's seat. Your success is not dependant upon what is happening in the economy or any other external factor. Successful People take responsibility for everything that happens in their lives; they are never mere "victims".

The truly successful people that I know personally typically limit their exposure to mass media news outlets and their daily dump of negative. However, that doesn't mean they go through life oblivious to world current events. Nothing could be further from the truth!

The key difference though, is how successful people evaluate that information. Unsuccessful people allow themselves to be bombarded with a steady diet of negative news headlines and finally throw up their hands in surrender. "That's it!" they say, "the economy is bad, its time to hunker down, lock up my wallet in a safe and plan to be miserable."

Successful people examine the news with a critical eye and with the mind-set, "How can I make this current situation - boon or bomb - work for me?" Even if they experience temporary financial set-backs, they make adjustments to counter the current economic environment and will continue to grow their incomes and make more money regardless of what happens in Washington or Wall Street.

The reality is, politicians will always promise to change the World and accomplish nothing; Economists will always wring their hands and forecast economic doom-and-gloom; the Media Out-lets will always zealously peddle their daily dose of negativity; and "Joe and Jane Average" will always buy into it and allow it to ruin their day . . . or life.

You, on the other hand - the aspiring Internet Entrepreneur in the process of creating wealth and earning a lot of money online - understand that this ugly economy is a perfect opportunity to get wealthy!

Record numbers of people are turning to the Internet for solutions to their financial woes; they are starving to find ways to make more money online. Those of us that have put ourselves into a position of meeting the needs of this hungry market have been watching our incomes sky-rocket!

Have you been asking yourself, "How can I become part of this market's Solution?" The answer to that question - followed with intelligent action - can create long-term financial success for you - and your family - at a time when most others are struggling. - 16003

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