Friday, October 31, 2008

Link Building For Search Engine Optimization

By Dan Duvano

Link building is a central task when it comes to increasing your search engine rank, as well as boosting the total number of people who visit your site. Aside from rankings, link building also gets your site out there through simply putting links to your website in front of internet users.

Right at the center of any serious search engine optimization campaign, is link building. Without a definite plan for ongoing link building, your goals for search engine rankings aren't likely to succeed. The single thing you should concentrate on the most, is getting high quality incoming links.

What Is Link Building Really?

Link building is the term used to cover the process of getting links from other websites to yours.

One of the most important parts of 'off-page' optimization of your website, is how many incoming links you can generate. If you ignore this, your website may be ignored by the masses!

Link building is often done through marketing content. The idea is that if your content if of highly quality, others will want to use it. When they use it, they are obliged to give a link back to your website. Generally this is done through article marketing, as it is known, but other forms exist too. This process is probably the dominant feature of link building as it is today.

Link building can take months to see good results, so don't be too hasty. It's a long, but very worthwhile process.

Methods Of Link Building

Most of the big players in the world of search engines seem to view links as a testament to the quality of your site. The more incoming links to your site from others, the more is implied in terms of the quality of your site.

There are several different methods of link building, including gain reciprocal inks, three way linking, and one way links. One way links are definitely the best.

Reciprocal Linking

This was very popular some years back, and some people say it no longer works. But the truth is that any link is better than no link. Reciprocal links can and still do work.

The main thing to be careful with when reciprocal linking, is to try and get links from sites relevent to yours. These can be a direct source of traffic too, aside from any SEO benefits.

One Way Links

Link building is best achieved with one way links. These links are higher quality in terms of SEO and will lend more weight to your site in terms of getting page rank. They are harder to obtain however, and can take quite some effort.

See the information on link building at to discover how to make this process super easy.

Why You Need To Build Links

Link popularity is a very crucial criterion in search engine algorithms and your website's rankings for various keywords, depends to a certain extent on the link popularity of your website. Aside from search engine popularity, link exchange with websites in your area of business also helps you in attracting more targeted audience to your website and thus increasing sales.

Link building can really make a huge impact on your search engine positions. Adding just a few high quality links can really be the difference between the first page and third page of any search engine, and this means a huge difference in the amount of traffic.

Simply put, link building increases search engine rankings, and search engine rankings increase visitor traffic, and visitor traffic makes your website a success. - 16003

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