Friday, October 31, 2008

MOR Vacations LLC Explained?

By Mike Pereira

This may be the first time some of you are finding out what the MOR Vacations home business opportunity is. M.O.R. Vacations, also known as Members Only Resort Vacations, markets for for a 23 year old luxury lifestyle vacation membership club. MOR Vacations has exclusive rights to sell the MOR Vacations memberships via internet referral marketing for a greatly reduced price compared to what people would normally sell them for. These vacation memberships have been sold at hotel presentations via invitation only at prices close to $10,000. Utilizing the power of internet marketing MOR Vacations drastically reduces their marketing overhead and MOR Vacations is able to keep costs low by harnessing the power of the internet and referral marketing, all these savings are being passed right to the consumer.

MOR Vacations will be offering high quality in-depth web media presentations to support their affiliates and to assist them in making sales. These presentations can be viewed by consumers anywhere and anytime and will be available to anyone. Their are also daily live conference calls and recorded calls that are hosted by MOR Vacations in support of its affiliates. These calls allow consumers to dial in and learn more abpout the product and what is being offered. This level of support is exactly what has been missing at other vacation companies and it is exactly what is allowing many MOR vacations affiliates such as myself to earn a lucrative income for the the comfort of our home.

"How much will I make" is usually one of the first and most important questions people will tend to ask when looking into a home based business. There are some people that will tell you you will earn 5 digits in a month without any work. But realistically speaking no one will make money with out doing some sort of work. Now it is true that some people earn 5 digit incomes with MOR Vacations in a month, even a week in some cases, I do not think anyone should join the business expecting to make those kinds of results when just starting out unless they are already seasoned professionals. MOR vacations is a real business, with a real product and should be approached as such, it will take some time to build your business, but it is still much faster than a traditional business.

One other important item people will need to know before beginning their home bsed business is how much will it cost them. In any business venture there are be start-up costs. If you compare the costs to what it will cost to start a franchise, it is a small dollar amount. But to some folks it can still seem like a lot of money. It's really quite simple with MOR Vacations, First you purchase a Diamond Vacation Membership for $4,998 or less, then you simply refer people to purchase the MOR Vacations membership packages and you begin receiving your commissions of anywhere between $1000 and $2000. You will also need to consider your necessary advertising budget to cover your advertisements during your first 30 to 60 days when first getting started with MOR Vacations as your grow your pipeline; I recommend a minimum of $1500. You will also need to take into consideration your tools, such as your website, auto responder etc - I would set aside at least $50 a month for that. If you join with a top sponsor like myself on a top team such as MOR Team Diamond you will have the ability of getting lots of these thing setup for you with a not much effort as well as our unmatched training and support.

Something you will want to understand with MOR Vacations is that the vacation membership is is lifetime, it will always be yours, even if your business does not go as planned you will still be a part of the #1 Vacation Membership Club and you will always have deeply discounted vacations for the rest of your life. The travel service company that honors the vacation membership has been around since 1985 and they are very well established, they are not going anywhere. The most popular feature that the vacation membership offers are the hotweeks, you can stay at a 3, 4 or 5 bedroom for as little as $149 for an entire week, and this not person or per night. MOR Vacations also offers a registry of over 5400 reports. You can use your membership as often or as little as you would like. And this is by no means like a timeshare where you are limited to one week, you could actually vacation 52 weeks out of the year if you had the means And did I mention no annual fees; special assessments etc that you receive by owning a timeshare. All that you do with MOR Vacations is pay a one time fee to become a member and that's it, never again will you be asked for any money for the membership. Also you will receive discounts on airline tickets, cruises etc. No doubt about it, this is a far superior product compared to timeshares. If you are a world traveler or simply have a large family , you need a MOR Vacations membership. So you may be wondering how MOR Vacations can provide these discounted vacations. They accomplish this by buying large blocks of rooms, which are then reserved for their members. And because they buy at such large volumes they are able to get these rooms for prices you and I could never get them for. And typically the resorts are timeshare homes, condominium units etc which will have kitchens and living rooms adding to your comfort while on vacation as opposed to just staying at a hotel room. - 16003

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