Friday, October 31, 2008

The Direct Matches Social Network Downline Builder

By Unique Article Wizard

What is Unique Article Wizard and how can it Submit content to Hundreds of Websites article blog review? Forget SEO "gurus", dangerous "Black Hat" tactics, and expensive PPC campaigns. You need only ONE stealth strategy to totally dominate your niche. This is it, and it is 100% legitimate. Go to the Unique Article Wizard Websiteand see how this amazing service works.

Discover the hidden source of targeted traffic hits that unearths eager buying customers, drives them straight to your site, and literally explodes your profits almost overnight.

Whether you are selling a product, promoting affiliate programs, or displaying Adsense or business advertising, the one thing you need is TRAFFIC and tons of it. Let me show you how you can get it.

Remember, even if you have Adsense sites, you still need "buying" visitors. If they are not in the mood to buy, they won't click on your adsense ads. What I am about to show you will bring you hordes of such visitors.

How did I get a new website listed in both Google and Yahoo in under 10 days? Watch the Video Here (Warning: this is NOT a slick, professional, hard-sell presentation; just a real-time documentation of what happened.

I got most of this article from the UAW web site. I love Unique Article Wizard and what it does. It is powerful and works great for me! I promote many websites with UAW and I make a very generous profit. Thanks to UAW. You could get the same results. Go to the Unique Article Wizard Website and try it out. You can quit at any time. What do you have to lose. - 16003

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Flixya- Make Money, Share Videos, and Have The Blog Of Your Life

By James Comer

Flixya 2.0 is a popular social networking, online video sharing community which just re-launched. Version 2.0 is bigger and better. Their motto is simply "Share Everything". They certainly live up to that as the latest version not only includes video sharing, but also incorporates blogs, and photo sharing into the model. Instead of the previous 50% revenue sharing, Flixya now gives 100% of the ad revenue generated to its users. (Note: You do need to sign up for your own adsense account for the revenue sharing).

Flixya billing itself as the only social-networking website that pays you back 100% of the advertising revenue generated on their site from the ads placed around the content that you add. You can creat your own blogs, upload your photos, and create blogs about your life.

Does Flixya Cost Me Anything To Use?

Nothing at all, it's free.

Revenue Sharing, What's That?

With Flixya, the users receive 100% of the ad revenue generated from the ad impressions that are shown on the pages with their content (photos, videos, blogs etc.). Google's Adsense(tm) powers the ad program at Flixya and does require you to sign up- to be able to collect the ad revenue, during registration. You can also do this on the ad settings page which is visible when you are logged into the site.

How Do I Collect This Ad Revenue?

It's very easy to get paid. The money goes into your Adsense(tm) account whenever someone clicks on one of the advertisements displayed on your pages.

Sharing Videos, What Does That Mean?

Flixya allows you to upload or share your videos from Google Video, YouTube, Daily Motion, and other popular online video sharing sites. They've recently released Flixya Video Publisher 2.0a for FireFox. This add-on is a great tool for transferring your videos from YouTube, Metacafe, Revver, Livevideo, Bolt, Veoh, Google Video, Daily Motion and Break. Using this tool can become highly addictive. Popular videos can also be voted up or down and appear on the homepage based on this voting.

I Can Share Photos?

Flixya also allows you to share your photos with your family or friends and even offers unlimited free image hosting for posting your photos on Ebay and Craigslist.

Create Your Personal Profile

You can create your personal profile, link to it, and share your interests, photos, and favorite blog posts.

And I can Blog?

Yep, you are allowed to create your own blog. A blog is short for "weblog" and it's a type of personal chronological or online diary of your personal thoughts. Usually these are added to daily by you and they reflect your personality. They let you make your own blogs where you can add content and promote yourself or something else and you get to keep 100% of the money that comes from the ads surrounding your blogs.

Social Bookmarking

Flixya has things pretty well covered. Alot more than I have room to write about here.

There is much more to do at Flixya than I can cover here. - 16003

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Can I Still Eat Bread and Cheese in a Calories Loss Meal?

By Rowena French

You should not eat excessive amounts of breads or grains when you are aiming for calories loss across each day, but you do need to have some of these foods in your diet. Keep basic breads and grains around to use as snacks or for sandwiches and low calorie meals. Eaten in limited portions, they will provide your body with the energy it needs and still accommodate your weight loss plan.

Grains are found in a many foods that can be included in each meal and even in healthy snacks. We need energy at the start of the day and so carefully selected whole grain or bran cereals low in sugar and served with reduced fat milk are important foods to include in our breakfast menu. A slice of whole grain bread is low in calories and can be included with a low calorie margarine and fruit spread or jam as part of a calories loss menu.

Instant brown rice is very healthy, easy and fast to make so throw some frozen vegetables and brown rice into a steamer, cook some chicken breasts and twenty minutes later you have a meal. Whole wheat pitas can be used with a meal, with a snack, and if you stuff some hummus and salad into one, call it lunch. Bake one and cut it into pieces for some crunchy chips as they have less than 200 calories and endless possibilities.

Oatmeal is a great filling food for breakfast and has lots of fiber that will help you feel full throughout the day. At lunch or dinner, eat pasta sparingly, and look for whole grain pasta, but do keep some around for a quick meal. Remember to eat more of an accompanying salad than pasta when you want the benefits of calories loss.

Rice cakes are very low in calories and are an ideal diet food. They can be 'dressed up' with low calorie spreads and eaten as a snack or as part of a light lunch. Another snack to increase your calories loss is whole grain crackers with cheese, in the place of high calorie potato chips.

Some dairy products are packaged in ways that make them excellent food for dieters! 2% milk, low calorie margarine, low calorie cheese and yogurt are core foods to include in a calories loss menu so make sure that you stock up on as much of this as your refrigerator can hold. Low calorie cheeses and yogurt are often packaged in perfect sizes for a snack and you can calculate the portions of these foods to assist with your calories loss.

Yogurts are fabulous for those following a low calorie diet. Individually portioned and low in calories, they are sweet, great sources of calcium and the perfect size for a snack usually containing less than 200 calories. When the grocery store has a sale on yogurt, stock up.

Pre-packaged, low calorie meals often containing high quality ingredients including dairy and grain foods come frozen and are easy to store in your refrigerator. They are popular meals at work and at home and because they require little preparation and advertise their calorie content they are easy to include in a calories loss menu. Other frozen food including vegetables and fruit are suitable for low calorie snacks or dessert they too can contribute to your planned weight loss. - 16003

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Are you interested in finding cabbage soup diet recipes?

By Jessica A. Anderson

The cabbage soup diet is a very low calorie restriction diet. so you'll be eating much fewer calories than you and ordinarily consume on a daily basis. But, beware the diet should not befallen for more than seven days at any one time. The Soup consists of the following ingredients.

6 large green onions, 2 green peppers, 1 or 2 cans of tomatoes (diced or whole), 3 Carrots, 1 Container (10 oz. or so) Mushrooms, 1 bunch of celery, half a head of cabbage, 1 package Lipton soup mix, 1 or 2 cubes of bouillon (optional), 1 48oz can V8 juice (optional), Season to taste with salt, pepper, parsley, curry, garlic powder, etc.

Here's my favorite way to prepare the cabbage soup:

Slice the green onions, put them in a pot and begin to saute with a little cooking spray. Then cut the stems off the green peppers, halve them, then take the seeds and membranes out. Chop the green peppers into pieces that are no bigger than bite-size and add them to the pot. Next take cabbage remove the outer leaves, cut into small bite size pieces too and add them to the pot.

Clean carrots, cut into bite size pieces, and add to pot. Slice mushrooms into thick slices, add to pot. If you would like a spicy soup, add a small amount of curry or cayenne pepper now.

Use either beef or chicken bouillon cubes for seasonings. This ingredient has all the salt and flavors you will need. Use 12 cups of water (or 8 cups and the V8 juice), cover and put heat on low. Let soup cook two hours. Season to taste with pepper and salt.

This diet, the cabbage soup diet, should only be followed for 7 days at at time and no longer. Please visit my site because when you do you can download your free 7-day plan. Once there you will have access to amazing recipes, diet plans, and other great diet reviews, suggestions and ideas. When you visit today sign up for our newsletter and you'll receive a BMI calculator and a free ideal weight calculator. Visit Right Now! - 16003

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Purchasing a new digital camera

By Dan Feildman

Buying a new digital camera can be a very overwhelming endeavor. Technology is in a constant state of change and there seems to be new camera announcements every month! There is a way to ensure that you purchase the right camera for your needs however. Understand the technology. Not all of it of course, but just enough to make the right decisions. This article will cover the features of digital cameras that are most important for you to understand.

First of all you need to understand the similarities of standard film and digital cameras. In short, a camera is a light airtight box that allows exposure of a light-sensitive material through the use of a shutter and an aperture. This definition does not change from film to digital cameras, nor does the process.

Lenses focus the image and control how the photo will look (wide or telephoto); both film and digital cameras have lenses. The lens is also one of the most important factors in determining overall photo quality; the better the lens quality, the sharper and more clear your image. In film or digital photography- poor lenses=poor image quality.

Shutters control the duration of the exposure in both types of cameras. Both film and digital cameras use an Aperture to control how much light hits the sensor during the time frame that the shutter is open. Very large apertures (2.8 or 4) will let in a lot of light, while small apertures (16 or 22) will let in very little light.

Whichever type of camera you may use, focusing the camera will always be an important step in creating sharp images. Manual and automatic focusing can be found on both types of cameras. So what are the differences between the two? The main difference is the way in which it records light. The traditional camera uses film and the digital camera uses a sensor and a processor. Understanding the differences between the sensor and processor is the key to understanding digital cameras.

So what are the differences? The main difference is the way in which it records light. The traditional camera has film and the digital camera has a sensor and a processor. Understanding the sensor and processor is the key to knowing digital cameras.

In the beginning, when digital cameras first became popular, something called Lag Time was a major issue. The "lag" in between the time you clicked the shutter button and the time the shutter opened was very obvious. With the recent advances in technology there has been a significant reduction in lag time. Even the most budget friendly cameras have a very quick turn around time in between shots or during a series of quick exposures. If your photography requires fast shooting and many frames per second (i.e. sports photography), it would be a smart idea to research the frames per second and lag time statistics prior to purchasing.

When digital cameras first became popular, something called Lag Time was a major issue. The "lag" in between the time you pressed the shutter and the time the shutter opened was very noticeable. Recent advances in technology have reduced lag time significantly. Even most low priced cameras, have a very quick turn around time in between shots or during a series of quick exposures. If your photography requires fast shooting and many frames per second, it would be a good idea to check out the frames per second and lag time statistics before purchasing.

In Digital Photography ISO measures the sensitivity of the image sensor. The same principles apply as in film photography - the lower the number the less sensitive your camera is to light and the finer the grain. Higher ISO settings are generally used in darker situations to get faster shutter speeds (for example an indoor sports event when you want to freeze the action in lower light) - however the cost is noisier shots.

This increased sensitivity does have its drawbacks however. With film you get an excess of grain, with digital you get what is called noise. The grain of film, in most cases is considered acceptable and in some cases even desired. Noise, however does not have the same allure. Unlike different emulsions of film, the sensor really only has one sensitivity. To manage an increased ISO, or during very long exposures, the camera must send more power to the sensor, which results in the appearance of small specks or dots of white or color. A blotchy look can also be created from the higher ISO's or long exposures. Most of the noise will generally manifest itself in the darker areas of your image. This is an important point to pay attention to if your photography requires higher ISO settings, nighttime or long exposures. In higher end cameras, manufacturers have spent the money to reduce the noise problem, but it still may present itself on the lower cost models. Look to reviews for how much noise individual cameras will produce.

Resolution Probably the least understood and most talked about feature of digital cameras. The more the better, right? Well, most of the time. More resolution doesn't always mean better photographs.

Please don't forget, it is common to see cameras that are equal in resolution but have different size sensors. In cases like this I would go for the larger sensor. So how can you figure out how much resolution you do need? It's very simple really. Just ask yourself how large of a picture do you want to make. The 3 and 4 Megapixel cameras are plenty sufficient for everything will print good quality pictures up to 8x10. If you want to make larger printsyou can move up to the 5 and 6 Megapixel cameras.

Remember, it is common to see cameras that are equal in resolution but have different size sensors. In this case I would go for the larger sensor. So how do you know how much resolution you do need? Simple really. Just ask yourself how large of a print do you want to make. The 3 and 4 Megapixel cameras are plenty sufficient for everything up to 8x10. If you want to make larger prints you can move up to the 5 and 6 Megapixel cameras.

The human eye is excellent at ignoring color casts; however film and digital cameras do not ignore the differing light castings such as how indoor colors under typical house lighting show the color as quite orange/yellow while office lighting (fluorescent) is very green. Cameras record colors quite faithfully. When using film it is important to put filters on your camera or to purchase film that is balanced for the particular lighting (color) that you are using. With digital cameras we can easily change our white balance. All digital cameras come with a fine selection of white balance options for correcting typical lighting situations. They all will include an auto setting as well as manual settings. Automatic settings are useful if you do not know what kind of light you are working under. The more expensive cameras come with the ability to custom balance to any color light!

The human eye is excellent at ignoring color casts. When we are indoors under typical house lighting the color is quite orange/yellow, office lighting (fluorescent) is very green. Our eyes are able to ignore this, but film and digital cameras do not. They record faithfully. When using film it is necessary to put filters on your camera or to buy film that is balanced for the particular lighting (color) that you are using. With digital we can simply change our white balance. All digital cameras come with a fine selection of white balance options for correcting typical lighting situations. They all will include an auto setting as well. This is useful if you do not know what kind of light you are working under. The more expensive models will come with the ability to custom balance to any color light!

Choose a digital camera that is right for you Hopefully by now you recognize that understanding how the sensor works will enable us to make some intelligent choices regarding resolution and camera speed. We also know that white balance is a fairly uniform feature across the entire line of cameras, negating any serious consideration in this arena. So you might be wondering what other features exist that may influence your camera purchase?

Lenses Lenses play a crucial role in creating high image quality, along with the sensor and processor. Fortunately we are in a technological era where most lenses are manufactured with high quality. With regard to lenses speed and length are the qualities that you should look at when trying to figure out what to purchase. Speed refers to the fastest -stop of the lens. 2.8 is faster than 3.5, which is faster than 4. Faster lenses allow you to shoot in lower light conditions without raising your ISO, as well as achieving a shallow depth of field which gives the result of a blurred background (or foreground).

Buying a new digital camera

The next item you need to consider is focal length. Do you prefer to photograph with wide-angle lenses? Long telephoto lenses? Do you enjoy shooting up close with macro lenses? Film and digital cameras both come with all of the same lens options. It is simply a matter of choosing the camera with the qualities that you want. Doing some research through reading magazines or surfing on to the web and visiting sites such as will allow you to easily find the specifications that describe all of the options.

Two sets of specs are commonly given when you begin to look into focal length . The first set is generally the actual focal length of the lens. For example, 7mm-28mm. This example would be an extreme wide angle on a film camera. The digital camera however, has a smaller sensor area than the film camera which makes the 7mm lens look more like a 35mm lens. So the second set of numbers on this lens would be 35mm-136mm. This is typically considered the 35mm equivalent. It is these numbers you should pay attention to when researching different cameras for focal range as they will be more recognizable to you.

Many amateur digital cameras do not provide a wide spectrum of wide angle lens choices. Most will commonly go down to 35mm or even 28mm but rarely can you find a 24mm or wider due to the difficulties in building such a small focal length lenses. So if you enjoy wide angle photography you many want to think about moving up to a digital SLR.

When it comes to long telephoto lenses the digital cameras have a big advantage to film cameras! Their smaller sensor size turns even moderate telephotos into very long lenses. For example a real 57mm focal length behaves like a 370mm! This is a real advantage to people who like to shoot "long". Please note, beware of cameras which claim their longest focal length as Digital Zoom. You should always avoid Digital Zoom. For these purposes we are concerned only with real or actual focal lengths.

The last lens specification to consider prior to purchasing is the focusing distance. If you like, or need, to shoot macro, look for a lens that has the ability to focus very close. They will usually be signified by a "macro mode" or be called "close focusing".

Shooting your digital camera in the field Using your digital camera should be the fun part. Do not let all of the bells and whistles confuse you when it comes time to take your photos. We agree that there are many choices and they can be a bit overwhelming. Here we have listed three of the most important things you should always check before you start photographing.

ISO- Keep it set to a low (100 or 50) if you are outdoors or in areas where you have plenty of light. Raise it only when you need to keep from getting camera shake. Most digital cameras provide great images all the way up to 400 ISO. If you need to go higher than 400 ISO, you can run the risk of introducing a noticeable amount of noise to your photos. Play with your digital camera to figure out which ISO produces unacceptable noise levels.

Jpeg vs. Raw- This choice is an easy one. If you want to work on every image in your computer, shoot RAW. This format is much more flexible and allows you to correct for errors in exposure and color cast without degrading your image quality. If you do not have the time or desire to work on every image, then shoot in the highest quality Jpeg mode. This mode will use a minimum amount of image compression which will provide extremely high quality pictures.

Image Size- Many cameras automatically come with multiple resolution choices. The options may look like this: 2304x1728, 1600x1200, 1280x960, 640x480. Basically, always choose the highest resolution. In this case that would be 2304x1728. This setting will supply you with the highest quality images possible.

Digital Camera Accessories There are nearly as many accessories for digital cameras as there are digital cameras. There are loads of options available: cases, cards and storage units. Don't open your wallet just yet, there are only a very few accessories that are considered absolute necessities.

Compact Flash-The first accessory is the type of storage medium that your camera uses to store your photographs. I prefer cameras that use Compact Flash as I have found this medium to be the best all around Flash Card. Compact Flash cards are sturdy, durable, not too small to lose or to big to be bulky. They also come in very large capacities-up to 8 gigabytes! Personally I recommend that people should have at least two cards in case one card becomes damaged or lost. How much you want to spend will determine your total amount of storage (cameras rarely ship with a card that is adequate for most photographic purposes). Having two 512Mb cards might be enough for most shooting situations, unless you take loads of photographs. Having 4 of these cards or two 1 GB cards will ensure that you will never be without storage.

Portable Storage-If you have an ample amount of Flash Card storage, you will not need a portable storage unit. This is however contingent on downloading your cards on a daily basis. If you are in a situation where you will not have access to your computer for long periods of time you may want to consider a portable storage unit. The most basic form of storage is one that allows you to plug your card into the unit, and download your images. You can then put the card back into your camera, reformat it, and continue shooting. When you get home you simply attach the storage unit to your computer and transfer the images. Most of these units come with enough storage space for many days of shooting. I would consider a unit with at least 10Gb of storage.

Storage and transfer are the most basic functions which all of the models will perform. At this point they can get really fancy. There are units that will automatically create Cds from your cards, which produces an immediate archive of your images. Others come with an LCD screen that allows you to preview your photos right on the storage device. Advanced features will even allow you to organize your images into folders and albums. Prior to purchasing one of these units you may want to think about the length of time you will be away from your computer as you may not need one with these advanced features.

Extra Batteries / Charger Digital cameras run through batteries at an alarming rate. A definite purchase would be back up batteries. In this instance, rechargeable batteries are the intelligent choice because you will be using so many. Also, most digital cameras now come with a proprietary lithium battery with a charger. This is a good thing as it allows a stronger battery however you still would want a back up battery so you can continue to use your camera while one is charging. If this is your situation, purchase extra batteries when you buy your camera. If your camera is powered by common AA batteries, you would be wise to buy a couple sets of rechargeable batteries and a charger.

Bulb blower- this is a must if you are considering purchasing an interchangeable lens SLR. Often when you change the lens on these cameras dust is introduced into the camera body. Ultimately the dust will migrate to your sensor and manifest itself as small blurry splotches on your final image. A few seconds with the blower bulb will save you hours on the computer cleaning up your photographs! - 16003

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Learn to decode and burn DVD movies with the DVD decrypter guide

By Ethan Hunter

If you want to make the best possible use of the DVD decrypter, you must follow the online DVD decrypter guide or a tutorial. Though the process of decoding and burninf DVDs is not difficult with the DVD decrypter, you need to know how to use it. And, the best place to learn the technique is an online tutorial or an online DVD decrypter guide. You do not have to be a tech-savvy person to use the DVd decrypter. In fact the genre of ripping software has become such a necessity that you have to educate yourself about its application.

The DVD decrypter guide is available online. You can download it and learn about the utility software applications from it.

Almost every utility software program is available with a guide. You can get the DVD decrypter guide from the site itself or can download by searching on some search engine, providing the name of the ripper software you have installed on your computer and the version, along with the keyword 'DVD decrypter guide'.

Here, we are providing a brief DVD decrypter guide that can help you a bit to learn DVD decrypting. Firstly, selecting a right mode is necessary while you start DVD Decrypter. If there is a file or it is IFO enabled, you need to open the Mode menu to select ISO->Read. After that, you need to insert the DVD you intend to copy from into your disc drive and then select the right drive at the source value.

Then, select the option of source folder and then left-click to start the process of decryption, which will take 15 to 40 minutes to complete.

This is one half of the process. The other half involves DVD writing. You will need to change the mode to start the DVD writing process. Once again, you will have to select the mode menu and select the write option from ISO. There may be more than one programs displayed on the screen. You will have to select the one you want and click OK.

After clicking the OK button, insert an empty DVD in the DVD writer of your computer. Make sure the DVD driver is supported by your personal computer. Select DVD writer as the destination and click the button to enable the BURN-Proof option. After this is done, you need to select the DVD in the write mode and the MAX to record the speed. Finally, you need to click the OK button and wait for the burning process to complete. At the end of it you will have a clone of the DVD with the same quality as the original one, including all the features and operations similar to the old one.

This is briefly what a good DVD decrypter guide can teach you. The only difference is that it will elaborate on each point so that you can sail through the whole process smoothly. You can get a good DVD decrypter guide online by surfing the net. Many companies have their official sites from where they provide the ripping software and a quality DVD decrypter guide along with it. - 16003

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First Birthday Party Supplies

By Bryan Cain

What are Party Favors, how many do I get, and when are they handed out?
Party Favors are items that are handed out throughout the party to enhance your affair. Party Favors are included in your package and quantity depends on which package you have chosen. Additional Party Favors can always be added to your package. The assortment will vary from party to party and, when possible, will reflect the theme of your party. (I.e. An affair with a "60's type" Party Favors.We accept Visa or MasterCard through For security reasons, you will be emailed a payment request, which will give you a secure web page where you will enter your credit card information.

How many bottles are there in a case and what size are the bottles?
Every case has 24 bottles. All of the sodas and the sparkling water are in 12 ounce glass bottles.the Spring Water comes in 16.9 ounce plastic bottles.Yes, the HERSHEY'S chocolate bars are Kosher.

How many bottles are there in a case and what size are the bottles?
Every case has 24 bottles. All of the sodas and the sparkling water are in 12 ounce glass bottles.the Spring Water comes in 16.9 ounce plastic bottles.Yes, all orders will have to be approved before final printing. We will email you a sample to make sure that it is exactly what you wanted. If there is any changes you want made on them just let us know. We want you to be 100% happy with your order.

What do I do if my bars melt?
If by some chance you do leave your bars in the heat for a while, there is usually no problem if slight softening does occur. Do not handle them, simply allow bars to harden at a cool room temperature. DO NOT FREEZE bars as it will cause the bars to turn white and powdery.Party Wraps can personalize our wrapper for birthdays, graduation, weddings, birth announcements or any other memorable occasion.

Can I use my own background (or logo, graphic, etc.) for a Build-A-Button item?
Yes. If you have a logo, design or graphic of your own, we can scan it and incorporate it with your message. But because your image must be set up, it is treated as a custom photo item. That means you cannot order just one - there is a minimum of 10 items of the same design with the same words for this service. And the price is the same as our Photo Party Favors. is a division of Private Label Specialties, Ltd. of Goffstown, New Hampshire. We've been in business over a dozen years, serving area and national businesses with promotional aids and our full line of custom labeled soft drinks and water.

What about colors?
Party Wraps can incorporate any color you desire. Almost every part of the wrapper has the ability to utilize custom colors. It's important to understand that some colors cannot be matched perfectly.Yes, the HERSHEY'S chocolate bars are Kosher. Their Approved by the Kashruth Division of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America.Party Wraps can incorporate any color you desire. - 16003

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What is marketing on the interent?

By June Beezy

What exactly is marketing on the internet? It is a question that haunts every person who sees a brand new website on something and hopes to get in on the money rush. It's just something that people really like because of the benefits. The list of benefits when it comes to having your own business on the internet is mind boggling.

Benefits such as working from home in your pajamas, making money while you sleep, going on vacations and working while you are there kind of thing. The money also isn't bad at all. I mean some of the well respected gurus in the game are making thousands of dollars on a monthly basis and millions every year. The perks are amazing to say the least, but it all depends on what you like and want in life.

However, before you jump on the marketing on the internet thing, always remember that research pays off big time - no matter what you are starting. If it's the world of marketing on the internet that you want, than make sure it truly is what you want to pursue as it requires a lot of time and effort. Just like any business, you must dedicate yourself to it fully.

So what is the first step in starting a business on the internet or even marketing your current business? The first step is finding your target market. Target market is a group of people that are looking for a solution to their problem and you just happen to be the provider of that solution. That is literally business in a nutshell. If you understand that concept, being a success on the internet shouldn't be a problem for you at all.

Start or take your first step in the world of internet marketing by doing some serious market research. It's all about proper market research friends. When I was got in to marketing on the internet, that is what it was all about. Plus remember, no one can stop you once you know what exact keywords you should be targeting. It's all about proper keywords that payoff in the long run. This is the first step towards having a real business on the internet. - 16003

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Why You Are Afraid To Start Home-Based Business

By Pavel Becker

People who own their own businesses radiate confidence, wealth, and just can't hide their free spirits. They don't punch a clock and don't answer to anyone but themselves. We see them behind the wheels of their fancy cars and living in those big houses and think: "sure, he can afford those things-he owns his own business" and business must be booming.

We are absolutely comfortable explaining somebody's successes by this "having his own business"-thing, and, yet, the idea of becoming one of this people terrifies us like nothing else.

Think that isn't true? Ask some of your friends to go into business with you as partners-but be prepared to hear all of the excuses why they can't. And be prepared to hear them tell you exactly why your business is going to fall on its face even though they have no experience running a business and probably don't even know anybody who does.

Why do we act this way? What happened in our past that we've become so conditioned to fail? Why is the failure so obvious and understandable for us? When has it become a default outcome of any situation?

There are a couple of aspects to the problem.

Our system of teaching, the Prussian System, trains us-whether we realize it or not-to be good emploees. It gives us the skills and molds our minds to work for someone else!

We are taught throughout school and college that the only option we have to become a valuable member of the society - is to become a good employee, to get a job and to spend more than forty years slaving for somebody else and, hopefully,we willearn a retirement that will allow us to quietly die without disturbing our kids and asking them for money.

It's classic reward-anticipation behavior-like Pavlov's dogs. To advance in life, we are taught that we need to be a good employee and provide hard work for our betters.

When we feel caged in, we've learned to pacify ourselves with the tidbits of praise that our superiors dole out to us. We are trained to ignore our own dignity.

What happened to your childhood dreams of being an astronaut, a fighter pilot, or a deep sea diver? When did you start thinking that being a desk jockey was an acceptable replacement for those dreams?

We forget our dreams because we are repeatedly reminded that they are impractical. How can we make money doing those things? How can we support our families? How can we be productive members of society?

Time passes and without you even noticing you've spent the better part of your life working for someone you don't like, doing something you really couldn't care less about, and hoping for a turn of good fortune in the future. Do you want your kids to end up like that?

It's the sort of behavior we learned from our parents and it's the behavior you'll be passing on to your kids and your grandchildren if you don't find the courage to put a stop to the cycle and turn your future around.

By turning things around I mean becoming your own boss and regaining control of your future!

Scary thought, isn't it? Of course it is but that's only because you've never done anything like that before. You've never thought about becoming a businessperson.

Especially in an Internet based business with all of the rumors and controversy and hearsay swirling around it.

That's where the "Comfort Zone" comes to play.

How do we learn anything?

Repetition, that's the key. When you were young and just learning to write the only way you learned to do so was through doing the same thing over and over again until you became good at it and you didn't even have to think about what you were doing.

The same way you learn to ride a bike, to play tennis, pick up girls and to order food in the restaurant.

That repetition is what makes us become who we become.

If every aspect of your job makes you cringe: going in early, staying late, putting up with bad situations and garbage from your boss and co-workers-you're not alone! You say to yourself that things are only temporary, that'll you find something better, but it never does.

One day you realize that you've become a typical representative of people of your occupation: a guy driving particular car, eating particular food, dressing at a particular store, the guy whose income level is whatever it is, $45,000 a year, plus or minus 10 - 15%.

Repetition teaches us the thoughts and actions that define who we are and separates the aspects of our lives in familiar and unfamiliar.

The former will feel comfortable and friendly, and the latter will cause your brain to give you a burst of adrenalin, letting you know that you are stepping out of your comfort zone.

A minuscule amount of this substance will dictate your actions, the decisions you make and ultimately your destiny!

"It's in the moment of making a decision when the destiny is formed!"-said Tony Robbins.

It is that feeling of discomfort that comes from doing anything new that will keep you from stepping out of your routine and toward the life you really want to live.

Your friends and family will gladly help you with this task!

Your income is an average income of seven of your closest friends. Look around yourself: you don't hang out with anybody making significantly less than you, because you don't quite understand their lifestyle, and you don't hang around people making significantly more than you because you don't have anything in common either.

Ask any of them about starting a new business venture and earning six figures a year and you'll get blank stares, excuses, recipes for failure, and panic. They don't know anything about any of that and can't help you get there either. All you'll hear is that it just won't work, that stuff like that never really happens.

The worst part is you'll take their opinion as fact, more often than not, because it represents the path of least resistance-it's much easier to keep doing what you are doing than to succeed at anything new.

"People are having a hard time letting go of their suffering. Out of fear of the unknown they prefer suffering that is familiar. Sound like you? Thich Nhat Hanh wrote those words over a hundred years ago but they could just have easily been written last week, and about you.

So, there you are, after having heard about Global Resorts Network, after having watched numerous testimonials, after having studied everything about this business, you are still sitting there and worrying: "What if I still don't know something, what if there is something I need to find out before I get started, what if, what if, what if"

Here is a story for you.

Before my first Tae Kwon Do tournament fight I went to my instructor, Master Shilkaitis, and told him that though I wanted to compete, but I wasn't sure that I was ready. He told me that I "would never feel one hundred percent ready. It's just a matter of finding the strength and desire to win and overcoming your fear."

In that fight, I took third place by knocking my opponent cold but I was so frightened at the time that I still don't remember it even happening.

I could go on and on with all the explanations and motivational speeches, but you know the concept already: it's a decision that you have to make consciously!

Nothing will change on its own! If you continue doing what you've been doing, you will continue getting the results you've been getting!

Choose to change today!

You'll be nervous in the beginning but over time that nervousness will go away because just as repetition leads us into those comfortable ruts so too can it help us learn new ways of doing things.

You want success, you want money, you want recognition - make a decision!

Next time you hear "Sure, he can afford it, he has his own business!" - it will be about you! - 16003

About the Author:

Anyone can use the Net to Success

By Jen Quigley

Dr Denis Waitley, Ph.D. says "This is the best time to have ever been alive in history. It's the first time we have ever had the power to gain knowledge at our fingertips."

Currently there exists opportunities for individuals to use the internet as a vehicle for making additional or even unlimited income online and the numbers of individuals tapping into this resource is growing exponentially.

Those who are entrepreneurial enough to try something out of the ordinary in addition to working their 9 to 5 routines, are dabbling in their after-hours on the net as Internet Marketers. Some are achieving astonishing results.

Others are stay-at-home Mums or retirees dependent solely upon the pension; even unemployed school leavers are giving this online opportunity a go. Individuals are tapping into the resource to rival the advent of internet banking with the same "I think I can do this" cautious determination to learn and succeed. And their results range from zero to staggering.

Internet Marketing has made it possible for just about anyone to earn income doing something that they usually know nothing about, which is very scary stuff, but very rewarding if they can get the formula right.

Using the net to success is becoming viral, however not everyone who begins Internet Marketing will succeed. In order to assure success, people need to understand what they can expect from the internet business and what they need to do for themselves.

What people are mostly looking for when they join a business is to be helped getting it started and then be able to have ongoing help and support when needed. They want to work with another person who has already achieved success through this business and who will help them achieve the similar success.

Also, they want to make sure they will not get left behind once they join, which unfortunately happens more often than not. When this happens, basically they joined someone who is clueless about running a business, which means that they probably succumbed to the hype from the ads and over-promising websites, without doing enough research first.

The obstacles to try to avoid wherever possible are any of the 'get rich quick' schemes which are very enticing, but never delivering on promise. The internet is at everyone's fingertips and can be used to research into the person or potential business through Google. If a lot of negativity exists regarding the individual or business venture, purchasers should stay away.

Prospective Internet Marketers need to get in touch with the promoter, or contact the business by sending an email. They need to find out how easy it is to speak to, or email with, the person promoting the business. If they are hard to contact before a person buys in, they will be just as hard to contact later when the purchaser really needs their help. It is also a good idea to try to determine whether or not the person promoting the program actually exists.

Then, if the buyer chooses to join, they need to realize that they are buying themselves a "business" and need to treat it as such. They need to be prepared for some initial set-up costs to ensure it gets up and running, just like they would if they were buying any other business. And especially, they need to be willing to put the time and effort in to make the business work.

A reputable Internet Marketing program will record their training sessions so that anyone can listen online at a time that is most convenient. If there is a training session being held on the other side of the world, chances are that the new member will be asleep. The member needs to ensure the business has inbuilt recorded training sessions for their convenience.

Beyond this, a reputable internet marketing business will provide up-to-date information and instructions to help the new member get their business set up. The instructions should be followed and the purchaser should make contact with their sponsor / mentor for further guidance when necessary.

Internet Marketing is global and is revolutionizing how we do business. Never before has the entire globe been so readily available to small business owners as their marketplace. The opportunity is there, for those who genuinely want it, to earn additional or unlimited income online through the support of a reputable and ethical internet marketing business. - 16003

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What Are The Most Popular Diet Plans? CLICK HERE & Find Out!

By Jessica A. Andersen

It is hard to turn on the television today and not see an added some sort or one weight-loss plan or another. It begs the question, if they work, why are there so many different kinds? Knowing your body and how it works will let you pick from many diet to market the best one for you. Below I've described some of the more popular weight-loss programs and and provided links to some new promising ones.

1. Jenny Craig. This diet needs no introduction its spokespeople Kirstie Alley and Valerie Bertinelli are all over the media. We've seen Kirstie Alley shrink from a behemoth to merely a very large woman. And Valerie Bertinelli has made a remarkable transformation. This plan has one big drawback. It is extremely expensive. The mAonthly fee while only $20 does not hint at or reveal that the actual cost is much more. The food is great but expensive. On the plus side the plan matches you with counselor with whom you can speak about your progress or lack thereof when you go in for weigh ins.

2. Weight Watchers. This diet by far has been a very successful. Almost no food is off limits. The points system, developed by Weight Watchers, lets you eat anything you want as long as you do not eat more than a daily point value assigned to your weight group. this fun as great literature and informative meetings that instruct members how to eat benefits as they can eat more, not be hungry and not gain weight. Exercise is not a large part of this diet even though it's encouraged. My advice, however, is to always exercise. Even if it's just a little. Everyday, each little bit helps more than you know it's a vital part of your day and will improve your life.

3. South Beach. This diet has attracted a lot of people mostly because of the idea that they can lose up to thirteen pounds in the first two weeks. The first two weeks are the most restrictive of the entire program. The idea is to reprogram the body to metabolize food. Slowly, the foods that were restricted are added back in to balance out the diet. It also helps that South Beach has gone mainstream with products like frozen meals, bars, and cereals on grocery store shelves.

4. Nutrisystem. This diet focuses on the glycemic index. This is a rating system that describes the nature of carbohydrates. A carbohydrate that scored highly on this index is one it releases its energy extremely quickly. When you eat these foods causes a rush of sugar into the blood. You get a burst of energy than you crash quickly and you are hungry again almost immediately. the diet provides you with prepackaged food that contains exactly the correct amount of low glycemic index carbohydrates in order to provide you with a stable energy burn. You will not experience a sugar rush, you'll feel more satisfied, and you will not be hungry when you eat these low glycemic index prepackaged meals.

So how you you choose the right diet for you? All of them are promising and will work. Let me help you. Visit my site now, learn more about these diets and I'll show you how to choose the correct one for you. Visit my site today. When you visit today and sign up for my newsletter you'll receive free diet software. Click on the links below now! - 16003

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Article Marketing The Unique Article Wizard Site Promotion System

By Article Marketing Tips

The Unique Article Wizard Site Promotion Blog. The advent of e-commerce and online internet marketing has caused article marketing to move to the forefront of internet marketing. Basically article marketing provides free content for website owners and operators. Google adsense offers one way these sites earn incomes off the content of these articles. It's a win win situation for both article authors and site owners. Not to mention that effective site content can drive search engine rankings much higher.

Where do we put your articles? The websites where an author can post an article are known as blogs,ezines,free classified site, article directories and many more to say the least. I have nearly worn myself out in the past writing article after article and spending a considerable amount of money to get my articles about my business website on the internet. One thing for sure, I needed more traffic. Traffic that finds eager customers, sends them straight to my site, and gives my website more exposure. There are two ways to send articles to these sites mentioned above. We can do it manually to hundreds of sites like I mentioned above or have a article submitter servive do it for us. You decide. I prefer to use the Unique Wizard. It saves me time and money. My time is valuable to me.Click Here to visit the Unique Article Wizard Website and discover the power of article marketing as a tool to generate traffic to your sites. Not to mention the higher google search engine rankings!

I discovered the Unique Article Wizard recently. It is a excellent way to sell a product, promote affiliate programs, or display Adsense or other advertising. You won't believe how easy it is to get your website very high on the search engines. It works for any type of online business. Small or Large this powerful marketing strategy can really help your business achieve higher publicity which translates into higher revenue.

All you have to do is write an article about your particular online website, submit it and repeat. How easy is that? Also, I might mention that there are links, formatted links, that point back to your personal website. Hundreds of links! Hundreds of links become thousands and tens of thousands over time. Will the search engines love you? You bet they will.

If this is going to be a long term marketing promotional campaign, you need an inexpensive service to promote your online website. I have found it with the Unique Article Wizard. Can you tell me any better strategy that can produce these kind of results? You want your articles on as many websites as you can. Unique Article Wizard currently submits to well over 3,000 directories, blogs and websites, with many more being added all the time and more in the future. Granted your articles will be submitted to relevant content catagories further enhancing the your websites online presence in the internet world.

This is the secret source of targeted website traffic that will drive them straight to your personal business website. Watch your website traffic explode! I love the Unique Article Wizard and the results I get promoting many websites. Unique Article Wizard also has a very generous affilliate program so you can earn more revenue in addition to promoting your websites. Don't you want the same results? My revenue pays for the service and than some! Take advantage of this opportunity. How would you like your personal business website get higher traffic? Get the UAW. I am glad I did and I know you will too. Click Here to get the Unique Wizard. - 16003

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Healthy Diet Results in Weight Loss

By Christopher Fitch

Losing weight never happens overnight. Over time, if you introduce more calories than you burn in a day, this caloric surplus forms fat, which can ultimately lead to obesity if not caught early. This fat lingers until a weight loss program is put in place. This program or routine must involve three vital areas: lifestyle, exercise, and probably most importantly, a healthy diet.

In fashion terms, a healthy diet accentuates the immune system. It does not mean starving yourself as you count calories (how boring!) or settling for bland foods that are void of spices and flavor. Instead, a healthy diet aligns your calorie intake with your lifestyle, while meeting the requirements of your physical and psychological needs. With this in mind, a healthy should be different from one person to the next as each person arguably has different calorie needs.

The most successful diet plans promote the consumption of anti-oxidants. These work as anti-aging agents and also help to keep the skin youthful by rejuvenating tissue that has been damaged over time. Some vitamins contain these elements and are strongly recommended as part of your overall diet. The same holds true for fiber. Most fruits contain both anti-oxidants and fiber and as such are a vital element to a healthy diet.

Even after Atkins' no-carb diet has been proven more harmful than beneficial, a lot of people still believe that they need to eliminate their carb intake. This is untrue. Again, remember the lifestyle factor! What you should normally see happen is a reduction of carb intake, not full elimination. This means balancing your carb intake with your protein intake. Ideally, you should give preference to animal and plant protein, which can serve as a carb replacement or supplement. Now, as a caveat, this doesn't mean going crazy with a high-protein diet. In fact, some protein like most red meats should be avoided altogether as a result of their high fat content (as a catch-22, leaner meats are an important component to your diet).

Most people overlook dairy intake when planning for a healthy diet and are shocked to find that dairy needs to be restricted. Dairy has a direct link to obesity as a result of high fat content. Now, low-cal yogurt and non-fat cottage cheese are exceptions and can be incorporated into your meal plan. Another alternative would be health shakes or protein shakes, but you should consult the dietary guide before purchasing -- keep carbs low and protein high on these products.

Finally, a proper exercise routine eliminates that extra fluid in our bodies. But exercise alone won't do the trick -- you need to either increase your water intake or maintain it (8-10 cups). This keeps your muscles, skin, and body properly hydrated and as a result reduces the chance of cramping (keep in mind that cramping is one of the main reasons we skip out on regular exercise... so drinking that water keeps our routine on track).

As you may have noticed here, a healthy diet does not include fasting. In fact, it sounds like a cliche, but weight loss really comes down to a lifestyle change, including changing (or starting) your exercise routine and upgrading your diet. Enjoy tasty but healthy meals that match up with your individual calorie requirements. And incorporated friends and family in your exercise routine -- if you encounter resistance, don't call it exercise, call it an after-dinner walk or "spring cleaning" that involves moving heavy boxes around. Once it becomes a routine, you will find it addictive (and successful) for everyone involved. - 16003

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How To Be The Go To Guy/Gal With Articles And Make Serious Cash

By Rob Metras

The chance to make money is one that very few of us can turn away from. There are a lot of chances to make money using the Internet if you have a computer and a few basic qualities. Many of these opportunities involve writing or rewriting articles.

It is not easy to find the right job right away, sometimes it can take a while to find something that fits what you are looking for. However, once you've found that perfect job for you - it can be an awesome part-time opportunity. You have the power to choose what you want to do and when you want to do it. There may be some restrictions involved in your work, but they are usually minimal.

However, as time passes, you probably will desire better working conditions, better pay and better article topics. Like as with any other job, there comes a time when you need to be asking for a promotion. But how to be the go to guy/gal with articles?

The most important thing when you start your part-time job is flexibility. Simply put, you have to be willing to do whatever you are asked to do. You want to portray yourself as dependable, available, and easy to get along with. Starting with the easier jobs will help you to develop skills that you will need to excel in the field of writing.

You will have the opportunity to work on more difficult tasks as you progress, this is just the nature of the business. The key in taking on more difficult work is to be sure before you accept a job that you are capable of delivering the quality of work that your customer is expecting. The last thing you want to do is let down the customers that have grown to trust you as a writer.

If you do become the one person that people go to when they need a good writer, do not slack off. The amount of hard work it took to get there may be nothing comparing to what you have to do to stick with it. Do not give up and you can create a real career for yourself.

It is possible to even branch off and create your own company after you have obtained the needed skills to do so. You must establish yourself in the business and make a name for yourself as a hard worker. After you've done these things, you can have much more control and choice over what, when, and how you do your writing. There will be many doors opened and many tasks available to you for work.

Being the go to guy or gal with articles takes a lot of hard work, but it is possible to get there. With a little bit of patience and a lot of persistency you can be at home working in your pajamas. Trust me, it is a great way to make a living. - 16003

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The Best Way to Begin Dieting

By Ricardo d Argence

When applying proper diet and training techniques the process of fat burning can be very easy. A weight loss goal of a pound a week is what experts say you should aim for. Planning your weight loss program is free much like the other best things in life.

When beginning a weight loss plan start with reasonable goals. The safest way to reach your goal is to plan to lose the weight gradually. A safe weekly weight loss of two pounds or less is what is usually recommended.

Change your diet, then try to burn fat. You need to cut back the calories that you eat by eating smaller quanities of food and by choosing meals that are lower in calories.

Limit portion sizes, especially when foods high in calories on are the menu. Keep your intake of saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol as low as possible. Your best option is to select foods that offer high concentrations of fiber, including fruits, vegetables, and other whole grains. You can feel full and get fewer calories with these foods that have a high fiber content.

A diet is not sufficient, lifestyle changes must also be made. It means being more physically active. Not enough exercise causes metabolism to slow down, and take it from me, slowing down your metabolism is not what you'd want.

It is recommended by most health experts that combining increased exercise with a reduced-calorie diet is best for losing weight. Exercise does not have to be strenuous to be beneficial. There is research proving that abreviated periods of exercise a few times a day are as just as capable of buring calories and bettering your health as one long session.

To lose weight and to maintain a healthy weight after weight loss, many people need to do more than 30 minutes of moderate to intensive physical activity daily. Walking is an excellent form of physical activity that almost everyone can do.

If you set sensible goals for yourself, chances are you'll be more likely to meet them and have a better chance of keeping the weight off. A lifestyle based on healthy eating and regular physical activity is the best way to lose weight permanently.

You will understand what weight loss dieting naturally means if you take this advice. Hopefully this instructive advice will be of benefit to you. - 16003

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Decor paints

By Ben

Quality Platinum Sheen paint, ideal for interiors. Supplied in white and can be tinted in a wide range of colours at your local distributor to your requirements. It is a high quality, high sheen, very washable, silky smooth paint, ideal for interior use.Two coats required on our PVA undercoat to ensure good even colour distribution for raw plaster.

A unique blend of acrylic and selected natural minerals, Liquid Naturals paint creates a rich combination of density and uniform colour giving exceptional coverage and opacity. It is suitable for interior and exterior surfaces. Liquid Naturals withstands temperature extremes and will not flake or peel, on a suitably prepared surface.

This product, Liquid NAturals has unique characteristics which allows the product to breathe and eliminates the risk of delamination of the paint from moist surfaces unlike conventional acrylic paints. Primers and undercoats are not required and makes this a cost effective option. Streaking on parapet walls and fascia panels are normally eliminated by Liquid Naturals which is a common occurance with cement based products.

Over a short period of time Cement Naturals develops a unique naturally mottled finish and is available in Coarse, fine and ultra fine textures. The exciting aspect is that each application is unique. Its soft appearance belies its extreme durability and water resistant strength and high resistance to the effects of the sun, rain, wind and salt air.

Cement Naturals is available in powder form and is a specially prepared cement based exterior paint, coloured with iron oxides. It is a durable economical water resistant coating and is suitable for application on all masonry surfaces such as cement plasters and bagged brickwork.

Although chemically formulated to restrict the effects of efflorescence Cement Naturals may due to the nature of portland cements, exhibits efflorescent marks in high water run off areas such as parapet walls etc. This natural chemical reaction visible as white crystals on the surface of these high run off areas is characteristic of this living coating - 16003

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Article Wizard is a Unique Articles Submitter Article Marketing

By Todd Schuyler

The Article Wizard is a Unique Articles Marketing System Blog Review. How do you get to the top of google? The answer to the top of the search engines question is you need to do two things. One is optimize your on-page factors. There is plenty of information online about how to do that. It is not difficult. But, in itself, it is also not enough.

You can get lots of high quality, one-way, relevant links to your site from as many other sites as you possibly can. How do you get people to link to you? Have a fantastic product so that they just, spontaneously, want to tell others about your site. Pay them to link to you. Buy a text link, or offer an affiliate program.

Exchange links with them. Reciprocal links are clearly not worth as much as one-way links, and it is a lot of work to do this effectively. This can be time consuming. If you have plenty of time to do this it can be effective.

Provide them with fresh, unique content that adds value to their site in return for which they agree to post a link back to you. Loads of sites are constantly looking for fresh, unique content. They get this content by hunting through article directories, or by subscribing to a article submission service.

So, if you send out articles to such directories, your articles will end up both on the directories themselves, and on the niche sites that pick up and use our articles. And some of these are likely to be valuable "authority"-type sites. Of course it depends on the quality of your article on who picks it up.

As you can see, this last method is the simplest and most powerful. It gives you hundreds or thousands of one way links, from niche, relevant sites, all for free. And you can write as many articles as time permits.

All you need is some way to get a different, unique, article to each of those directories and ezine publishers. Which is, of course, what the Unique Article Wizard does very well. Click Here to get the UAW.

But don't stop there. The real power behind this system comes when you use it regularly. Preferably once a week. Imagine getting 200 to 1800 new permanent one way links every week to your site?

By the end of a year, you could easily have 15,000 or more relevant, quality, one-way links to your site! That is the power of this UAW system. And that is why it beats every other traffic generation and SEO system out there.

So, unless you don't have an online presence at all, isn't it time your harnessed this power for your own business? Click here now, get the early-bird discount, and get a fantastic bunch of bonuses. Click Here to get your unique article wizard today. - 16003

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Unique Articles Affiliate Online Money Home Business Opportunity

By Todd Schuyler

Welcome to my Unique Articles Affiliate Online Money Home Business Opportunity Blog Article. What is the Unique Article Wizard and how does it submit unique articles to hundreds of sites. Forget SEO "gurus", dangerous "Black Hat" tactics, and expensive PPC campaigns. You need only ONE stealth strategy to totally dominate your niche. This is it, and it is 100% legitimate. Go to the official Unique Article Wizard Websiteand see how this amazing service works. You can earn good money as an affiliate. Earn 40% first tier and 10% second tier.

The incredible Unique Articles Affiliate Online Money Home Business Opportunity is two-fold. You can create unique articles for your personal business and also earn good income as an affiliate. Discover the hidden source of targeted traffic hits that unearths eager buying customers, drives them straight to your site, and literally explodes your profits almost overnight. Whether you are selling a product, promoting affiliate programs, or displaying Adsense or other advertising, the one thing you need is WEBSITE TRAFFIC and loads of it. Let me show you how you can get more of it.

Remember, even if you have Adsense websites, you still need "buying" visitors. If they are not in the mood to buy, they won't click on your adsense ads. What I am about to show you will bring you tons of such visitors. How did I get a brand new website listed in both Google and Yahoo in under 10 days?

I got most of this article from the UAW website. I love Unique Article Wizard and what it does. It is powerful and works great for my home business sites! I promote many websites with UAW and I make a very generous profit.

Thanks to UAW you could probably get the same results. CLICK HERE and try it out. You can quit at any time. What have you have to lose. You only need 3 sign ups and your already making a profit with this unique articles wizard program. - 16003

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How to Download Doctor Who Episodes Efficiently and Completely

By Davion W

If you're a beginner who is planning to download Doctor Who episodes online, you need to keep in mind a few reminders. Although this means of obtaining various parts of the famous Doctor Who television show is now widely employed by internet users, novices may be easily duped into settling with substandard sites on the web. In this case, you need to know which factors separate the excellent sites from the rest of the unreliable ones.

With the clear popularity of this show, it is highly necessary that you locate the website perfect for your requirements. Since websites are sprouting all over the internet, you have to check first if your chosen website makes available Doctor Who episodes. However, even if the site has the right episodes, it is still essential that you check on the reliability of the website.

With the number of free website in clear proliferation over the internet, making Doctor Who episodes download may seem like the easiest thing to accomplish. After all, these free websites appear to be the perfect location. You don't have to spend anything, yet you are able to acquire installments on your much beloved television series.

As much these attractions are able to draw in a steady stream of visitors, you will find out eventually that free websites are not always a good option. One of the reasons is that you can never be certain as to the security and safety features being offered by the site. Once you make file transfers from incredulous websites, you are in fact placing your computer and other gadgets at risk for viruses and spy ware.

If you want to download episodes on Doctor Who which are of fine quality and exceptional resolution, the membership sites will definitely provide you with what you need. Although you are required to pay a fee, this payment is considered to be a minimal amount in exchange for the fine quality and correct size downloads you will be able to acquire.

With the free sites, these advantages are a far possibility. You will encounter limits to the file sizes and file transfer capacities of these websites. As for the display feature, it can be tough finding clear picture displays from free websites. When searching for episodes on Doctor Who download, it always possible to find the best files, if you know where to look for the right sources.

The membership sites moreover provide ease of use and convenient accessibility to their clients. You will be assured of efficient downloading time and flexible payment schemes, whether on a monthly, annual, or lifetime basis.

It is best to remember that if you want to acquire video files of the finest quality and in the right length, choosing the most suitable sites is vital. Once you are able to download Doctor Who episodes from the internet, watching the show whether at home or on vacation is always feasible. - 16003

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Learn to copy DVDs from the DVD shrink guide

By Ethan Hunter

If you want to copy DVD in the best way, DVD shrink guide can be the most helpful thing for you. Before knowing how the DVD shrinks work, it is important to know what a DVD shrink is. A perfect understanding of the DVD shrinks requires one to go through some effective DVD shrink guide. These DVD shrink software programs allow the user to rip off unnecessary files, etc. to fit it to the usual disc size. Usually, this size is below or equal to 4.7GB. DVD shrink is actually a software program, able to create an ISO image of the ripped video or a DVD. Again, this ISO image makes you able to view burn or further process the original ripped source.

An effective DVD shrink guide should clearly state the ways in which it operates. For instance, it should explain the benefit of the DVD shrink which is its ability to reduce the size of the original DVD. The DVD shrink guide will further teach you how you can reduce this in two ways- either by erasing the content from the DVD or by decreasing the file size of the original content. The first option involves erasing the additional and unnecessary features. The second option involves saving the original content by reducing its original quality.

Contrary to the common notion, the DVD shrink guide is not very expensive. As a matter of fact, most of the DVD shrink software applications are free of cost. The DVD shrink guide will explain the true meaning of the word "shrink", signifying its basic capacities of removing or decreasing the content and quality of the original DVDs. Shrinking the size is important since you have to reduce the file size to fit it in a 4.7GB DVD, which is recordable. In addition, you will come to know about certain other wonder features of the DVD shrink when you follow the DVD shrink guide.

Without the DVD shrink guide, you will find it difficult to shrink the content of the original DVD. Generally, the original contents of DVD consume a lot of space. DVD shrink software program enables you to overcome this difficulty by shrinking data from the original DVD and making it a recordable DVD.

Another very important advantage of using the DVD shrink guide is to be able to decide your objective of copying the DVDs. Whether your objective is for personal or commercial use, you need flawless copies of the original DVDs. That is where the DVD shrink guide is of great utility. You need to go through an effective DVD shrink guide to know in detail about how the DVD shrinks work.

Just make sure you have a high quality DVD in order to extract best function of the DVD shrinks. In addition, the DVD shrink guide will also inform you about the legal implications of copying DVD to help you avoid the legal hassles in the process of shrinking DVD. - 16003

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Hawaiian Massage Chair Provides Back Pain Relief

By Steve Esquire

Maybe you get pain or aches in the back. Do you just live with it or have you tried to seek treatment? Many times treatments for back pain will include massage therapy. Massage therapy eases aches and pains, increases blood flow and helps the healing process. One massage technique, the Hawaiian massage is good for back pain relief. The Hawaiian massage therapy uses swaying motions with deeper tissue penetration and some stretching.

Hawaiian Lomi massage means "Loving Hands" to represent working gently, yet deeply to relieve those problem areas. The Lomi Lomi massage is a holistic massage used throughout the entire body, but it is particularly effective up and down the spine. The Lomi Lomi massage originated with the ancient Polynesians and then was further developed by the master healers of Hawaii.

The shamans of the ancient Polynesions viewed the body as having an energy. They theorized that energy flowed through the body. According to their system, they say problems in the body as where the energy was blocked. They began to develop a cause and effect logic for human healing. They began to correlate certain techniques with a given set of effects. They were able to deduce where energy was blocked and then how to manipulate it to flow once again.

The Lomi Lomi massage uses gentle swaying motions, just like the wave lapping up on the beach. These gentle swaying motions loosen tight muscles. They also help to stretch and elongate the muscles. This restores elasticity back to the muscles. Hawaiian style therapy makes use of deep tissue techniques to penetrate deeply. Gentle pressure is initiated in the beginning and gradually more firm pressure is used. These helps to provde deep relief to aching muscles.

The premier massage chair brands like Panasonic and Omega have Hawaiian massage therapies. Panasonic has a full Hawaiian massage program in some of their recliners. Omega has Hawaiian massage therapy with gentle swaying motions. The gentle swaying motions help to loosen the muscles around the shoulder and neck. This releases stiffness and built up stress. The gentle swaying motion is effective for loosening the compression on the lower back. These flowing strokes of this massage help to lessen the pressure on the discs elongate the muscles and release built up tensions.

Massage chairs have come a long way over the years. The technology that is integrated into these mechanical masseuses is nothing short of impressive. Most massage chairs have the capability to perform an array of massage therapies. Hawaiian massage has certain advantages for relieving stress, tension and aches in the back, neck and shoulders. Let the "Loving Hands" of these robotic masseuses show their fondness for relieving your aches and pains. - 16003

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Blog Website Leads Hits Web Traffic SEo Secrets Revealed Online

By Unique Article Wizard Gets Internet Traffic

Welcome to my Blog Online Home Business Opportunity Promoter on the web. One thing for sure, I needed traffic. Traffic that finds eager customers, sends them straight to my site, and explodes my revenue almost overnight. Click Here to visit Unique Article Wizard Website.

I discovered the Incredible Unique Wizard recently. It is a optional way to sell a product, promote affiliate programs, or display Adsense or other advertising. You won't believe how easy it is to get your Spanish or English Online Home Business Opportunity blog website to the first page on Google. It works for any type of online business.

All you have to do is write an article about your Spanish or English Online Home Business Opportunity blog site, submit it and repeat. How easy is that? Also, I might mention that there are links, correctly formatted links, that point back to your website. Hundreds of links! Hundreds of links become thousands and tens of thousands over time. Will the search engines love you? You better believe it!

If this is going to be a long term marketing strategy, you need an inexpensive service to promote Online Blog Home Business Opportunity online. I have found it with Unique Article Wizard. Can you tell me any better strategy that can produce these kind of results?

You want your Online Home Business Opportunity articles on as many websites as you can. Unique Article Wizard currently submits to well over 3,000 directories, blogs and websites, with many more being added all the time.

Discover the secret source of targeted website traffic that will drive them straight to your Online Home Business Opportunity Blog website. Your profits might multiply almost overnight. Watch your Spanish or English Online Home Business Opportunity MLM downline explode!

I love Unique Article Wizard and the results I get promoting many blog web sites. Unique Article Wizard also has a very nice affilliate program so you can earn more revenue in addition to promoting your websites. Don't you want the same results? How would you like to rocket your MLM Spanish or English Online Home Business Opportunity blog business to the stars? I am glad I did and I know you will too. Click Here to get the Wizard. - 16003

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MOR Vacations LLC Explained?

By Mike Pereira

This may be the first time some of you are finding out what the MOR Vacations home business opportunity is. M.O.R. Vacations, also known as Members Only Resort Vacations, markets for for a 23 year old luxury lifestyle vacation membership club. MOR Vacations has exclusive rights to sell the MOR Vacations memberships via internet referral marketing for a greatly reduced price compared to what people would normally sell them for. These vacation memberships have been sold at hotel presentations via invitation only at prices close to $10,000. Utilizing the power of internet marketing MOR Vacations drastically reduces their marketing overhead and MOR Vacations is able to keep costs low by harnessing the power of the internet and referral marketing, all these savings are being passed right to the consumer.

MOR Vacations will be offering high quality in-depth web media presentations to support their affiliates and to assist them in making sales. These presentations can be viewed by consumers anywhere and anytime and will be available to anyone. Their are also daily live conference calls and recorded calls that are hosted by MOR Vacations in support of its affiliates. These calls allow consumers to dial in and learn more abpout the product and what is being offered. This level of support is exactly what has been missing at other vacation companies and it is exactly what is allowing many MOR vacations affiliates such as myself to earn a lucrative income for the the comfort of our home.

"How much will I make" is usually one of the first and most important questions people will tend to ask when looking into a home based business. There are some people that will tell you you will earn 5 digits in a month without any work. But realistically speaking no one will make money with out doing some sort of work. Now it is true that some people earn 5 digit incomes with MOR Vacations in a month, even a week in some cases, I do not think anyone should join the business expecting to make those kinds of results when just starting out unless they are already seasoned professionals. MOR vacations is a real business, with a real product and should be approached as such, it will take some time to build your business, but it is still much faster than a traditional business.

One other important item people will need to know before beginning their home bsed business is how much will it cost them. In any business venture there are be start-up costs. If you compare the costs to what it will cost to start a franchise, it is a small dollar amount. But to some folks it can still seem like a lot of money. It's really quite simple with MOR Vacations, First you purchase a Diamond Vacation Membership for $4,998 or less, then you simply refer people to purchase the MOR Vacations membership packages and you begin receiving your commissions of anywhere between $1000 and $2000. You will also need to consider your necessary advertising budget to cover your advertisements during your first 30 to 60 days when first getting started with MOR Vacations as your grow your pipeline; I recommend a minimum of $1500. You will also need to take into consideration your tools, such as your website, auto responder etc - I would set aside at least $50 a month for that. If you join with a top sponsor like myself on a top team such as MOR Team Diamond you will have the ability of getting lots of these thing setup for you with a not much effort as well as our unmatched training and support.

Something you will want to understand with MOR Vacations is that the vacation membership is is lifetime, it will always be yours, even if your business does not go as planned you will still be a part of the #1 Vacation Membership Club and you will always have deeply discounted vacations for the rest of your life. The travel service company that honors the vacation membership has been around since 1985 and they are very well established, they are not going anywhere. The most popular feature that the vacation membership offers are the hotweeks, you can stay at a 3, 4 or 5 bedroom for as little as $149 for an entire week, and this not person or per night. MOR Vacations also offers a registry of over 5400 reports. You can use your membership as often or as little as you would like. And this is by no means like a timeshare where you are limited to one week, you could actually vacation 52 weeks out of the year if you had the means And did I mention no annual fees; special assessments etc that you receive by owning a timeshare. All that you do with MOR Vacations is pay a one time fee to become a member and that's it, never again will you be asked for any money for the membership. Also you will receive discounts on airline tickets, cruises etc. No doubt about it, this is a far superior product compared to timeshares. If you are a world traveler or simply have a large family , you need a MOR Vacations membership. So you may be wondering how MOR Vacations can provide these discounted vacations. They accomplish this by buying large blocks of rooms, which are then reserved for their members. And because they buy at such large volumes they are able to get these rooms for prices you and I could never get them for. And typically the resorts are timeshare homes, condominium units etc which will have kitchens and living rooms adding to your comfort while on vacation as opposed to just staying at a hotel room. - 16003

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Burn the Baby Fat - Curbing the Diets

By Teresa Brown

Food is energy and we need it to fuel our bodies. Of course, a busy mom who needs to lose the pregnancy weight has no time for the gym or the boot camp and reaches for the fast and easy way out to burn the baby fat - by going on a fad diet. Diets, however convenient, focus on results that are short lived and are far removed from the emotional, psychological, behavioral, cultural and societal factors that affect weight.

Variety is the spice of life and the same applies to our diets. A balanced diet is a must for healthy weight loss and management. However, when you are running a busy household, meals of convenience have a tendency to supersede healthy meals. This makes burning the baby fat a challenging task especially when you feel like you don't have the time or help to do so. This is what makes fad diets so attractive for moms to lose the baby weight but at the high price of physical and mental let down.

No Food Diet

You have to eat to live. Starving yourself is going against the natural activity of eating that is required for your body's sustenance. Not only will you deprive your body from the nutrients necessary for its normal bodily functions, you will be slowing your metabolism and your body's ability to burn the baby fat.

Severely reducing your caloric intake to burn the baby fat will "gear" down your metabolism into "starvation" mode and instead of burning the baby fat quickly, your body will hold on to your body fat by burning it slowly. As soon as you return to eating a regular diet, your body will still be working to save energy resulting in you gaining back more pounds than you started with. Burning the baby fat requires that you do the opposite of starving yourself which is eating a balanced diet in which you eat more often but fewer calories.

Celebrity Diets

Hollywood diets have been around for a while and they seem to be here to stay. Part of their "staying" power is the Starlets that use them to maintain the "fabulous" Hollywood look. Wanting to look like a Celebrity mom can lead to moms dieting like them to burn the baby fat. These diets usually claim to have a special ingredient that will make you lose the pregnancy weight fast but you'll only gain it back as quickly as you lost it.

Sacrificing being thin over being healthy for a few weeks or months may be accepted in Hollywood but it doesn't work in the real world. Hollywood diets are unhealthy quick-fix solutions to weight loss because we all know that limiting your food to some supposedly magic ingredient is never a good idea.

Nature's Diet

As tempting a starvation or fad diet may seem to solve your battle to burn the baby fat, it will be weight re-gained and time poorly spent. Why not use your precious time and pour your energy into taking steps to learn the tools that foster healthy living? Living a healthy lifestyle involves taking care of your mind, body and spirit. True weight management is an on-going activity. Gradually losing pregnancy weight through eating right and exercising regularly will increase your success rate at long term weight loss. Dump the diets. Eat healthy and live healthy. - 16003

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