Saturday, December 13, 2008

Create Your Own Dating Service

By Jason King

With online dating becoming more in demand all the time more profiteers are now looking to cash in on this growing trend with their own dating web site. It's not hard to create a dating service if you do it the right way. There's no reason why you can't create a nice second income from your own dating web site.

Thousands of home workers create their own dating services every month without doing their homework first. They create a dating web site that has zero members, and no visitors, and sit back and wait for the money to start filling up their bank account. For this reason over 98% of dating services never make any cash, and are closed down after the web site name needs to be renewed.

The most crucial detail of making a success of a dating service is your membership numbers. Without any singles you're not going to get any new paying singles that are going to give you your profit.

Fake personal ads are what a lot of dating service owners try next in order to get their members. This ploy lasts a very short amount of time as fake personal ads don't reply to messages so in the end the service gets a bad name, and then no one wants to join.

The best approach to starting off successfully is to find a dating service that already has a good database of members. Then you create a service that shares the members with that dating service so all the singles belonging to all the different web sites can communicate with each other.

You can usually have a web site fully set up for you within 48 hours so you can start attracting new members to your service that is already part of a database of singles.

After you have set up your web site all you need to do is start promoting it on the internet. This can be made easy with article submission services and directory submission services.

When you work sensibly you won't need to put more than a couple of hours a day into your new home business. If you feel the need to put more time into your site you can, and then you'll be doing more than the next web site owner so your service will get their traffic.

These two good ways of promotion create back links to your new dating service that search engines love so you'll start getting visitors to your site. Another reason most people fail with their new dating service is they just create it and assume that visitors will come along automatically which is one thing that never happens.

When you start a web site in the online dating niche you'll be up against hundreds of other webmasters. The more you do to promote your new site the more visitors your service will get than theirs.

To win the wars of internet matchmaking all you need is a big database of singles, and constant promotion of your service. When you get these two crucial things right you'll start receiving your money - 16003

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