I have read recently that a registry cleaner was an unneeded and in fact, useless tool for computer repair and maintenance. As far as I am concerned, nothing could be farther from the truth. It is my position no PC owner should be without one.
In this article, I will argue in favor of registry cleaners and show how I use them to overcome registry corruption. This registry corruption will slow a computer's operating capabilities and possible make a PC not only very slow and error prone, but sometimes inoperable.
Yes, Registry Corruption is Real
The reason I know cleaning the registry is a needed process for keeping a computer running at full speed and error free is because I've seen it in action. Registry cleaners have helped me and my customers literally thousands of times in getting a PC out of its sick bed and back on its feet performing better than it has, sometimes for months. In other words, I know first hand what a registry cleaner will do for a computer. I have the thank you letters from satisfied customers to prove it!
I seen more cases than I can count where a computer started to crash frequently or become very slow and when this happened it was caused by corruption in the registry. When this happens, there is no other viable plan of action other than to uses a registry cleaner so this computer will once again operate normally.
Registry Cleaners Are Necessary Today
It wasn't long ago registry corruption went on behind the scene and was hardly noticed. Enter Windows XP and Vista. These operating systems are much larger than their predecessors and because of this, corruption disrupts their operations and in turn causes them to be more difficult to keep running at top speed.
As corruption builds up in the registry the computer's speed will suffer, errors will become frequent and the blue screen of death often will occur. Being a computer technician myself, many customers have brought me their computers because they had slowed to the point they could not be used.
Why Not Clean the Registry
I don't know what these people who think registry cleaners are useless do when their computers slow down and spyware or viruses are not the problem. In my experience, when this situation occurs, it is always registry corruption causing the problem. I personally, don't know how I'd get along without a registry cleaner.
So when a computer is not performing properly and it is shown to be free of viruses and spyware, the next thing you should do is scan the registry. Many time I have seen it be the case where a computer is operating very poorly and there are no incidents of spyware of viruses and turns out the registry is full of corruption.
From my experience, I know once you clean a corrupt registry with a good registry cleaner, the computer starts to perform better than it has in a while. I have had many happy customers remark after their computer's registry was cleaned, that they hadn't seen their computer perform so well in a long time. - 16003
In this article, I will argue in favor of registry cleaners and show how I use them to overcome registry corruption. This registry corruption will slow a computer's operating capabilities and possible make a PC not only very slow and error prone, but sometimes inoperable.
Yes, Registry Corruption is Real
The reason I know cleaning the registry is a needed process for keeping a computer running at full speed and error free is because I've seen it in action. Registry cleaners have helped me and my customers literally thousands of times in getting a PC out of its sick bed and back on its feet performing better than it has, sometimes for months. In other words, I know first hand what a registry cleaner will do for a computer. I have the thank you letters from satisfied customers to prove it!
I seen more cases than I can count where a computer started to crash frequently or become very slow and when this happened it was caused by corruption in the registry. When this happens, there is no other viable plan of action other than to uses a registry cleaner so this computer will once again operate normally.
Registry Cleaners Are Necessary Today
It wasn't long ago registry corruption went on behind the scene and was hardly noticed. Enter Windows XP and Vista. These operating systems are much larger than their predecessors and because of this, corruption disrupts their operations and in turn causes them to be more difficult to keep running at top speed.
As corruption builds up in the registry the computer's speed will suffer, errors will become frequent and the blue screen of death often will occur. Being a computer technician myself, many customers have brought me their computers because they had slowed to the point they could not be used.
Why Not Clean the Registry
I don't know what these people who think registry cleaners are useless do when their computers slow down and spyware or viruses are not the problem. In my experience, when this situation occurs, it is always registry corruption causing the problem. I personally, don't know how I'd get along without a registry cleaner.
So when a computer is not performing properly and it is shown to be free of viruses and spyware, the next thing you should do is scan the registry. Many time I have seen it be the case where a computer is operating very poorly and there are no incidents of spyware of viruses and turns out the registry is full of corruption.
From my experience, I know once you clean a corrupt registry with a good registry cleaner, the computer starts to perform better than it has in a while. I have had many happy customers remark after their computer's registry was cleaned, that they hadn't seen their computer perform so well in a long time. - 16003
About the Author:
You've learned a lot about registry cleaners and that it certainly is a good thing to know if you have corruption forming in your computer's registry. Now see how all the best registry cleaners compare to one another at Hiel Strassman's: Registry Fix Reviews. Also, get more inside information on registry cleaners at: Registry Cleaner.