Merry Christmas and happy first Christmas with a baby or toddler! Children add their own magic to the already intoxicating feelings of the holiday season. As new parents you are trying to create your own family traditions and spoil your toddler just a little bit.
Yet you are not the only persons concerned with your child's Christmas celebrations. Aunts, uncles, friends, cousins and especially Grandparents will all feel a special desire to be close to your baby at this time of the year. Each person will likely have their own ideas of how the children should be incorporated into the celebration and will want to give your baby holiday blessings and toys!
Holiday and Flu season
Perhaps it is not the first thing that comes to mind when celebrating Christmas with your baby and extended family, but flu season does need to be accounted for. To this end before carting your child to endless dinners and parties it is a good idea to plan a flu avoidance strategy.
Call the host and ask about the health of their family. This is a very understandable question and will not offend. When taking your baby to parties have a supply of hand sanitizer at the ready so that would be admirers don't have to be sent to the bathroom to wash their hands. Wearing your baby in a sling will reduce the requests to hold your child. This keeps baby close and keeps exposure to germs to a minimum.
Holiday Shopping with baby
The crowds, lines and stiff competition involved in holiday shopping is enough to daunt even the most stout hearted, but is especially tricky with your new precious cargo in tow. To this end a little preparation goes a long way. Feed your baby immediately before leaving the house, or even in the car in the parking lot. This reduces the need to feed in public, and may even put your child into a milk coma, meaning she will sleep blissfully for the duration of the shopping trip.
The diaper bag is an invaluable tool. Stock the diaper bag with several diapers, wipes, a bottle, two or three burp clothes, an extra binky, an extra blanket and an extra outfit for the baby as well as a shirt for you. Many a mom has learned the hard way that any of these items might become necessary during an outing.
Remember babies draw a crowd; even strangers will want a peep. Be gracious, but firm. This is your child and you don't have to allow any stranger to look at or touch or kiss your baby. Keep the hand sanitizer at the ready. Put your baby in a sling that hides his or her face or in a stroller with the shades drawn. This sends the signal that baby is not to be disturbed without you having to play the bad guy. - 16003
Yet you are not the only persons concerned with your child's Christmas celebrations. Aunts, uncles, friends, cousins and especially Grandparents will all feel a special desire to be close to your baby at this time of the year. Each person will likely have their own ideas of how the children should be incorporated into the celebration and will want to give your baby holiday blessings and toys!
Holiday and Flu season
Perhaps it is not the first thing that comes to mind when celebrating Christmas with your baby and extended family, but flu season does need to be accounted for. To this end before carting your child to endless dinners and parties it is a good idea to plan a flu avoidance strategy.
Call the host and ask about the health of their family. This is a very understandable question and will not offend. When taking your baby to parties have a supply of hand sanitizer at the ready so that would be admirers don't have to be sent to the bathroom to wash their hands. Wearing your baby in a sling will reduce the requests to hold your child. This keeps baby close and keeps exposure to germs to a minimum.
Holiday Shopping with baby
The crowds, lines and stiff competition involved in holiday shopping is enough to daunt even the most stout hearted, but is especially tricky with your new precious cargo in tow. To this end a little preparation goes a long way. Feed your baby immediately before leaving the house, or even in the car in the parking lot. This reduces the need to feed in public, and may even put your child into a milk coma, meaning she will sleep blissfully for the duration of the shopping trip.
The diaper bag is an invaluable tool. Stock the diaper bag with several diapers, wipes, a bottle, two or three burp clothes, an extra binky, an extra blanket and an extra outfit for the baby as well as a shirt for you. Many a mom has learned the hard way that any of these items might become necessary during an outing.
Remember babies draw a crowd; even strangers will want a peep. Be gracious, but firm. This is your child and you don't have to allow any stranger to look at or touch or kiss your baby. Keep the hand sanitizer at the ready. Put your baby in a sling that hides his or her face or in a stroller with the shades drawn. This sends the signal that baby is not to be disturbed without you having to play the bad guy. - 16003
About the Author:
Edie Mindell is the writer for Parents, grandparents and other "Santa's" will love the large selections of baby gifts twins will love, ready for any holiday or baby shower. More tips for baby shower gift buying here.